
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

Lucky call

I kept looking at the clothes spread on my bed as I think of what to wear. Just then I heard my phone ring, it was Caden

"Hey" I answered

"Found anyone?" He asked

"No, not yet"

"Well, Joshua said he's cool with it"

"Hell no! Are you kidding me! Those two dated! Haven't you heard of 'girl code'! He's literally the last person I would think of going with"

"Yeah that's right, what about Ethan? You already look like the perfect couple"

"Ew!" I crunched up my nose at the thought

I heard him chuckle from the other line before saying "Well then think of someone fast, okay?"

"Yeah okay, bye" I say hanging up

Caden made a few calls and managed to get us reservations for Saturday evening. One of his super hot brothers if I may add has a few connections, pulled some strings and well, here we are. He called Vee and told her about the change of plans.

Now back to what to wear

I can't call Aby on this, hell I don't even want her to know about the date. Aby has, or had a crush on Caden freshman year, she told me she was over him long ago but then...you can't be too sure! I mean what if she still likes him.

No one came up to me, I barely say one nice thing to these people, so I don't see any reason for them to sacrifice their Saturdays for a person that gives glares as greetings.

Just then I heard my phone vibrates with a notification, I look to see a message from an unknown number

Unknown: Hey?

Me: Now who tf is this and give me one reason why I shouldn't block your ass rn!?

Unknown: Relax!

It's Aiden

Me: Ohh

What do you want?

Unknown: Just wanted your address, yk since we're meeting there tomorrow and all

Me: Nahh!  don't worry, I'll just send you my location tomorrow

Unknown: K! Thanks.

I threw my phone back on my bed, and that's when it hit me- Aiden is the kind of guy that does whatever people ask him to do...honestly he's got a good heart that makes him a people's pleaser, so I picked up my him and texted him.

Me: Hey, you free this evening?

Aiden: Yeah... I think

Lemme check my schedule


Aiden: Yeah why?

Me: A double date!

You, me, Vee and Caden

What'd you say?

Aiden: Sounds fun, I'm down!

What time ?

Me: 7:30


So back to my outfit...

Well to say the least- I've got nothing. I mean since we are going to some fancy place, a dress is more suitable,but hello! I hate dresses and prefer to go with my casual outfits (i.e my usual street wears) which will definitely be under dressing.

And sadly the options are, either:

1. A white cropped turtle neck with blue washed-up baggy jeans and a knee length button up shirt (fully unbuttoned) or a denim jacket

2. A sleeveless sea green full length gown with a slit reaching up my thigh and a pair of grey stilettos (probably the most suitable, but it's too much)

3. A black long sleeve body con dress that reaches mid thigh, my back in full display matched with knee length high heels boots

4. A black baggy jeans with varsity jacket and black tee beneath it (that would straight up be underdressing)

5. Or literally anything from the abandoned side of my closet.

I heard my phone ding and picked it up to see yet another text from Aiden. He's pretty annoying that's for sure, I mean doesn't he know when to stop? Apparently not

Aiden: So about the date....

Me: Yeah, what about it!?

Aiden: Is it a date date or...?

Me: Don't get too ahead of yourself Aiden!

Just friends!

Aiden: Rightttttt;)

Me: I'm serious!

But when we get there...we are the reason for the date! Got that?

Aiden: I think so

I'll call you by 7, yeah?

Me: Sure!

It's a stakehouse btw so dress fancy!

Aiden: Yessirr

Well now that, that's settled, kinda ...back to what to wear. Still gat nothing, giving up isn't sounding so bad after all. And before I could drop my phone, it vibrated with another text, I let out a sigh as I was already beyond tired with this.

Caden: I found someone

And I know you might say no...

Me: Well I do have taste... but no worries I've already found someone

Caden: Who?

Me: Aiden!

Caden: Niceeee!

See you at 7

I dropped my phone and plumped down on my bed, and before I knew it...I was slowly drifting off