
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

Real cool, daddy




I immediately rose up, startled by my phone's vibrating, beneath my face. I picked up my phone to see Aiden calling me, already left three miss calls *sighs

I'm beginning to rethink this whole thing

I stared at the screen for a while before I blew out a breath and finally tapped on accept

"Now what the hell do you want, Aiden?" I snapped at him immediately, already wanting to get things over with

"Woah, woah! Relax"

"Don't tell me to relax Aiden! Fucking speak up or I make sure you don't ever get to use that fucking mouth of yours" I threatened, beginning to boil with rage

"You know, you shouldn't curse that much, I mean you look so harmless and cute that you shouldn't be saying-"

"Fuck you Aiden! What the hell do you want!" I cut him off

Honestly if not for the last minute favor, his number would have been long blocked. Cause the amount of anger arising in me right now can melt marshmallows

Okay that was weak, but point made

"Okay, sorry! But I need details on what we're doing" he finally said in a serious tone

I blew out a breath and started

"Caden wants to take Vee on a date-date, but then she friend zoned him. he kept on insisting, more like blackmailed me to get it for him, and since she doesn't want him I thought she wouldn't mind a 'friends' date or more like 'me having a date that I'm nervous about so I needed company' just to get her there and my blackmail over with" I let out in one breath

"That's quite the ramble" I heard him snicker on the other line, and that made me boil even more

"Fuck you!" I said and ended the call immediately

I looked around and saw the ugly mess that was my bedroom, not that it's always neat and tidy...quite the opposite really. I let out a sigh and check the time on my phone, it was already 4:52pm.

It then hit me like a rock. I dozed off for almost 2hours, and I'm still tired as fuck.

I went downstairs to grab something to eat, I don't think I've eaten anything since breakfast and believe me when I say my stomach is literally eating it self up, or maybe I'm just overreacting since I ate pancakes for breakfast. And duhh pancakes are pretty fulfilling especially when you had 13 pieces

Don't look at me like that! Chocolate chip pancakes are my favorite

"Someone's been busy on a Saturday doing their homework" my dad said proudly as I reached the kitchen

I looked around to see if there was anyone behind me that he was referring to

Nope! No one, oh wait..

"Ohhh...yeahhh...superrrrr busy" I said stretching every word, trying to sound convincing

"That's a good girl. Cause normally you spend your weekends bingeing Netflix and destroying the couch. And also the kitchen, in all the process of making popcorn that even a monkey can, yet yours always end up in the color black, and that's not even close to your top list of kitchen fail, remember when you made waffles using-"

"Okay! yeah! I get it dad!" I cut him off before I hear about one of my biggest kitchen fails for the hundredth time

"Anything for lunch?" I asked as my eyes scanned the kitchen for any sign of food

"There's mac-n-cheese in the fridge you can warm up if you want" my dad replied, pointing the sandwich he was eating at the fridge

"Ew! No thank you" I say as I crunched up my nose in disgust

I hate Mac n Cheese okay, drop your guns, please

"wonder where we got you from" my dad said, shaking his head with an amused look on his face

Mac n cheese is basically the family food, by that I mean 'extended' family food. Literally everyone loves it, not me tho! I repeat 'Ew!'

"How bout Chinese?" I asked with the best puppy eyes I can muster, I'm weirdly craving noodle or whatever they store in that food box

"Spend money on Chinese food!?" He asked wide eyed, like I just asked him to buy me a $26.89 killer dress

Hits déja-vu

"Yes?" I said with pleading eyes

"Not in this house kiddo" he said and laughed

"Rude much" I mumbled

"McDonald's, maybe...but Chinese, it's a no-go" he state as he was leaving the kitchen

As he said McDonald's I remembered what was gonna happen later this evening, how could I even forget? no idea

Food! Ohh yeahh

Thesame evening that I'm yet to ask my parents, this evening that can be shut down in a few seconds, since I'm about asking one of the strictest parents, Or more so I think.

My parents always play good-cop-bad-cop, my dad always makes Ma be the bad cop cause he wants to appear as the chill and cool parent. So the best time to ask for something is when he is all alone, he can't say 'no'

"Uhh...I need to ask you something" I said as I jogged to my dad

"Better not be food related" he said. Giving me a playful glare

"Wellll...." I trailed

I mean, it is about food! Isn't it?

"What did I just said? No spending money on Chinese food in this territory!" He pointed the remote he was holding to my face


"Actually, scratch that! No spending money on food anywhere else, in this territory" he cut me off

That was not what my objection was even gonna be for

"Real cool, Daddy" I say with obvious sarcasm

But it's almost like he didn't get that, cause he nodded a bit and felt proud of what he just blurted out. We were in the living room, with him flickering through channels to get to the one showing a live soccer game.

"So...I was thinking.." I started

"It's never good when you think, Jiji"

My mouth dropped open the moment the words left his mouth.

"Wha- how...that's not— I mean...but—" I was lost for words, while he just turned to look at me, waiting for me to say what I wanted to say

I let out a sigh

"I was THINKING maybe if it was okay with you if I go out with a couple of friends?"

"Hmm" he hummed, that's his 'Let me think about it' hm

"Wellll...?" I trailed off, hoping he'll say yes

"Well... since you're probably done with your homework.."

Oh No!

I nodded my head vigorously, a little too soon it actually looks suspicious.

"I hope this 'couple of friends' doesn't mean you and a boy!?" He did an air quotes and had a stern look on his face

"Oh no no!" I said shaking my hands saying 'no'

"You can even track me down, it's just Stakehouse downtown, and I'll be home before you know it" I continued

He let out a sigh before he said

"Okay, you can go. But I'm keeping taps on your gps, so don't even get any funny ideas"

"Thank you! thank you!" I squealed and went to hug him

"Just make sure you're back by 7"

And there is the party pooper

"Dudeeeeeee" I started, he glared at me

"But daddy! We're leaving at 7" I said pouting

"Don't make me change my mind" he said smirking

"But daddyyyyyy" I whined

"Okay okay! 8pm sharp!"

"Love you daddy" I say, giving him another hug

"Love you too, Jiji"

"Oh! And I need $50" I sheepishly smiled


Thank you so much for taking time and reading my book! Really appreciate

So I want y’all to decide what Jia should wear for her date! I’ll can’t wait to hear what your ideas would be, in the comment section

Thank youuuu

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