
it's about power (by iman)

this fanfic ,I will explain many power and how it's work I always read fanfic but every author was to stupid to develop their own mc power and it's make see like that mc was Nerf just you guess my chapter was small because I only explain how power work not a story. maybe I will point some fanfic about their power or you can suggest fanfic to me then I read ,after that I will see own to develop their own power as you see I didn't care about hater comments but suggestions or questions I still reply back

Vitrialia_Amermes · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

silver superman

should I say many people didn't know him or you all know already ?? I mean I didn't see any silver superman here ...so why not I tell about him and why he is here

to tell you , this superman also enter category overpowered ....so overpowered with make me think his enemy is dumb to mess with him

silver superman in matter fact have many power or to be exact his evolve and adapt to everything ....making him have so much ability ....just imagine is there anyone who can beat him ??

Someone with time power ..try it ...in blink of eyes you will see he already immune to it and even have power to control time ... zeno eraser power ?? really he can just jump to another universe

his power literally make other being who fight him will think twice before act ....

not surprising other author didn't write about him...I mean literally op from the start right hahaha

just imagine superman who can sneeze destroy entire galaxy ...flight beyond speed of light , literally even have telekinesis that scaling around multi galaxy ...can literally time travel because of his speed

immune to kryptonite ...I mean damn he can just eat that emerald stone like candy ... weakness ...he have weakness?? ...maybe time for his to grow

I mean yeah one above all can just appear beside his mom than kill him before he born right hahahah ...that the only way I think other can kill him ...but after he born ?? can't even think how to kill him

some will say ... people with soul ability can hurt him or maybe magic ....but bruh silver superman can absorb all energy including all that

in matter fact I literally want to see his fanfic ...it must look good to see Goku and saitama try hurt fighting him right

so this is third superman in dc super universe who can crush opponent .....the mighty silver superman !!!!

inform you all ....

above him is golden superman and thinking superman