
it's about power (by iman)

this fanfic ,I will explain many power and how it's work I always read fanfic but every author was to stupid to develop their own mc power and it's make see like that mc was Nerf just you guess my chapter was small because I only explain how power work not a story. maybe I will point some fanfic about their power or you can suggest fanfic to me then I read ,after that I will see own to develop their own power as you see I didn't care about hater comments but suggestions or questions I still reply back

Vitrialia_Amermes · Anime und Comics
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Reality control

and here we go with unrealistic superpowers 😐 thought someone force me to add so I just do that

Reality Warping


Manipulate reality.

The power to manipulate reality. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence. Opposite of Unreality Manipulation.

Also Called

Actuality Manipulation

Elseworld Creation (Arrowverse)


Existential State Manipulation


Objective Reality Distortion

Objective Manipulation/Warping


Overwrite Reality

Alteration/Bending/Control/Distortion/Manipulation/Overwriting (SCP Foundation)

Reality Rewrite


Users can create, shape, and can manipulate reality such as overwriting, erasing and rewriting reality the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, just by thinking about it, while weaker users are limited to what's "real," stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like the metaphysical and logic.

The power actually works when the user controls the very existential state of anything depending on their proficiency, regardless of whether or not the entity in question is an object or subject, among so many or most others depending on their power scale. It can range from transmogrifying objects or subjects into something different, altering the laws of reality, logic, and physics, creating things out of thin air, to outright erasing it on the spot.

Any scientific or natural laws such as biology, causality, physics, or even time, – they no longer apply to the user. Yes, a Reality Warper can do anything they want. Anything.

The critical issue here is how far one can take this. A character with a mild form of this power may fly by negating the effect of gravity on themselves. A significant cause of this may be a hiccup and accidentally tear the space-time continuum. High-end Reality Warpers tend to be related to the setting itself, such as being one of the sentient cosmic laws. For the really high-end ones, see The Omnipotent.

Running into characters with such powers can be incredibly chancy. Arguing with the more powerful ones may well be futile, especially since they can literally reject your reality and substitute their own.

Application (General)

Absolute Will - In most cases, users require nothing but their will alone to alter/control reality.

Nigh-Omnipotence/Logic Manipulation High-level reality warpers can not only perform inconceivable acts beyond logic but can do almost anything they want.

Application (Details)


Ability Creation - Basic/medium users can create several abilities and powers for themselves or others by changing their reality.

Ability Mastering - Can master most of their abilities by just having experience.

Ability Nexus - Usually is the primary connection between superpowers since they depend entirely on existence.

Complete Arsenal - Usually, most powerful users can easily have all powers at their disposal.

Meta Ability Creation - Strong users can create any power for themselves or others by changing their reality.

Meta-Teaching - Can teach anything to anyone, including themselves, such as talents, skills, abilities, knowledge, etc.

Meta-Learning - Advanced users can learn absolutely anything they desire.

Alternate Reality Insertion - Some advanced users can insert an alternative reality inside their present one.

Chronological Creation - Can create anything and give it a past and a future.

Cosmic Creation - Advanced users can create vast cosmic creations, such as planets, stars, or even galaxies.

Creation Magic - Some users create anything through magic.

Dream Creation - Can create anything they desire through their dreams.

Empathic Creation - Can create things out of emotions or emotional energy.

Existence Assignment - Some users' reality is a declaration/mandate.

Imagination Manifestation - Can manifest and bring imaginations into reality.

Imaginative Technomagic - Can create technomagical device with just a thought regardless of its complexity.

Life Manipulation - Can manipulate the life of beings, such as people, animals, plants, monsters, and possibly supernatural beings.

Life Creation - Can create life out of nothing if powerful enough by simply making it a reality.

Reality Constructs - Can create constructs out of layers of reality or reality energies.

Reality Creation - Can create entire realities within the same reality.

Alternate Reality Creation - Can create completely new alternative realities at their choice.

Reality Defense - Can defend themselves using reality layers or reality energy.

Reality Inducement - Induce realness into things.

Reality Solidification - Can solidify reality energies into solid material.

Remote Materialization - Can create anything over vast distances without any limitations.

Personal Reality/Universe- Users can freely control their personal reality/Universe distinct from the objective external existence.

Vocal Creation - Can create anything through speech.


Biological Explosion - Can cause any biological life-forms to explode with just a thought.

Disintegration - Can reduce anything into dust and ashes.

Cosmic Destruction - Can cause destruction scalar to cosmic level if powerful enough, such as planetary, stellar, or even destruction of galaxies.

Game Over - Can tear apart the whole universe in an instant.

Concept Destruction - Can destroy any concept/aspect of reality.

Galaxy Destruction - Can destroy entire galaxies with ease.

Planetary System Destruction - Cam destroy entire solar systems with a thought.

Omnicide - Can kill all life in existence.

Destabilization - Can destabilize absolutely anything and/or everything throughout reality.

Energy Erasure - Can make energy unreal/not real.

Incineration - Can completely burn anything instantly.

Omnicombustion - Can set anything/everything they want ablaze.

Omnidirectional Disaster Waves - Can cause/unleash an overwhelmingly powerful wave of disasters/destruction upon a large area.

Omni-Negation - Can negate absolutely anything and everything.

Omnislayer - Can destroy/kill anyone/anything regardless of whatever they might be.

Ontopathogenesis - Can infect the whole of reality.

Perfect Storm - Can cause the perfect and the most destructive storm in existence.

Reality Attacks - Can attack with varying reality effects upon the target.

Reality Sundering - Can easily rip a sunder upon the fabric of reality.

Space-Time Destruction - Can destroy the local space-time fabric if powerful enough.

Total Event Collapse - Extreme influential users can cause the complete collapse of existence/reality, leading to absolute destruction of everything within it, even the concept itself.

Ultimate Erasure - Can erase absolutely everything and/or anything in reality with little effort.


Infinite Supply - Some users can have an infinite supply of everything they need by warping reality to do so.

Omni-Empowerment - Some users can gain an endless supply of strength, energy and power from an infinite number of sources.

Cosmic Entity Physiology - Some reality warpers have the physiology of everything and all of reality.

Omni-Augmentation - Powerful users can freely augment/empower everything, including themselves or anything else around them without any limitations and as often as they wish.

Omnifarious - Powerful users can transform/shapeshift into anything they want.

Reality Condition - Advanced users can make their conditioning so inconceivable that distinct themselves from the natural logic of reality.

Reality Defiance - Some users can interact with things, not inside a local reality, such as fiction, fantasy, dreams, etc., thus defying reality.

Reactive Adaptation - Can adapt to any reality scenario they face.


Biological Manipulation - Can easily manipulate/control their biological functions, possibly from other living beings as well.

Biomass Manipulation - Can manipulate the biological material of living beings.

Death Manipulation - Can control and determine causes of death, including inducing it right away onto anyone.

Health Manipulation - Can control and assess the state of health of anyone.

Regenerative Healing Factor - Can induce regenerative factors to accelerate in themselves or others.

Peak Human Condition/Supernatural - If they wanted to, they could turn their bodies into a more robust state/biology than anything.

Cosmological Force Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate forces that form up the cosmos.

Dimensional Manipulation - Can manipulate the dimensional spectrum and dimensions of a reality.

Death-Force Manipulation - Have control over the force of death.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate the forces that form up the material universe.

Life-Force Manipulation - Have control over the forces of life.

Resurrection - Can resurrect anyone if powerful enough.

Physics Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate physics and bend/break or surpass its laws without many problems.

Space-Time Manipulation - Can manipulate and control the space-time continuum freely as they want.

Elemental Manipulation - Can manipulate the elements of reality and natural elements inside a reality.

Cosmic Manipulation - Powerful users can easily manipulate the cosmic aspect of the universe.

Cosmic Awareness - Most users have complete awareness on a cosmic level.

Energy Manipulation - Can manipulate energy in varying levels as element of reality.

Matter Manipulation - Can manipulate matter in different levels as element of reality.

Physical Godhood - Powerful users can manipulate aspects of existence through scientific operations.

Knowledge Manipulation - Manipulate information/knowledge.

Meta Science - Powerful users can surpass and transcend all the rules of science.

Transcendent Science - Powerful users can command and utilize the absolute transcended form of science.

Scientific Force Manipulation - Can manipulate the forces of science.

Quantum Manipulation - Can manipulate the quantum aspect of reality and its phenomena.

Omni-Magic - Powerful users possess and can freely utilize any and forms of magic.

Arcanescience - Possess every knowledge and info on every form of magic, the occult, the supernatural world and everything else related to it.

Divine Magic - Can utilize the form of magic used by Gods.

Esoteric Force Manipulation - Can control and influence all aspects of esoteric forces.

Magical Force Manipulation - Can manipulate the forces of magic and mysticism.

Meta Magic - Powerful users can surpass and transcend all the rules of magic.

Technomagic - Powerful users can combine the two opposing forces of both Magic and technology to achieve impossible feats.

Transcendent Magic - Powerful users can command and utilize the absolute transcended form of magic.

Omni-Psionics - Powerful users have complete access to any form of psychic/psionic powers.

Extrasensory Perception - Can perceive beyond the material reality.

Mental Manipulation - Can easily manipulate the mental aspect of anyone.

Psychic Force Manipulation - Usually powerful enough to manipulate every variation of psychic powers.

Telekinetic Force Manipulation - Usually strong enough to manipulate the underlying force of Telekinesis.

Telepathic Force Manipulation - Usually sufficient solid to manipulate the underlying force of Telepathy.

Teleportation Force Manipulation - Usually control the forces behind teleportation abilities.

Superpower Manipulation - Can manipulate/control various superpowers easily.

Power Apex Inducement - Can unlock the true potential of someone on its full capability.

Power Augmentation - Can easily augment any power in the blink of desire.

Power Bestowal/Self-Bestowal - Can bestow powers to oneself or others.

Power Erasure - Can make others' powers unreal/rejecting the reality of power.

Power Evolution - Can induce evolution on one's superpowers or others.

Power Limitation Inducement - Can place various limitations on anyone.

Power Negation - Can negate any superpower effect against them.

Power Reflection - Can reflect any power used to its source.

Power Replication - Can replicate and reapply the same powers others have.

Probability Manipulation - Can alter the probability of things just like changing their thoughts.

Improbability Manipulation - Allows reality warpers to manipulate and create improbable and impossible things.

Spatial-Temporal Lock - Some users can reside outside of the space-time continuum.

Unique Manipulations:

Absolute Force Manipulation - Compelling users can control absolutely all available forces they want.

Omni-Manipulation - Manipulate all physical and metaphysical entities, anomalies, and qualities in & of reality

Answer Manipulation - Users are the answer to everything as they are the "remote," controlling what is real or not.

Art/Meta Art - Some users can manipulate Art, while powerful others make reality a work of art itself.

Beyondness Manipulation - Some users can control whatever is beyond their reality.

Boundary Manipulation - Uniquely powerful users can manipulate the boundary between reality and anything.

Causality Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate various fields of causality, while high-end users can manipulate almost or absolutely every causality there is.

Concept Manipulation - Manipulate concepts.

Continuity Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate the consistent operations of anything.

Detail Manipulation - Some users can manipulate almost or all details of something, including whatever description of such a thing.

Determinant Manipulation - Users can determine anything as their will is reality.

Distinction Manipulation - Can control distinction between things or people.

Primordial Force Manipulation - Some reality warpers can control the prime force that governs all forces and realities.

Event Manipulation - Reality warpers commonly have incredible control over events.

Existence Manipulation - Reality warpers by default are also existence warpers, thus having no real distinction between one another but levels of power and variety of feats.

Fact Manipulation - Some users can make their changes an underlying fact in reality.

Fiction Manipulation - Users can easily manipulate fictional materials within reality.

Fiction Travel - Some users can ignore the boundary of Reality and Fiction and travel between one another.

Ideal Manipulation - Manipulate reality based on one's idealization/ideals.

Inner Nature Manipulation - Can manipulate and change the underlying nature of beings.

Interbeing Manipulation - Can manipulate the interior self of people.

Link Manipulation - Some users can manipulate the link between anything, as well as create or destroy it.

Metaphysics Manipulation - Powerful users have control of metaphysical reality and its components/compounds.

Meta Power Manipulation - Powerful users have absolute control over any power there is.

Meta Probability Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate all kinds of probability.

Meta Space-Time Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate the very fabric of all space and time.

Meta Teleportation - Powerful users can go anywhere, anytime, and anyhow.

Absolute Access - Opening an entrance way to abosolutely everywhere/when without any restrictions.

Nexus Manipulation/Creation - Some influential users can be or create a point of connection between all other realities.

Omni-Element Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate every possible or impossible form of the elements.

Meta Matter Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate any form of matter, including impossible ones.

Meta Nature Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate any and all aspects of nature.

Omni-Energy Manipulation - Powerful users can manipulate any energy in reality.

Omni-Weather Manipulation - Powerful users can summon and control absolutely every form of weather.

Pataphysics Manipulation - Potent users can be so inconceivable to the point of having no literal limits and rule all realities below them.

Possibility Manipulation - Reality warpers are masters of valid possibilities.

Realistic Appearance Manipulation - Can determine what reality looks like and its details.

Reality Borders/Levels - Powerful users can control varying levels of reality, possibly until its ultimate state, as well control its borders and boundary.

Truth Manipulation - Powerful users makes whatever they want an absolute truth.

Universal Manipulation - Some users can manipulate an entire universe.

Universal Force Manipulation - And its universal force.

Multiversal Manipulation - Others can manipulate multiverse or several universes.

Multiversal Force Manipulation - And its multiversal forces.

Omniverse Manipulation - Mighty users can manipulate all verses inside their settings, no matter what it is.


Illusion Manipulation - Some users can achieve illusion manipulation by transforming reality into illusion and vice versa as they wish.

Paradox Manipulation - Extremely powerful reality warpers ignores all rules and logic to accomplish the feats.

Paradox Inducement - As a result, it can cause many paradoxes or go out of common sense.

Reality Alteration Negation - Powerful users can reject the alteration of reality by others on the act.

Reality Anchoring - Some users are unaffected by reality-altering abilities.

Reality Exchange - Some users can exchange anything with anything from other realities.

Reality Evasion - Some users can evade the rules and problems of reality.

Reality Perception - Usually, users can perceive the actual state of reality beyond illusions and other deceptive ability-sense of reality.

Reality Awareness - Usually, users are totally aware of reality in its true state.

Reality Rejection - Achieve supernatural feats by rejecting reality.

Reality Restoration - Experienced users can restore reality to its natural state unchanged.

Reality Separation - Others go out of the entire reality concept itself.

Reality Sundering - Some users can rip reality apart.


Reality Attacks

Reality Combat

Reality Searching

Reality Shifting


Bio-Reality Manipulation: Warp reality via naturally generated energy.

Biomech Interface: Warp reality via organites.

Blood Magic: Warp reality via blood offering

Cartoon Physics: Replace or apply absurd laws of the universe.

Chaos Magic: Manipulate reality via the mystical chaotic forces

Choicifery: Manipulate reality via choices.

Comic Narration: Control reality via comic books.

Conceptual Music: Control reality via songs.

Dual Warping: Warp reality rationally and irrationally.

Electromagnetic Warping: Alter reality by controlling electromagnetism on the subatomic/quantum level.

Fairytale Warping: Alter reality via the principles of storytelling.

Faithifery: Alter reality according to one's belief.

Gesturify: Affect the very fabric of reality simply by using different forms of gestures.

Mentifery: Power to turn thoughts and imagination into reality; the original and purest form of reality-warping.

Miming: Interact and change reality via miming.

Narration: Manipulate reality via writing.

Natural Warping: Change reality via tapping into natural energies.

Oneiric Reality Manipulation: Warp reality via dreams/nightmares.

Pathifery: Control reality based on instincts/emotions, rather than actual coherent thoughts or words.

Phenomenon Manipulation: Control, as well as create supernatural phenomenon/anomalies which defy the laws of physics.

Possibility Reconstruction: Control reality with existing possibilities.

Primordial Reality Manipulation: Control the original pre-reality.

Psycho Warping: Control reality by psychic/psionic means.

Quantum String Manipulation: Distort reality by manipulating quantum strings.

Reality Artistry: Control reality via art.

Reality Field Projection: Project an effect field that grants the user control over all reality in it.

Reality Level Manipulation: Control the various levels of reality.

Reality Magic: Control reality through magic.

Etherius Warping: Manipulate reality via extensive control over the fifth element, "Ether," which is present in all of existence.

Reality Playing: Transform games into reality.

Reality Randomization: Control reality in an unexpected way.

Reality Remote: Control reality through a remote.

Reality Weaponry: Manipulate reality with weapons.

Science Manipulation: Control reality by controlling the scientific law.

Spatial Warping: Control reality by controlling space.

Space-Time Manipulation: Warp the fabrics of reality

Subjective Reality: Turn fantasies into a reality by manipulating the boundary between them.

Temporal Warping: Control reality by controlling time.

True Illusion: Turn your illusions into reality.

Uncertainty Manipulation: Warp reality via paranormal and unfathomable feats, allowing creations of anomalies and among other things.

Virtual Warping: Control reality in computer-like fashion.

Data Warping: Control reality by Data, Information, and Knowledge.

Vocifery: Control reality with the power of one's voice.

Figurative Vocifery: Warp reality by speaking metaphorically.

Wish Granting: Control reality by granting wishes.

Xenopsychic Reality Warping: Control reality based on the thoughts and imagination of others.

Power Level

Basic-Level Users

Users of this stage cannot entirely break the laws of physics, but they can bend them, such as running on vertical walls. They are the weakest of reality warpers, severely limited, and are debatable to being called "Reality Warpers."

Advanced-Level Users

Users of this can mimic animated characters. Users of this power level can perform a seemingly impossible feat (e.g., producing a mallet out of thin air). Some may be able to impose their laws onto others.

Master-Level Users

Users of this power level are a potent force to be reckoned with. They can manipulate physics, allowing them to not only bend but even break the laws of physics. Being the general form of reality warper, 'Physics Manipulators' can invent their physical laws and impose them on the rest of the universe.

Ultimate-Level Users

Users of this power level are mighty beings. They can control the very rules of logic and reason to perform impossible and inconceivable feats. They are so powerful; they may appear to be nigh omnipotent.

Absolute/Limitless/Almighty-Level Users

These are the strongest among other reality warpers. Users in this category possess unfathomable, unlimited power beyond any reason, logic and understanding. These kind of reality warpers are generally the ultimate being or strongest being of their verse as they are so powerful, they can do anything no matter how impossible, since their reality overrides any other.


Alpha Reality - Potent users can manipulate the original reality, preceding all realities.

Foreign Reality Manipulation - Advanced users can manipulate realities totally foreign to their own, possibly achieving new realm of possibilities.

Jinx/Meta Jinx - Some users don't manipulate reality themselves, although their jinx is so bad that it breaks reality in disasters.

Luck/Meta Luck - Some users don't manipulate reality themselves, although their luck is so powerful that reality bends to their likings.

Logic Manipulation - Powerful users may control the very rules of logic and reason that define reality.

Magic - Users often use magic to bend and manipulate reality.

Nigh-Omnipotence - Powerful reality warpers can do practically anything they want.

Metapotence/Omnipotence - And the strongest of them (usually the creators) are capable of anything at all.

Objectivity Manipulation - Users can make their change objective and absolute in reality.

Omega Reality - Extremely powerful users can manipulate the endpoint of reality and thus end all realities when they want.

Real World Immunity - Usually, users are immune to specific real-world matters.

Reality Dreaming - To some powerful beings reality is nothing but their every sleep dream.

Reality Embodiment - Some users embody reality itself and thus have absolute control over it.

Reality Guardianship - The user becomes a protector of reality, thereby receiving abilities from it.

Reality Hacking - Users can hack reality as if they were hacking a game.

Reality Immunity - The user can be immune to anything in reality.

Reality Mind - The user imagines the whole reality.

Reality Mutation - The user can undergo mutation through a reality-based source.

Reality Power Link - The user is connected to the source of reality.

Rumor Manipulation - The user can create and manipulate rumors, making them true or false.

Unreality Manipulation - The user can manipulate unreality and everything that isn't real.

(😐I just write around 3660 word, didn't i ?)