
it's about power (by iman)

this fanfic ,I will explain many power and how it's work I always read fanfic but every author was to stupid to develop their own mc power and it's make see like that mc was Nerf just you guess my chapter was small because I only explain how power work not a story. maybe I will point some fanfic about their power or you can suggest fanfic to me then I read ,after that I will see own to develop their own power as you see I didn't care about hater comments but suggestions or questions I still reply back

Vitrialia_Amermes · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

perfect body


Absolute Body

Peak Human



The power to have limitless physical attributes/capabilities. Sub-power of Absolute Condition. Technique of Physical Manipulation. Final result of Physical Augmentation. Ultimate form of Enhanced Body.

Also Called

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Body/Physique

Absolute Physical Prowess

Physical Perfection


Users possess a supreme and perfect body. This power stems into two parts: absolute physical capabilities and perfect bodily aspects. The user can possess one or both of these aspects.

The user's of absolute physical capabilities, are on an infinite scale, with their strength they can lift the universe with their bare hands, with their speed they can travel anywhere instantly, with their durability they are essentially invincible. The users of perfect bodily aspects have their innate body infinitely enhanced, their bones, blood, organs and cells are perfect and infinite.


All Blood-Based Powers

All Bodily Functional Powers

All Bone-Based Abilities

All Breath-Based Powers

All Heart Powers

All Mimicry Powers

All Physical Attribute Enhancements

All Vision Faculty

Absolute Accuracy

Absolute Agility

Absolute Athleticism

Absolute Balance

Absolute Beauty

Absolute Cuteness

Absolute Defense

Absolute Dexterity

Absolute Endurance

Absolute Flexibility

Absolute Health

Absolute Leap

Absolute Lung Capacity

Absolute Precision

Absolute Reflexes

Absolute Running

Absolute Senses

Absolute Speed

Absolute Stamina

Absolute Strength

Unfettered Body

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Invulnerability

Absolute Regeneration

Power Anchoring (To the body powers)


Peak Human Body - User is at the highest physical condition that a human can reach.

Enhanced Body - User's physical condition is beyond the peak human limits of their universe, but not to high superhuman levels.

Supernatural Body - User's physical condition is blatantly more powerful than other people of their universe, reaching into high superhuman territory.

Absolute Body - The ultimate type, the user has no limits to their physical abilities.


Absolute Condition

Known Users

See Also: Lightning Bruiser (Exaggerated #3)

Asura (Asura's Wrath)

Cosmic Armor Superman/Thought Robot (DC Comics)

Superman (DC Comics); Pre-Crisis

Supergirl (DC Comics); Pre-Crisis

Superman Prime (DC One Million)

Various Characters (Gurren Lagann)

Chaos War Hercules (Marvel Comics)

Chaos King (Marvel Comics)

Rune King Thor (Marvel Comics)

Jean Grey/Phoenix (Marvel Comics)

Deities/Reality Gods (SCP Foundation)

Athlete (Valkyrie Crusade)

Known Objects

Starbrand (Marvel Comics)