
Is This Really Home

Jessica is a young lady striving to survive while been forced to live with the family who ruined her happy life. She longs for revenge with the ever burning rage in her . will she proceed with her revenge or will she forgive

Becky_Ogwuche_3753 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

How Jessica Became Zoya: Part 1

Zoya's POV:

I walked out of the building and headed towards the garden, it was peaceful here, so Perfectly peaceful that it's reminds me of my mom and all the happy memories I had with her until her life was cut short by that monster!!!

Oh I so hate him to the core!

I wish I could just strangle him this exact moment but no, I am going to wait... His death is going to be slow ... and painful.... so painful that he will have to beg me to kill him.

I will make this whole family pay!!! That's a promise....

I got to the gazebo, it's like a small hut in the middle of the garden. The weather is cloudy today like it's going to rain. I sat down on the wooden bench as the cool breeze played with my hair. I touch my hair.....

"it feels just like mom's hair" I muttered with tears rolling down my face.

"Mom I miss you, I feel so alone in the world now"

looking up to the sky "Are you up there mom, I do hope you are watching over me cause I don't think I can do this alone" .

My mom (Lisa) was a beautiful Asian woman from South Korea, Busan to be precise. She was tall and slender and still had an hour glass body. It's save to say she was the Korean beauty standard in her own way. She was way to innocent and naive for this world.

She met my dad in Seoul university, year two.

she said it was love at first sight , they were friends for a year or so then dated for 2 years then got married after graduation! It was supposed to be a fairy tale season of love but no it wasn't.

while in school Melissa was my mom's roommate who secretly was into my dad and even tried to seduce him most times but then his eyes were too fixed on my mom for him to notice.

After my parents got married, they enjoyed 8 years of their marriage before having me. Mom and Melissa were still close and as time flew, they became as close as sisters. Mom got her a job at Dad's company (L&J Entertainment Agency) L standing for Lisa and J for Jessica. That was how much the man claim to love my mom and I. Melissa worked hard and also seduced her way into being my dad's secretary.

And that's when their affair blossomed. it was going on for longer than that. even before I was born.

into the first four years of my parents marriage he was having an affair with Melissa but they both managed to keep my mom in the dark. During the fifth year Mark was born .

Melissa lied to my mom that she had married secretly and that her husband was working abroad.

Mark was my playmate cause Melissa about practically lived in our house and my mom was most welcoming because she felt like Melissa was lonely with her husband being "abroad" and all.

not knowing she let the devil in her home.

Everything was going well and fine until the day Melissa thought it was enough and decided she was done playing the dirty game she started, and came clean.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday;

it was a bright and early morning, mom had just finished preparing breakfast, I was seated on the kitchen counter keeping her company. oh how I miss her radiant smile and energy. Her hair was black and it went down her black in form of waves....

Dad came downstairs from his room smiling as he said:

"Well, look at my took favorite women looking all beautiful and happy"

"Daddy!!" I yelled happily as I stretched out my hands signifying I wanted to be picked up.

"Oh my princess! " he said as he picked me up

"You look happy this morning as you should, how was your night baby?"

"Daddy my night was awesome! I had I dream I was playing with a younger brother" I said as I smiled mysteriously

"Woah!" "What!"

Mom and Dad exclaimed at the same time.

" What a naughty girl you have raised Darling!"

mom said to dad

"oh so now I raised her?" dad challenged jokingly

"J darling did daddy put you up to this?" mom questioned

"hmmm" I muttered looking down in order not to get caught

"My love she didn't say anything wrong tho, the girl needs someone to play with and we are the only ones who can grant her wish " dad commented as he looked lovingly at mom

"oh please, cut the act, when will you stop supporting Jessica's tantrums huh?" mom questioned slightly angry...

"okay okay okay!!! Come sit, breakfast is getting cold and I am starving" I said to reduce the raising tension.

"You heard her right? baby come on let's eat, dad said as her put his hands on mom's waist. she then smiled and dad kissed her on the forehead.

we then sat for breakfast. We had pancakes and eggs.

By the way dad in an American man who's mom is Asian which explains why he went to seoul university.