
Is This Really Home

Jessica is a young lady striving to survive while been forced to live with the family who ruined her happy life. She longs for revenge with the ever burning rage in her . will she proceed with her revenge or will she forgive

Becky_Ogwuche_3753 · Fantasy
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How Jessica Became Zoya Part 2:

Breakfast was great! I yelled...

Daddy was all smiles I thought.

he walked up to mom and whispered something into her ears and she smiled widely ... I still don't know what he said to her, I wanted to know, I was curious but I held back.

We marched happily from the kitchen counter to the living room...

Let's watch SpongeBob SquarePants!!!! I yelled as I saw mom reaching out for the remote because I knew for a fact that she was planning on watching her regular cooking shows and dad always doesn't seem to mind but it bothered me so freaking much....

"Baby girl, let your mom be, alright." dad chipped in.

"but mom has been in the kitchen cooking all morning! and ....."

"exactly!" Mom cut me off...

"but I wasn't done just yet..." I murmured

"there is no need too, because I know you are going to come up with baseless accusations " mom said sarcastically with a little smirk laying on her lips..

" Well, I was going to say you have been In the kitchen all morning so that show be enough of cooking for you, cause you literally watched yourself cook!.. I yelled getting angry cause it felt so unfair....

Jessica!! Dad yelled angrily

I got scared because dad had never raised his voice at me no matter what...

but at last it happened that day...

"how dared you speak to your mother in that manner?!! Have you lost it ?!!"

I had never seen my dad in this manner...

Tears ran down my face.. I remember being so scared then ... it was so terrifying....

Mom also looked terrified...

but I guess dad made her speech less cause she said nothing...

Just then Melissa walked in with her son Mark... who was 4 years older than me...

Melissa was my dad's secretary and also my mom's best friend ....

My mom got her the job at Dad's company L J which dad named after mom and me....

They went to the same university and shared the same apartment.... they were as close as sisters and told each other every single thing... At least my mom did ... Melissa was my mom's favorite person in the world after me and my dad...

but who would have know she was just a scheming b*tch with no shame or sense of guilt in her....

The moment she walked in she said

" oh baby don't yell at my step daughter like that you know I really like her" ...

clack ***

my dad dropped the cup he was holding...

Mom looked from Melissa to dad then to me and Jack... Confusion was written all over her face... she was looking like she was forcing her self to breathe..

"Oh my Baby! why would you drop such an expensive cup... don't you know the glass could hurt your son! .." Melissa glared at my dad.

She then knelt down to David's level and acted like she was looking for an injury all over his body... when she was done with her nonsense... She looked dead into her son's eye and told Him ...

"Mark, that's your dad!... "

Smiling she continues... " You have always wanted to know right, well there he is... He is your dad and you are his son! ... That means all of this .." referring to the house as she spreads her hands and turns David around to see it " belongs to you, my boy. because you are his first son and child so no one can take it away from you" she said as she glared at me and my mom like she was about to murder us...." Go meet him now .. be a good boy " ...

My Dad looked terrified more like horrified and was shaking terribly... Mom looked pale like she was going to faint ...

and I felt like my world was crushing on me.... At first Mark looked confused but the moment he took in what his mom said ...he was already on his heels running up to my dad and giving him a hug!

My mom staggered but found the chair to support her from doing so...

" Oh no love!! tell me this isn't true... " mom spoke to dad, speaking through tears.. but dad didn't even spare her a look his eyes were fixed on David hugging him...

"My dear friend, I hate for it to come out like this... but what could I do .. a. child needs his father after all..."Melissa said ever so justifiably....

"Noooo!!! " my screamed as she fell back to the ground and just like that I lost my mom to a heart attack cause my Melissa her Child and ultimately My so called Dad....

Since that day my life had changed... Whether if changed for the better or worse I can't say... but one thing I do know is that I will! without a doubt avenge my mom... My sweet mom. And the first step to that was changing my name to Zoya.. I was given the name by my grandma from my maternal side... She said it means brave and wild... She always called me her wild flower... I never knew why... cause I had always been sweet but I guess she predicted the future 😀... I needed to change to be able to avenge my mom because Jessica was too weak and dumb to take up this task but Zoya is cold-blooded, ruthless and lacks a heart which is all that is needed...

I just need to gather my resources which won't be a hard thing to do because over the years I have been gathering all the right people and tools... when I tell you that this family won't know what hit them .... ooohhh I am so excited that I can't wait!!!

"Get ready so called family, y'all about to get burnt 🔥!" I muttered as I looked at the mansion in which they love in from the where I was seated as the rain started pouring heavily...." Too bad it's can't wash away their sins" I said as I smirked....