
Is this broken heart fixable

[Be patient with me it's my first book.] "I'm sorry if I broke your heart. I love you I really do" ------ Huang Lana was once a girl that likes the thought of being in love, but after the person she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with broke her heart. So she swore for as long as she lives she will hate him and never fall in love again. Little did she know was that wasn't what life had planned for her... Lu Yifeng a newly found CEO that has just begun but is already dominating the business world in 4 years. To everyone else he’s cold, dark, and the devil. But to his old love Lana he’s sweet, kind, and loving. He’s trying so hard to win her back. But there’s some people who don’t. Join them as they try to find there way back into each other’s arms. ——— Excerpt: Lana started to walk away but then Yifeng held her wrist which made her stop. She turned around to say something but before she could Yifeng cupped her face in his hands. He started kissing her slow and when he saw that she wasn't refusing the kiss he bit her lip to get more access. Lana gasped when she did Yifeng slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Lana was so into the kiss she didn't even notice that she let out a small moan. She felt Yifeng smirk against her lips as he kissed her passionately. After what seem like forever they broke the kiss. Yifeng still held Lanas face in his hands. when he looked at her she instantly blushed. "I love you Lana." he paused and looked in her eyes full of want, need, and lust," Please let me love you." Lana didn't say anything but kissed him. ------ Warning this story contains graphic content that maybe upsetting to some people!

Admiirety_Vlog · Urban
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15 Chs

Refresh Your Memory


Lana woke up with a pounding headache, "I'm never drinking that much ever again." Lana tried to get out of the bed but there was something restricting her to move. She looked and saw a mans arm wrapping around her waist, she turned to face the man and when she did she saw Yifeng.

She then looked down and saw that they both were naked. Lana screaming and kicked Yifeng off the bed. "What are you doing in my bed?!" Yifeng groaned as he hit the floor and rubbed his back, "Are you always this loud and violent in the morning?" Yifeng looked up and saw Lana exposed breast and couldn't help but stare.

Lana saw that Yifeng wasn't saying anything but was staring at something, she followed his gaze and saw he was staring at her breast. She hurriedly pulled the covers over her self, "Shamless man!"

Lana got up and wrapped her self in the covers she walked to her bathroom, before she entered the bathroom she turned around and said to Yifeng, "I'm going to take a shower and when I get back you better be gone!" Lana walked in the bathroom and slam the door shut. She slumped down on the floor and leaned against the door. She put her head in her hands, 'Lana what did you do'.

After Lana got her self together she took a shower then did her morning routine she did every morning. Today she wore a long sleeve red blouse with a black pencil skirt with black heels. 'At least with the long sleeves it can hide most of the hickeys.' The hickeys that couldn't be covered by her blouse she used make up to cover them up. She put on a watch on her left wrist and some pearl earrings in her ear. She looked at her watch and saw that she was going to be late so she grabbed her purse and phone and headed off to work.

When Lana arrived she put her stuff in her office and got settled in. As she was working she realized she needed to go over Yifengs schedule with him but she was to embarrassed to face him after what happened this morning and last night....

She then built up the courage to make it seem like it never happened. She picked up Yifengs schedule then went to his door and knocked it, "Come in." Lana took a deep breath then she walked in.

"Good morning Sir, I have your schedule for today so I just wanted to go over it with you." Yifeng looked at her with anger and confusion, "So your just going to pretend that nothing happened?"

Lana looked at him shocked and wondered if he could read her thoughts, 'Nothing happened Lana just act stupid.'

"I'm sorry Sir what are you talking about? I'm very confused." Yifeng stood up and walked in front of his desk and the distance that they had between them disappeared, "Lana you know what I'm talking," Yifeng moved closer to Lana and whispered in Lana's ear, "Or should I refresh your memory?"

Lana stiffened at what Yifeng said and her face turned red as a tomato. "N-No I don't need to be refreshed. C-Can't you just forget what happened and be professional about this." Lana took a few steps back to create some distance between them. Lana cleared her throat and walked past Yifeng and placed his schedule on his desk. "You have your schedule I will take my leave first." Lana turned around and walked out of Yifengs office. She sat at her desk and tried to work but her mind just kept drifting to what happened that night.