
Is There A Thing Called Love?

The fox lady who got banished from her world, Celesial World and she's not allowed to return to the Celestial World until she found love. She's immortal and will never aged or die. She remains a 22 years old girl who often changed her identity so people won't get suspicious of her. She became a Vtuber. One day she got invited to a big event where there will be a lot of celebrities and public figure. There, she meet a famous actor with good reputation and it turns out that he has a dark past.

Clairevoyance · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Moonlight Flower Festival (Last Part)

Chinatsu was looking at the desserts that were being displayed when suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Yuzuki behind him.


"Miss, will you dance with me?"

Dance? What is happening? She had no idea about what was happening at that time.


"Yes. It would be a great honor for me."

Chinatsu took his hand and everybody gasped. Chinatsu could hear some of them whispering.

"How can someone like her…"

"Who is that?"

Yuzuki then led her to the dance floor and he softly wrapped his arm around Chinatsu's hips and pulled her closer. She could feel Yuzuki's breath before he slowly moved his face closer to her ears and whispered,

"Everyone is watching us."

"No, they are watching you, not us."

The music started to play and they danced. On the other hand, one of Mr. Tachibana's bodyguard whispered something and he looked at the dance floor.


"Yes, Father?"

"Look at that. Who is that girl?"

Tachibana Eri clenched her fist when she saw Yuzuki dancing with the girl that she really hated. She wants to get rid of that girl but her father prevented her from doing it.

"No, Eri. Don't do anything reckless."

"But father…!"

"I said no!"


"You had better behave before you do something that will ruin your career!"

Eri couldn't do anything besides doing whatever his father said. He could easily ruin his career with just an order from him to his secretary.

Everyone's gaze was fixed on Yuzuki and Chinatsu, who were dancing. They looked great together and it looked like they were enjoying their time.

"You really are a good dancer, Miss Chinatsu."

Of course, she is. She lived for a long time and back then, when she was still living in the Celestial World, there was a party every once a week where all the nobles gathered around to celebrate the week. It's a tradition.

"Thank you."

They stopped dancing when the music ended. Yuzuki and Chinatsu bowed to each other before leaving the dance floor. Everyone clapped their hands. Nakao, who had been watching them, approached Chinatsu and linked her arms.

"Chinatsu~! You are the star of the event!"

"It's just a coincidence."

"Didn't you know that after the MC told Yuzuki to choose a girl to dance with him, without hesitation, he walked in your direction?"


Seemed like he was not lying about being her fan or anything.

"Nakao, you want to go home?"

"Home? Now?"


"No, you need to watch the fireworks part, it's so beautiful!"


Chinatsu decided to spend the rest of the evening enjoying the event.

Finally, the clock shows 23.59. It's almost midnight. Nakao took Chinatsu to the balcony area where everyone could watch the fireworks celebration, but it was way too crowded.

Suddenly, someone called her name and when she turned around it was Yoshida, Yuzuki's manager or management manager. She didn't know.

"Miss, Yuzuki asked for both of you."


"Yes, please follow me."

Yoshida led the girl to the second floor and headed to the balcony. It's so different from the first-floor balcony. It's like a private place just for the owner. There Yuzuki has been waiting for them.

"Miss Chinatsu and, um…"

"Nakao," Nakao answered.

"Forgive me for being such a forgetful person."

"That's fine."

"So, how's the party?"

"We enjoyed it very much, thanks to you, Yuzuki."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Please take a seat."

There were two chairs that had been prepared. Nakao sat on the outer seat while Chinatsu sat between Nakao and Yuzuki. One of the staff approached Yuzuki and whispered something to him.

"1-minute left until the fireworks."

After one minute passed, fireworks appeared in the night sky. It's so beautiful. Chinatsu enjoyed the fireworks and she didn't realize that Yuzuki's attention was drawn to her. After the fireworks ended, Chinatsu stood up and told Nakao that it was time to go home.

"Yuzuki, thank you for the event. I really enjoy it."

"Thank you for coming, miss Chinatsu. Please let my driver drive you home."

"You don't have to do it. I can go home by myself."

"It's for your safety. I insist."

"If you say so. Come, Nakao."

"Thank you for the event, Yuzuki!" Nakao said cheerfully.

Then those two walked downstairs and waited for the driver to arrive. While waiting, Chinatsu felt like someone was walking in their direction. With her fox instinct, she knew that the person radiated a negative aura.

Chinatsu turned around and found Eri with her father.

"You are that Vtuber, Kitsuki, right?" Mr. Tachibana asked.

"How did you know?" Nakao asked back.

"I saw the guest list and I just wanted to come and say something to Miss Kitsuki."

Chinatsu glanced at Mr. Tachibana without saying anything.

"Miss Kitsuki, perhaps you don't know yet about who I am and my family, but it doesn't matter. I'm here to tell you something."


"You looked great tonight when you danced with Yuzuki."

"Thank you."

"I want to offer you something, Miss Kitsuki. I can make you the most popular Vtuber in the whole world, but you need to promise me not to get involved in anything with Yuzuki."

"With Yuzuki? I had nothing to do with him."

"I can't promise that and thank you for your offer, Mr. Tachibana, but I can do it on my own."

Before Mr. Tachibana was able to say anything. The car arrived. The driver opened the door for Chinatsu and Kitsuki. Chinatsu stepped into the car, followed by Nakao and they left the venue.

Mr. Tachibana took a deep breath.\"I told you, father. That shitty girl will never listen to you."

"I will make sure she regrets it. But you need to do your best to get Yuzuki's heart as well."

"I will, Father."

The car arrived at Chinatsu's residence. Chinatsu walked out of the car.


She turned around and saw Nakao waving at her.

"Have a good rest!"

"You too, Nakao."

After the car left, Chinatsu headed upstairs to her apartment. She unlocked the door and went inside. She took out her phone and at the same time an unknown number called her.

"Good evening, Miss Chinatsu."

"Who is this?"

"You don't recognize my voice? It's me, Yuzuki."

"Oh… I totally forgot to ask for his number."

"What is it?"

"Did you get home safely?"


"That's good."

Chinatsu wanted to tell him about Mr.Tachibana but she decided not to.

"Is there anything you want to say, Yuzuki?"

"Nothing, I just want to make sure that you come home safely."

"T-Thank you for worrying about me…"

"No worries. Anyway, are you available tomorrow?"

"Well… I have no plan, so yes."

"Do you want to go to a café tomorrow?" asked Yuzuki.