
Is It wrong To Bring Guns In A Dungeon

Who *bang* thought *bang* it was a good idea *bang* to give someone guns in a fantasy world. This is the story of Naozumi Ito a former assassin and his new life in the fantasy world of danmachi. If you don't like op characters pls don't get mad since you have been warned. This is also wish fulfillment so if I break the canon don't get mad you have been warned. *I do not own picture* *I do not own danmachi* *I only own oc characters*

ZJAY_1 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Loki Wants Me

(A/N: Hey guys been a while I know. Any harassment I get is deserved but all I got to say is Writers Block is a bitch... Good day)

If I had to sum up "House Shopping" it would be boring. Cause many familias have risen and fallen there are many vacant places in the city. We have many choices but I'm in the mood to be picky since I got a lot of money on me.

Currently, Nyx and I are currently looking into the small mansion that's giving me bad vibes. As if a predator is residing in the house right at this moment. If I stretch out my senses I can sense 1 person and multiple other presences that are not human in there.

"Nyx you sense them too right?"

"Yep" Nyx replied back

How the hell did this house escape the notice of the guild and Freya. Unless this person in there meddled with the soul. So they can hide from Freya cause it's easy to hide from others senses if you know how to do it correctly... Normal people specifically without any sensory ability.

The person who I refer mentally as a real estate agent showed us multiple cheap small houses to mansions that are way out of our budget. The question now is why is this mansion in a prime location in the city so cheap. It's away from main traffic, has a decent size plot of land, and has about 10 rooms and it's not too far away from the tower at a low price of 500k Valis.

"Why is this place so cheap?"

"Well everyone who stays in this place gets chased out by an unknown entity" said the real estate person.

"Chased out?" said Nyx wonder how can something chase adventurers out of this mansion.

"Surely the guild investigated the house correct?"

"Yes we did but we couldn't find anything. This place has seen multiple families and even normal residents for the past 100 years but like all of them have in common. They stay no longer than a month or two" said the real estate agent.

"Did you check with adventurers with sensory type ability?"

"Yes from the guild to other familias. You name the sensory type we tried using it. We even took apart the walls to find any sort of trap door but found none. So the price of this estate slowly fell as time went by. The reports are a very long list of the different residence that stayed here accounts on why they left... The most common thing describe in the reports is this weird blue substance but when we look we found none..." explained the real estate agent.

"We'll take it"

This surprised the real estate agent but her face changed back into a poker face.

"Are you sure? Due to the property's circumstances, you will not receive a refund if you decide to move out" the real estate agent told me.

"Yes we are sure" said Nyx.

"Excellent all you have to do is have Nyx-Sama sign all necessary waivers, documents, and pay all the required Valis" explained the real estate agent.

The real estate agent started heading in the direction of her office and we follow. As soon as we are a certain distance away I feel someone looking at me from the house. Nyx turned around and looked at whoever is in the house.

"We are gonna have a lovely chat when we return~" Nyx said cheerfully.

(??? Pov)

Who are these two? I feel threatened by that masked fellow... All that mana he has plus I can tell he is suppressing it. What worries me more is he can find me and is looking in my general location. Even with my abilities to blend myself into surroundings and forbidden soul magic he can still see my location in the house. The girl beside him is just as terrifying or even more. I sense nothing from her. No mana or divinity... If I wasn't looking at her I wouldn't even notice she's there.

After watching them talk I extend my senses to hear that they plan on buying this place. This is outside my calculations. The only person I expected to find me is Freya but she rarely leaves that tower so I had no worries. Now I have a person who has a terrifying amount of mana that keeps looking at my general location and the other I can't even tell what she is. My instincts are telling me to be wary but the researcher side of me shaking with excitement. Plus if everything is without a hitch that guy can help with the final project regarding my body. Plus I can research why does he have so much mana.

I watch them walk away and I move to an upstairs window to get a better look at them. The girl turns around and looks me in the eyes. She mouths the words we are gonna have a lovely chat when we return.

Indeed we shall have a nice chat but I have to prepare my escape if things turn south.

(Naozumi Pov)

Nyx Turns around and the real estate agent looks confused about who was she talking to?

"Nyx-Sama who were you speaking to?" asked the real estate agent.

"No one you need to know about~" responded Nyx.

Yeah, the person in that house has been in hiding for the past 100 years so I can say for certainty that whoever it is doesn't want to be discovered by the guild or Freya. I say Freya cause Nyx told me that the person in the mansion modified their soul to hide it from being seen.

As we near the real estate agent's building which is near the guild like always I attracted a bit of attention due to me wearing a mask but most of the attention is on Nyx. Even I have to admit Nyx is beautiful but she's not my type at all.

"Fi-!" a voice suddenly got cut off.


That voice sounds familiar... Lefiya? Now I understand. She was going to yell out Finn but he or someone else covered her mouth so they wouldn't be discovered.

I extended my senses to the area where I heard her voice coming from and felt Lefiya's then two other mana signatures near her. I didn't do it stealthily to see how they react but they stayed put.

(Finn Pov)

Lefiya, Tione, and I are walking around the main roads of the city and suddenly Lefiya perks up looking in a certain direction. I can see a guy matching the description of the guy we are looking for and the girl that he's seen around.

"Fi-!" Lefiya tried to tell my name but I covered her mouth so we wouldn't be discovered but I felt something scanning me.

I uncover Lefiya's mouth since there is no point in tailing him now that he knows we are here.


"What's wrong Finn?" asked Tione.

"We got discovered sadly. I feel no danger from him so he doesn't care that we are about to follow him"

"What do we do now?" asked Tione

"You two go and tell the others to meet back at the Twilight Manor. I will bring him back alone"

"Wait what!? Are you sure you want to do that? I get that he is level one but he isn't like any level one we have seen before" said Tione worried.

"I'll be fine go, this is an order..."

"Ok... Let's go Lefiya..." said Tione

Watching them leave I turn around and search for that guy I'm bringing back. I see him go inside the building that sells houses for the guild. I head towards the building but as soon as I open the door he is standing right behind it. I jump back and ready myself for an attack but it never came.

He is just looking at me but now clearly looking at him he is wearing his cloak and metal mask. How did he change so fast? Spatial magic? That would explain the story Tiona told. For now, I shall greet him.

"My name is Finn, I'm the captain of the Loki Familia"

"Naozumi, I'm a part of the Nyx Familia... Why are you following me?" Naozumi says.

Nyx Familia? I never heard of a God named Nyx. Must have recently descended so Loki-Sama should know who that is.

"Sorry, that was very rude of us. Loki-Sama requests your presence at the Twilight Manor"

"Ok I'll go" he said with his weird voice. Must be his mask distorting his actual voice cause Tiona didn't mention his voice sounding like this when he was wearing his cloth mask.

"Thank you for your time. Follow me"

I started walking with him following behind. I have my guard up just in case he tries something but I sense no danger. We pass by a lot of people staring at us whispering amongst themselves. I took the long route around to give the others enough time to get back to Loki-Sama

Half an hour later we arrive at the Twilight Manor I hear him halt for a second but he starts back walking again. When we got inside many of my fellow familia members are wonder who is the person behind me. If everything goes right a powerful addition to our familia.

We head upstairs to the meeting room. As soon as I push open the door all eyes land on us and especially Naozumi. I move beside Loki-Sama and observe him but I can't tell what he's thinking. Plus I can't read his facial expressions due to that mask.

"Good evening, How should I address you?" asked Loki-Sama.

"Naozumi Ito Loki-Sama"

"You're from the east I presume?" asked Loki-Sama

"That is correct" said Naozumi

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I want you to join my familia" said Loki-Sama

I can tell he is thinking but I can't see him saying no to Loki-Sama's offer. He can get better resources if he joins us.

"I humbly refuse" he said.

"What?" we all say at the same time.

Everyone in the room had surprised faces cause we never expected this outcome. Even with his freakish strength he's just a level one. What can a recently descended God give him?

Loki-Sama had a determined look on her face. She isn't gonna let him go just because he declined her offer.

"What if we force you..." Loki simply said.

"Ha... Hahahahahahaha" Naozumi laughed with his distorted voice filling the room.

As soon as he stopped laughing killing intent filled the room. I quickly stepped in front of Loki-Sama and everyone else pulled out their weapon aiming it at Naozumi. Even though he is level one my instincts are telling me if I treat him as one I'll be in trouble.

After 10 seconds he stopped the killing intent but we still are aiming our weapons against him. Loki-Sama had one bead of sweat going down her face but she still kept her poker face.

"What was so funny..." said Loki-Sama with a serious tone.

"Your threat" he answered back.

"You can't escape your surrounded and as soon as you try something we'll stop you" said Loki-Sama with a threatening tone.

"Normally that would be the case" Naozumi said.

Does he really think he can get away?

"Normally?" asked Loki-Sama.

"How can you stop me when I'm not even here" he says as he slowly turned pitch black like a shadow.

Naozumi now looks like those shadow figures that held a pitch black sword to our necks at the Hostess Of Fertility.

"What kind of cheat ability is this!?" yelled Gareth.

"I knew I felt his mana was a bit off. I felt it slowly decreasing the entire time" said Riveria.

The shadow or Naozumi in front of us started dissipating.

"Loki I'll ignore what just happen but If you threaten me again I'll destroy your familia piece by piece slowly..." Naozumi said with an ice cold tone.

Just before he fully dissipated he turned to Ais.

"No..." he said firmly as he fully dissipated.

Everyone in the room is processing what just transpired and Loki-Sama fell back in her seat sighing.

"Danmmit I messed up. I was too focused on getting him to join that I forgot my second object to at least befriend him if he declines my offer" says Nyx-Sama.

"No one here expected him to decline your offer or have such an ability like he just shown"

"That skill must require a lot of mana since I thought he was there" said Riveria

"Finn did you get any information while you brought him here?" asked Loki-Sama.

"Yes I did but it isn't much... He is under a recently descended God named Nyx"

"Nyx?... Nyx... Nyx... I never heard of that God before. I'll ask the other Gods do they know who this is. If that doesn't work I'll ask a guild staff member to pull up the information.

" Do you think her he was serious about what he says"

Loki-Sama sighed again then leaned forward.

"Listen closely... I didn't detect a lie in his words" said Loki-Sama in a serious tone.

Impossible a level one taking down our familia. Looking at the others they have the same thoughts as well but we all know that Loki-Sama wouldn't lie to us in this way.

"I just hope we can still get a friendly relationship with him. Otherwise, we are going to have more problems than just Freya taking over everything" Says Loki-Sama.


I totally agree with you on that cause if he can threaten us as a level one. I don't want to imagine it when he gets to higher levels.

(Naozumi Pov)


"What's so funny?" asked Nyx.

"I'll tell you after we are done with the person in our new home"

It didn't take long to sign paperwork and to transfer the Valis over. Plus most of the time I had my eyes closed and had direct control over my shadow doppelganger. This ability is pretty useful in situations that just happened. When I tested the different uses of my shadow doppelganger. If I pour a lot of mana into one it will gain color and look just like me with no difference. So just before Finn arrived I made a doppelganger and made it so it closely had as much mana I do right now while I'm suppressing it.

"You ready to meet whoever is inside" says Nyx.

"If the situation gets out of hand which it most likely won't if the person in here is not hostile. I can easily have both of us escape since it's almost night so my abilities will be enhanced"

I take the key out of my storage and unlock the door. I already sensed it but behind the door when I opened it enough is a Slime?...

(End Of Chapter)

(A/N: Ok I know you guys are gonna say keep going or we will kidnap you. I am here to say that is not necessary. You see I'm lazy and the only time I do stuff is if I want to do it, motivated, or told to. I made this chapter cause I felt like I had to do it since I have not updated it for months. All I got to say is join my discord and ping me any time of the day if I have not made a chapter in two days. If I give a reason why I can't update I really couldn't update at that moment. Discord Link will be here and the auxiliary)