
Running through the story

Hey guys the problem with my mobile phone is solved but the sad part is that all of my draft that I drafted in short the whole upcoming chapters are gone and I can't write those chapters all over again I hope you can understand me so I am gonna just post the whole story in short in chapter.


After meeting with Gwen, her and Jake become hood friends and start hanging out oftenly and jake encourages Tony to tell pepper his feelings and he tells her and she becomes his girlfriend at time of iron man 3.

And before this Jake helps Thor with whole Thor 2 shenanigans, Jake stops Loki from faking his death, they defeat malekith and jake confronts Odin they have an argument over how he has Odin Force and they decide to fight it out it was a fierce battle but with a full force Gungnir to his face Odin is defeated and ashamed that he lost to copy of his own power

Then whole iron man 3 ordeal happens like the canon but a bit easier even if there is no iron legion Jake and gungnir is enough

Then we skip all movies and arrive at age of ultron, Avengers found Loki's scepter and Tony make ultron but Jake stops him but inevitably ultron is created

After ultron is created everything happens like it is in original

The whole battle in sokovia is takes place but with vision, Wanda and Jake's susano'o ultron army is wiped out in mere minutes and quicksilver doesn't die. And thankfully sokovia isn't destroyed. Wanda, vision, falcon and pietro join Avengers and at this battle when Jake tries to use Pheonix force he realises that Pheonix force is killing him from inside every time he absorbs it so he stops using it. After coughing some blood

And then whole sokovia accords happen while Jake tries to prevent it. It inevitably happens so Jake warns captain America that if they don't oblige and starts a fight they in that fight Jake will be fighting alongside Tony as he saved his life before jakr won't even blink in killing others and giving his own life for Tony. Capt. Recruit Ant man and others while Jake suggests taking Peter in team and tells f4 and X-Men to not interfere the civil war eventually begins

Everyone fought fiercely and widow and panther switch sides and Rhodes is hurt with vision exhausted so Jake loses it he brings out that weapon which even Odin and celestials fears. A weapon which shakes the whole universe itself when it is drawn out of it's sheath Jake tools out odinsword and points it towards capt.'s side and threatens them if they don't come silently then he will destroy them. Captain says that they don't fear death this ticks off Jake even more and he uses tsukoyomi* on all of them and totures them till the moments that they can't take it and on brim of death Jake pits his foot on capt's face and threatens him once again and tells him to stay in raft. Tony was about to kil Barnes when Jake Stops him and put Barnes in his eternal TSUKOYOMI* a variant of TSUKOYOMI which heals the truama of the victim while simultaneously torturing the victim till the user cancelles it.

And then the doctor strange events happens and Jake helps doctor strange in defeating dormamu while he also meets guardians of galaxy and helps them with some space grunts

While thanos attacks thor' s ship Jake teleports there when he saves heimdal and Loki and flees away with all asgardians with Amenominaka* the kaguya technique which she uses to teleports to other dimensions and teleports to new York sanctum and assenmbles all heroes on earth including x-men f4 and cap's Avengers and prepares for the The First infinity war

Thanos has all of infinity stones excluding Time and mind. Gamora is already dead and guardians are there with Jake to fight thanos, soon cap marvel appears and with strange, vision, Jake, marvel, Wanda, jean and DEADPOOL the fight is going great when the weaker people like widow, Barnes and won't falls in battle. Wong was nearly dead when Jake heals him but unable to save other while both armies are fighting amongst the chaos thanos takes on vision and take mind stone and then time stone

Everyone is filled with grieve with visions death Wanda and marvel confronts infinity thanks but what can they do against 6 whole infinity stones

Seeing this Jake uses amaenominaka to teleport in his pocket dimension so he could fight with everything he has he tells others to stay out of his way and not to face thanks but to focus on his army

Seeing that Jake might cause trouble thanos fires and eraser beam at Jake but Jake takes out odinsword and fights it but even odinsword can't block it so he uses Pheonix Force to empowers it and destroys some of thanos's army with his own attack. Seeing this thanks gets a bit worried.

They fights with everything they have Jake spams shinra tenseis and bansho ten'in to avoid thanos's attacks and hit him hard. Jake uses susano'o amaterasu tsukoyomi but infinity stones renders all of these attacks useless as thanks throws a planet at Jake Jake uses an amenotejikara to avoid it and uses a Tengai shinsei while saying BACK AT YA BITCH seeing this everyone's eyes widened seeing the monster who is facing the mad titan with all of infinity stones. Thanos with soul stone finds out jakes's weakness and takes Tony hostage Tony resists but still is unable to free himself. Seeing no other way to save Tony Jake sacrifices his eyes by using IZANAGI* and saves Tony now a blind Jake stands in front of thanos who praises Jake for his gallancy and is about to kill him when Jake starts glowing red and his eyes rejuvenate and he take a form similar to igris but all black with a blood red cape and Jake snatches the infinity gauntlet from a stunned thanos says '' I am Jakob stark your inevitable death'' and snaps him out of his existence but with this Jake is extremely weak as he teleports everyone to real world and says his final goodbye to everyone He tells Gwen about his feelings in his last moments and tells Tony and pepper to not cry and Peter to stay strong and Tells Tony to not drink too much and not tease pepper and says that he will always be with them he closes his eyes with his final words ''LOVE YOU THREE THOUSAND, BROTHER'' as he closes his eyes everyone bursts in tears infinity stones are gone with him. HE was killed by the infinite power of stones and Pheonix force which are gone with him after some time Tony and pepper have twins a girl named Morgan and a boy named Jake and they build a big memorial for their beloved rouge knight. With an iconic funeral with every one present. And a statue of him is placed on new York plaza.