
Ch. 3 Intense training

{ In first chapter I altered my third wish in chapter first so that I have to practice the techniques to master them and only have control over passive skills like x-ray vision and eye of insight}


Jake: Well it's been some time after I unlocked my powers but I haven't trained for a single time aside from the time when I tried using my powers. If I don't start training now I might not be able to handle fighter who are heavily strong in tactical battles. Like Rogers, Sam, Natasha and Clint. Today no one is home aside from me, because Tony is working on some big & very important project so he won't be coming home for a few days so Jarvis of course is with him and assisting him. Now it's time to train and get a hang of my powers. Now let's see where I could train. I think I know a place.

after sometime at north pole.

And finally I am here North pole is the best place to train even if someone knows that I am here even then nobody will be able to come here to actually see with their own eyes and without any solid proof I am free to do anything I want.

First let's practice some fighting styles with Sharingan to copy fighting styles and Byakugan for landing fatal blows on weak points I don't think that aside from Logan and Wade anyone will be able to handle me in hand to hand combat with powers of Destroyer, now let's see here is the hologram device that Tony made which casts any movies as 3D hologram and here in this drive are all of Jackie-chan and Bruce-lee action scenes and these are many martial arts styles tutorials I activated my eyes and started binging.

After few hours of eye tiring fighting scenes and tutorials.

Jake: ugghhhhh! it's finally over and Now that I know martial arts better than Rogers. Now to the next part I need to practice firing beams with 100% accuracy because if it's not 100% accurate then it's 50% accurate (shoutout to Mikey from mandj tv). I came across a line of big Ice bergs and started firing my beam from my eyes Superman style even though i can shoot those from my palms and chest also and actually now that I think about it I really am more and more similar to superman I am a man of steel with destroyer integrated in my Body I have superstrenght, can shoot lasers, fly at a very high speed and with Byakugan I have x-ray vision the only power of super man that I don't have is frost breath. But I have somethings even better than that.

Now to the Dark Tone mode it's comparatively same but when I was training with it I find out about a hidden power and that was that I can control the black plates on my Body like how gaara controls his sand and it is awesome with this I can take out multiple threat at once as that was my only weakness because my beams are overly destructive and takes a bit of time to charge, I can rapidly shoot these plates to deal with chitori, ultron army and thanos army. and can protect others from incoming attacks.

Wait! I have an incredible idea, I could place one of these plates on Tony to use them as trackers, because they are directly connected to me and will be attached to Tony I could use OMOIKANE* to keep Tony safe, of course I wouldn't mess around starting events of Iron man 1 so that Tony acquires the ark reactor and decides to become a superhero but I could use these to ensure his safety time to time. as for My weapons according to God I have perfect control of those so I don't need to train with those and Now the big part mastering the eye powers.

First is OMOIKANE* and it could be something very useful as with it I can find out my opponent's movements before he could even perform those and I can exactly pinpoint the mental and physical weakness of my enemy and it also raises my tactical abilities it may not seem that much but it's one of the best support ability and I was pretty much able use it as my natural instinct just after training of a few days.

Jake: Oh shit! wasn't today the day when Tony was returning home. Shit, shit, shit I have to hurry as I flew with my full force leaving a crater behind as I rushed home Tony was already there. he asked

Tony: Hey Jake what's going on you seem tired and where were you, I've been waiting for you here for an hour and you phone was out of network range.

Jake: Brother, I was out of town because.... I went to... see the.....The cave that was found a few days ago at the shore of Papua New guinea.... yeah I went to see that.

Tony: Okay and how did you went there.

Jake: umm! By air.

Tony: Which airlines, and believe me you shouldn't take Karma airlines it's very uncomfortable.

Jake: I.... went there by flying by myself.

Tony: Jake, we talked about this that if others found out about your powers then it would be dangerous for you.

Jake: I know but I thought that i should give you a gift so I went there and near the cave found some rare metal and I made a pendant with that and u thought you would like it.

Tony: What a gift for me. Wait you didn't had to do that your safety is my only gift

Jake: I know but this pendant is important and always keep this with yourself okay as I handed him a pendant made of the black plate of Destroyer which was shaped like a dragon's mouth. ( picture is here )

Tony: I loved it, it's great.

Jake: I am glad you liked it and please remember to wear all the time.

after that we ate dinner. I started sneaking out of the house at night when Tony was asleep or drunk.

next night At the north pole.

jake: Now it's time to Test and master amaterasu and when I shouted amaterasu* from my both eyes a pitch black flame emerged as it went wild and melted all the ice in the area, it was nearly impossible to control it and because lack of solid land in north pole I decided to shift my training grounds to Greenland as it had both solid land and was desolate so I flew to Greenland when I reached there I started practicing amaterasu every night it was really hard every time I tried to use it, it would ran rampant and it took training of months to finally master it at a level that I could somewhat control it but I didn't knew why I wasn't able to use blaze release maybe because, it is a kekkei genkai unique to uchiha's blood and not Sharingan. but now finally I was able to use it flawlessly with a great control, I could now use the black flames in forms of flamethrower and fireball like different shapes and I could somewhat container it in a certain are but I still wasn't able to manipulate it like how sasuke does in anime with blaze release.

Now onto the next ability which is tsukoyomi which I need a target to use and so I started using criminals as my targets and after driving 50 or 60 criminals insane I gained perfect control of it.

the next ability was Susano'o which was relatively easy to use and make so It was like my own Body but bigger and it had the same color as sasuke's purple Susano'o with all accessories of Other susano'o like sword of totsuka and yata mirror with six hands.

Now the next ability was my personal favorite Kamui, I started practicing both forms of kamui that kakashi and obito used. But my Kamui dimension was a bit different than Obito's it had those platforms but aside from them it had flying Objects like Giant spears, Shrikens, Swords, rubble, Flying platforms and many other things which I could control with my mind to use in battle and with training of 8 months I was able use my kamui to make myself intangible like obito and while learning it I also mastered Momshiki's absorption and Ishiki's Sakuna hikona techniques with it so I was now completely immune to any attacks but for it extreme focus is required and with just a simple distraction it fails but individually I can use these techniques at the back of my hand.

After that I Came across one of the Most Overpowered technique in whole naruto universe Which is Kotoamatsukami and I didn't need to train with it because I can use easily because proficiency in using tsukoyomi so now anyone I can make anyone my servant maybe I shouldn't use techniques like Kotoamatsukami, Sakuna hikona and overpowered Rinnegan techniques on Normal threats maybe I'll use them against thanos or kang but for now, I only need raw strength to take care of threats till phase 2.

After that I found out another mangekyou skill Which was quite useful it was an ability named WICKED WORD* this technique is like a weaker version of Kotoamatsukami while Kotoamatsukami can bend other's will, memories and mind this technique can implant a fact in opponent's mind which The subject is unable to deny, with this user to some extent can manipulate others by implanting the fake memories on the subject it's quite not as proficient as Kotoamatsukami but using it doesn't feel like a cheat.

Next to master Rinnegan abilities the first techniques that I started mastering were amenotejikara and space-time portal manipulation while with amenotejikara I can switch places with other things, I can use Portals to travel through space and time. It took some time but it was worth it since I was connected to my plates, like flying raijin I was able to teleport to my home without any energy disturbance.

Now the one of most overpowered and renowned ability of Rinnegan, it was time to master Shinra tensei and Bansho ten'in and to my surprise it was very easy to master them it only took me a few hours to master them. However I didn't wanted to use Chibaku tensei since even someone blind will be able to tell that something big happened and by big I mean a moon size meteor crashed somewhere and as for naraka, preta and human path techniques they were very easy to use and it includes heavenly samsara technique as for summoning I tried it and it is very usefull as the summons are very helpful and I learned and mastered making Limbo clones as For Rinne-Sharingan abilities I am gonna leave them be because they are simply to overpowered and I want to enjoy here those powers are for the Near death moments. and with tenseigan chakra mode things went really good as it was also good for my Body And I gained power to make hundreds of thousands of Truth seeking orbs of various sizes and elements and all of them could cancel any attacks except for natural energy like Odin Force and phoenix force and infinity stones I guess and the coolest power is that I could use some of my eye powers with my Destroyer plates and Truth seeking orbs.

Like always I was teleporting home with amenotejikara when I spotted an injured Arctic fox cub which was injured because of a sharp part of Ice which it fall onto he was bleeding so i went in tenseigan chakra mode to heal it but while i was gonna start healing him he had already took his last breath, though I was sad nothing could be as I powered down suddenly my palm started glowing in White and greenish light blue color as I looked my I realized with my Jougan powers I could see life and death energies as I looked at fox it still had all of it's life energy but it died because of wound how could it had the life energy I thought but it's life energy was leaking out so I completely healed it's wound and as I put my hand on it's face suddenly I felt like I saw all of it's past as I focused my life energy on my palm I it's life energy sparked with my making it brighter it was like some remnants of life were in it which were sparked by mine life energy soon it stood up and looked at me and ran away I was amazed that I could do that after some more experimenting with this I could transfer life energy of one creature into another for it I needed to be in direct physical contact of both of the subjects or I could give them my life energy or I could use the souls that I stole with human path and by harnessing them into naraka path I could use them as source of life energy but the only thing which worried me was that the creature who received life may have his memories influenced so I had to master this and human path to revive the dead but there was a restriction which was that the stronger the being and the more time he is been dead matters while reviving it and I could use WICKED WORDS* to implant some fake memories to make the revived my servant. So I named the technique REVITALIZING LIFE* technique.

and with this my eye powers were mastered but these were powers that I knew about and I accidentally found out about OMOIKANE* WICKED WORDS* and REVITALIZING LIFE* techniques so maybe I have other powers but I don't know them. So I kept practicing All of my known powers till start of Phase 1.


{ I made some original techniques for mangekyou hope you'll like it and thus Mutants and F4 received most votes I will add them but not from Movies, I used the timeline of a series in which both are already integrated in marvel so hope you'll like that too and Deadpool Vs Spider-Man will also happen so stay tuned till then sayonara }

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