
Into the Deep End

Alora has physical scars and unfiltered fears. When a good-looking Aussie starts to show interest in her, she has a choice. Jump into the deep end and sink or swim.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Urban
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12 Chs


(A/N: This is an added chapter. Please read Chesney over again, as there is an added story. This should be before Hudson Kelly, but I didn't want to confuse the readers any further.)Brian POVAs I watched Chesney get dressed, it was like watching someone play Twister in the backseat of a truck. I didn't feel uncomfortable, but there was tension in the air. "So, will you be my girl, Ches?"Why do we have to put a label on us? I think we are fine just the way we are.""I want to be your one and only. You don't want the same thing?" I picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles."Brian," I wanted to cry. I wanted the same thing, but was I ready? I knew that he would never hurt me. You're worried about Ryan; what if Sasha comes back?""What about it? if we aren't together, then I have a choice to make. I dumped her to be with you, and we aren't even really a couple. We are more like friends with bene--" I couldn't finish my sentence because Chess smashed her lips into mine, almost painfully. Her tongue shoved its way through my lips, and our tongues slipped and slid over each other. It was not like any kiss we had ever shared. Her hands tugged at my hair. I don't know what came over me. Jealousy? FOMO? Territorialism? Hatred for Sasha? Fear of losing the greatest thing that could ever happen to me? No, it was because I was utterly in love with this literal giant goofball. When we finally came up for air, I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. The flecks of blue and green were mesmerizing. God, I loved this man."Brian, I...""You what, Baby Girl?" She looked like she was going to be sick. I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "What is it?" I whispered. My eyes darted back and forth. I hoped she could see the emotion on my face. She took a deep breath like she was going underwater. "I love you, Brian. I have loved you for so long. When you held me every time Ryan hurt me, I knew that you were such a good person with a good soul. Every fucking time he ripped my life apart like a tornado, you were there to pick up the mess and help me rebuild. I don't deserve you. You watched every girly movie on the planet and picked up every snack in Isle Eleven. You bought me candy and my favorite gel pens just because it was a random Tuesday. You never expected anything in return. "Jesus, Chess, I wished you had said something sooner. I would have never let Sasha in my life and edged you out. Fuck, we could have been together this entire time. I pulled her onto my lap and held her against my chest. I rested my forehead on hers. "I love you Chesney. I have loved you since the day we played that game, and Randi dared us to spend three minutes in heaven. When our lips touched, it was as if lightning hit me.""You love me too?" Her eyes were down, and she was biting the corner of her lip."I don't love you Chess. I am in love with you. You are my first love. I want to take care of you and protect you."She smiled. "I love you, Brian Margrave. Please don't make me regret it.""I won't if you won't.""Agreed.""Would you like to go get one of those chewy bagel sandwiches you love so much?""Ab-so-lutley! I can't turn down a chewy bagel sandwich!"🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯🥯I watched her eat the bagel sandwich. She was like a happy little toddler—as cute as one, too. She smiled while chewing and swung her legs while sitting on the stool. I couldn't help myself; I leaned in and kissed her. "Yum," I said with a laugh. I wiped my mouth on her napkin. "So, what do you think of the new guy?" I took a bite of my donut. "Hemsworth? Besides him actually looking like a Hemsworth... what do you think?""On first impression, I would have to say that he's pretty cool. I mean, I didn't talk to him too much, but he made a good fucking impression on Madmartigan."She smacked me on the back of my head, HARD. It made me jump. "What the fuck, babe!""Don't call her that!""What? It's from a cult classic. He was totally badass and didn't get along with a person named Willow! And the main character is named Alora!""First off, my love, her name was E-lora, and B, Willow, and Madmartigan became friends in the end."Yes. But in the beginning, they hated each other, and then they settled their differences. Maybe there is still hope for Alora and Willow.""Did I just smack the common sense out of you? You are to never repeat that to anyone!""Alright! Alright! I won't." I made a motion and zipped my lips."You're lucky you're pretty Margrave.""I know. Now, can we get back on topic?""Okay, beautiful. Continue with your observation.""As I said, he made a good impression on A-LOR-A, and she is an extremely good judge of character.""And he's totally fucking hot," she muttered."Babe! Did you forget that I am sitting, like, right here?""I never said he was more fucking hot than you, my sweet sausage. You're the only man I want or need. I mean, there is no way his dick can be bigger than yours."I couldn't help but blush. I loved the nickname she gave me. And the ego boost was a nice touch. It reminded me of the first time we made love, or had sex, or fucked. That was in the Top five days of my entire life."Hey!" she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Did you hear me?""What? Sorry, babe?""I said you need to find out what he thinks of her.""No.""What?""You are not playing matchmaker Chess. Let it just happen; if it's going to happen, it will.""Maybe. I got his number this morning. But I am not making any promises!""Wait! You got his number this morning? Why didn't you tell me! Why didn't you call him already!""Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I was in classes all day, and then I was having fucking mind-blowing sex with my Baby Girl! Plus, he was out with Alora all afternoon.I didn't want to inter--""WHAT! YOU'RE JUST TELLING ME THIS NOW!"I shushed her. "Chesney, lower your voice an octave or four. Dogs are howling.""Maybe you should have led with that when you initiated this conversation!" she whispered yelled at me."I didn't realize it mattered this much," I said, shoving the rest of my bagel in my mouth."You didn't think it---" she groaned. Men are so dumb." She squished my cheeks together. Why did she insist on doing that? "You need to tell me what is going on, what you have heard, and sight all of your sources."I tried to talk, but she was still smooching my face. "Can you let go, please," I spurted out the best I could."Oh. Sorry.""Willow was talking to Shan--""YOU WERE TALKING WITH WILLOW AND SHANNON!" She started to look angry. I once said her pants looked like they were about to bust at the seams. How did I know she was bloated from that time of the month?"No, I wasn't talking to her. I was dipping into their conversation."Oh. Okay, you may proceed.""Can I? Wow, thanks for the permission to speak. As I was saying, Willow was telling Shannon that her and Jay--""Jay! As in Jayson? Like Alora and Jayson? What the actual fuck! Are they dating now!""Holy shit. Can I just talk? To answer your question, I don't know. If I did, I would have led with that. I am not one to get involved in people's love lives. Until two hours ago, mine was a mystery. Now, again, to continue. They were in Little Italy at Mama Santa's picking up a pizza when Jay saw them sitting in the back of the dining room.""Ho-ly shit! Was it a date? Like a date date?""Willow did say it sure looked like a date to her. Especially when Jay said something Hudson didn't like, he looked like he was going to launch him through the window. Called him a total hothead.""Awe, how cute is that! He was defending her honor. He likes her, no doubt. But... should we really trust Willow? I mean, it's Willow. She gossips more than Joan Rivers."That reference went completely over his head. "Who?""Never mind.""There is a little more if you're interested. It may be important."She leaned forward and propped her head on her hands. Her eyes somehow grew wider. She motioned for me to continue."Shannon told her that she saw them getting in a bitchin' white Audi R8.""OMG, do you have any idea how much those cars cost?""Can't say that I do.""More than the average college education costs.""I wonder what the hell his family does for a living?" Now I was really curious about him. "Anyway, he opened the door for her and everything. They left after the fourth period, so they must have gone to Lakeland together, AND if you notice, her car was still in the parking lot when we left at 4:15. So, I am going to say the sighted sources are reputable. You know this gossip thing is pretty fun."She smirked at me. "I need to text here like right now!" I watched as she frantically searched through her extremely large purse. I put my hand over hers to stop her. "Baby girl, what if they are still out? Maybe you should wait till later tonight? I mean, what if you interrupt something? Wouldn't it be horrible if you interrupted them... doing something? Shame, shame, you would be to blame." I cocked my eyebrow at her. ""I highly doubt it. I mean, it is Alora."She immediately started panicking, searching through her purse again. "And why would that be? "Why would you be so doubtful? He's hot, according to you, and Alora is the beautiful girl next door type.""Without looking up, she verbally vomited some highly confidential information. And by the tone of her voice, she had absolutely no idea what her mouth was doing. "Because she's a virgin. That's the whole reason Jay--" She stopped and looked at me with a horrified look on her face."She's a--- no--- but she's so hot!""Yes, she is, but it is not for lack of options. Now, you need to get a case of selective memory and never select that one!""Can't I---""Margrave, if you ever want that dick sucked again, I highly suggest that you don't finish that sentence."What were we talking about? I just blanked for a second.""Good choice, my love." She patted me on the chest. I slid off my stool and turned her to face me. I tucked myself in between her legs. I put my arms around her, and she rested her head on my ribcage. I smoothed out her hair. "I love you with everything I have, Baby Girl.""I love you too, my sweet, sweet sausage." She looked up at me, and I bent down till my lips met hers. 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶I came into the house and dropped my bag by the front door. I went to the family room, where everyone was sitting around, watching a movie."Hey, I'm home.""No, duh. We can see you standing there. You're not the invisible man.." My younger brother said, rolling his eyes."Thanks, Captain sarcasm.""Any dinner left? I am starving.""There is dinner in the fridge. Would you like me to go heat it up?""No, Mom. I can get it. Thanks though." I turned to make my way to the kitchen. That is till my father's booming voice stopped me. My father didn't even remove his eyes from the TV. "Exactly where were you? I hope that you were practicing because you skipped practice. Coach called and asked me if I knew where you were. So?""I was with Chesney." Brian, you are a fucking moron. Why did you tell him the truth? I mean, are you incapable of telling a lie, George Washington?My father actually turned and looked at me. "I am disappointed in you." He shook his head. "You need to be practicing, Brian, not running around with some girl. You know you're going to be drafted. No doubt about it. My guess is she knows this, too. You have to watch out for the golddiggers of the world. There's going to be plenty of them tripping over themselves to get to you. You will have plenty of chances to sow your oats, but right now, you need to get your head in the game, Son. So, whatever you got going on needs to stop.""Oh, Ethan, Chesney is a wonderful girl. She's been around for five years, you know her. I highly doubt that she's been in his life for that long, just in case Brian gets drafted.""Yeah, and she's smoking hot!""Keving, stay out of this.""Well, she is. Bruh, if you guys split, can I get dibs?""NO! You can not have dibs, and I am not going to be breaking up with her. And she is not just some girl." My mind went back to this afternoon when she finally told him how she really felt about him—that she loved him. "Mom is right. She is not with me for the money on the remote chance I went professional!" My voice had started to get a little loud."You better watch your tone, boy. Don't you dare get loud with me. Until you leave this house and get out on your own, don't forget who your ass belongs to me.""Ethan!""Stay out of this, Judy. This is between me and my son!""Your son! Oh, I guess I had absolutely nothing to do with it! You were involved for what? Five minutes? I was involved for nine months! So, unless you see me as nothing but an oven, I suggest you never speak to me like that again!" She stormed out of the room. Kevin stood up. "You know, I think it's time for me to...mhm... uhh... walk the dog.""We don't have a god," I said."Well, then I am going to go buy one. Later. Much, much later!" My brother hightailed it out of the room. "Look, Brian, you miss one more practice. It is an opportunity to practice; it is over with her. Do you understand? You live here. I pay the bills, feed you, support you, and pay for your car insurance and truck. You don't even have a job. Why? Because basketball is your job and will be your job. I am doing this for you so that you can be successful. If I were you, I wouldn't fuck this up. Do you think Mr. Salvatori is doing all of this for Andy? No. Is Andy going to get a football scholarship? Yes, because he puts in the work!"My father left the room. I raked my hands through my hair. "Fuck. My. Life." I said under my breath. Everything he said, with the exception of the stupid fucking shit he had the nerve to say about Chesney, was true. My parents have spent a lot of time and resources so I could live and breathe basketball. I wanted to be a success so that I could pay them back for everything and them some. Especially my mom That woman is a saint. She has gone above and beyond for me. And sticking up for Chess made me love her even more and I didn't think that was humanly possible.I drug my ass up to my room. Well, it was more like a shrine to my basketball career. I have been playing basketball for what felt like my entire life. My room was filled with trophies and pictures and posters of my favorite player. My favorites were the signed jerseys that I had collected over the years. It took up all the real estate in my room. Sometimes I wish that my parents would just put everything in a spare bedroom. I have asked, but my father says that I need constant reminders that I am a champion. No pressure. The only personal photos I had were when I was in uniform or at a game. But on my side table, that was reserved for pictures of me with Chesney and her alone. Hers was the last face I saw when I fell asleep and the first one I saw in the morning. One day, she was to be the first person I kiss in the morning and the last person I kiss at night. One day, I am going to marry that girl.