
Into the Deep End

Alora has physical scars and unfiltered fears. When a good-looking Aussie starts to show interest in her, she has a choice. Jump into the deep end and sink or swim.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Urban
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12 Chs

Meet the one and only Chesney Johnson

"Hey, Beautiful." Brian came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I craned my neck and turned and looked up at him. 

"Hey, Sausage." I smiled, and he bent his neck till his lips met mine. Fuck, this boy was fine. He made me ache in places with just the lightest touch. My goosebumps almost made my skin hurt. They were so tight.

"How was your first day, Baby girl?"

"It sucked. I only have one class with Alora. I have to pay attention because there is nothing else to do." I gave him my best disappointed pouty face, complete with doe eyes.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I felt his lips on my neck, and he kissed me softly. 

"Brian, what are you doing?" He nibbled at my ear, which he knew drove me absolutely crazy.

"I'm making you feel better. Is it working?" 

I sucked in a deep breath. "No, all it is doing is making me sexually frustrated."

His hand made its way under my top. He started drawing little circles around my belly button. "What in the world is that?"

He had come in contact with my brand-new belly button piercing. "I didn't tell you about that? I could have sworn that I had told you?" "

"Umm. I would have remembered a little jewel adorning that beautiful flat, tan stomach that I looked at all summer and licked on occasion when I was lucky enough. When did you get it done? And where. I want to know who was that close to your kitty."

"Chill out. Alora went with me, and we saw Jordan at War Horse. You remember him, don't you?" 

He huffed. "Yes. I remember him. He was a nice, married guy with eight kids. I approve." 

I shifted uncomfortably and aggressively moved his hands off of me. "I don't need your approval, Brian." To say I was getting agitated was an understatement.

"Whoa. I didn't mean it like that. I wasn't serious, Baby Girl. You can get any part of your body pierced if you want to. I am not your keeper. Your body, your choice. I'm so sorry."

I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I know you didn't mean it like that. I don't know why I reacted that way." Actually, I know exactly why I did. I reached behind and took his hands. I put the back on my stomach. 

He started to play with the waistband of my pants. He leaned in. I could smell peppermint and his cologne.

He put his hands down my pants to my hips. He put his mouth next to my ear, softly brushing it with his warm, soft lips. "My. My. Chesley Marie. You're not wearing any panties." He whispered, and it turned on the faucet between my legs.

"That's not all I'm not wearing."

He took one hand and slid it back under my shirt. His hand grasped my breast. He rolled my nipple between his fingers. "Someone is being a very naughty girl. Are you a naughty girl for me, Baby?" 

"No," I said as I exhaled. 

"I think you're lying." He kissed my neck.

I could barely stay upright. He had my knees so weak. "I am," I moaned.

"I kept it off after I took my shower after gym."

"And why did you do that? Did you want to tease me? Hmm?" He continued to whisper.

"Yes." Christ, if you keep doing this, I am going to fuck you right now in the hallway. 

"How's that working out for you?" His hand circled my thigh, and he ran his finger up my slit. "Oh. I think it backfired on you. You are so wet for me. God, I missed you so much. I want to taste you, Baby Girl."

He pressed up against me, and I could feel his cock. He was hard as steel. I missed him. Maybe more than he missed me. I haven't had sex in months. And sex with Brian was mind-altering. I reached behind my back and ran my hand over him. Two can play this game. I heard him groan. I missed his little noises. "Do you crave me, Brian?" I felt him smile against my neck.

"You bet your fucking cute little ass I do." He removed his hands from my body, spun me to face him, and then proceeded to throw me over his shoulder like a cave dweller. He kicked my locker shut and made his way down the hallway.

"You realize how much Neanderthal behavior you display right now, don't you?" I propped my head on my hand. He laughed.

"Be happy. I could have pulled you by your ponytail." 

I shook my head. "Touche. You know, Sausage, your ass looks amazing from this angle. And I do love watching your back muscles flex. Have you been working out?" I slightly bounced with each step. I waved at the people who were still lingering around the halls. "Hey. How ya doin'? Nothing to see here. Go about your business. Carry on."

Brian kicked open the double doors leading to the parking lot outside the gym. We walked across the parking lot, with me still over his shoulder. 

"Don't drop me. It's a long way down." 

"It's only about six feet four inches from my shoulder. You can fall and survive."

"Next time, can we just do a piggy?" 

"Awe. Come on, Chess. This is our thing. You know you love it when I do that." He put me down, and my feet finally returned to solid ground. I looked up at him.

Brian was 6'8. He had dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, a perfect smile, and the cutest little ears. He wasn't built, but he was toned. His abs were my favorite part of his body... besides his giant cock. 

He opened the back door to his Ford F350, a gigantic truck, but he wasn't a small guy. He took me under my arms like a child and lifted me. "Upsy daisy." 

"You know I don't like when you do that either."

"I know, but you are just so little and cute."

"Compared to you, everyone is little. But they aren't as cute." 

He leaned in and kissed me on the nose. He started taking off my shoes. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, watching him untying my laces.

"I'm taking your shoes off."

"I know that, but why?"

"Because I can't take your pants off with them on."

"You can't--- The door is wide open. You can get in her and take them off."

"Come on, live a little. No one is left in the lot. I'm in the corner and backed in. The door is blocking us, and a brick wall is behind us. No one is going to see us. Please. You're supposed to be this rebel without a cause. The badass Chesney Johnson." I took a beat to think about what he was attempting to do. "Let me eat your fussy al fresco. It's something I always have wanted to do. Be a naughty girl, and let me have this."

He was begging by this point. He looked so fucking cute. And I loved when he called me that. "So, this is on your bucket list?"

"I don't have a bucket; I have a barrel, and I want to do most of what's in it with you."

Without a word, I lifted my hips and let him peel off my yoga pants."Yeah?"I lay back on the bench seat. "Go for it. Who am I to deny someone one of their dying wishes."

He grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer to the door, my ass on the edge of the seat. I felt like I was about to get my annual pelvis exam. Even more so when he put his knees on the running board and put my legs over his shoulders.

"You have no idea how many times I thought about this while I stroked myself. Fuck. I bet your face looks even prettier than I imagined when I made you come."

He buried his face between my thighs. He wasn't going to waste time teasing me. He started by playing with my clit with the tip of his tongue. He knew he needed to be quick. He was lucky enough that I agreed to this. He was like a pussy licking master. He could teach a fucking class.

He had recently gotten his tongue pierced by Jordan, and this was the first time he had gone down on me with it. The feeling of the barbell was so fucking pleasing. When he licked me, it would knock against my clit. Up and down, side to side.

"Holy fuck, babe. That is so fucking good. I love the piercing." He hummed in appreciation, and the vibration went through me.

I knew I was soaking his face. I started grinding my hips. He plunged his tongue inside me. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I grabbed a clump of his soft hair.

"Fuck Baby. You are soaking." He slid one of his long fingers inside me. I gasped. I was not expecting that at all. "You like that, Baby Girl? Do you want more?"

I nodded my head. "Use your words."

"Please," I croaked out. "More."

He complied and slid two more in at the same time. He fucked me with his fingers as his mouth was now clamped on my clit. I wasn't going to last much longer after this.

"I'm going to burst. You may want to hold your breath. Fucking shit, Brian! Drink me dry, Baby."

He removed his fingers and licked my entrance. Within seconds, I exploded into his mouth. My orgasm is crashing on my face like a tidal wave. He had to be drowning. My eyes rolled back into my head. He slurped and lapped.

"Yeah, come for me." He continued to clean me with his tongue. "Fucking hell, Chesney!"

Looking between my legs, I watched him clean me with his beautiful mouth. His eyes locked with mine. This made him start to lick me again. "Brian. You... Why don't..."

He removed himself from my legs, and his face was glistening with my cum. He took his long tongue and licked his face.

"He never made you come like I can, did he?"

I sat straight up. I knew he was trying to boost his ego. I bit my bottom lip. Relax Chesney. Breathe. What do you want from him? Right now. 

I scooted back. "I want your cock. Give me that big fucking Sausage!"

He groaned. I know that he loved it when I called him. He climbed up from between my legs and easily climbed in. His long legs just lifted him in. He didn't need any running boards or steps. He unbuttoned his pants as he was climbing in. I did my best to help him shimmy them off. As soon as his pants and his briefs were off, his beautiful erection sprung out. "I had forgotten how big it really is."

"Come on, Ches. It hasn't been that long," he said with a huge smile.

"Maybe even not too long ago is still too long when it comes to you, baby."

"Awe. Chesney Johnson. Are you falling for me?"

I looked back from his eyes to his lips. "Kiss me, Jackass!"

"Yes, Maam." He crashed his lips into mine. I love how soft his lips are. He pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. My pussy was hot and slick, and I snuggled his cock between my folds and rocked my hips.

"Fuck Baby Girl. What the hell is that?"

"It's called a sensual massage, my love. Do you like it?"

His eyes rolled back in his head. "Oh. Fuck yes, Baby. God, I love what you do to me."

I rocked slowly up and down his shaft. I was soaking wet again.I pulled his head done to look between us, and you could see his cock glistening.

"Oh fuck. I can't believe you and I are here right now." He grabbed my hips. "I need to feel you from the inside, Ches! Please."

I rose to my knees and hovered over him. He grasped his cock and held it straight up for me to engulf. He pressed the velvety tip to my entrance. He rubbed me a little, and then his tip popped into my opening.

"Oh fuck. Brian. God, you are magnificent. Now, I know why you have that nickname." He filled me, and I relished the feelings as my walls gave way to him.

"You always feel so good. All these years, you have always been my favorite girl."

He held onto my hips and rocked me faster. His hips started to move up to meet mine. Soon, his hips were moving so hard and intense. He slammed his big cock into me. it hurt, but in such a good way. "Look at that Baby Girl. Look at how good we are together." He was looking at where we were coming together. It was so fucking erotic.

I couldn't control myself much longer. Fuck. I'm going to... I'm going to..."

"Fuck, yeah. Me too, baby. Me too." He grabbed me and lifted my head up so that we were looking at me in the eyes. "I have to see you when you come, Ches. I need to see how I please you. I need to see the look on your pretty face."

Bracing my hands on his chest, I bounced as hard as I could on his cock; grinding my hips, blurring him deep within me. I felt my body start to get ridged. I felt my muscles tense.

"Brian... I ... FUCK BABY! YES.DON'T STOP! YOU ARE RIGHT THERE! THAT'S THE SPOT!" My pussy let go with a flood of cum. You could hear the wet and sticky sound. It was hot, it was sexy, and it pushed him over the edge. It made him yell my name. The sound of his voice, his grunts, and his groans fill the cab of the truck. He grabbed my hips, almost painfully, and pinned me to his hips. I could feel him in my stomach. His hot ropes of cum filling me. I collapsed and fell forward onto his chest. He kissed the top of my head. "Ches?"

"What, Baby?" He rested his cheek on the top of my head and stroked my hair.

"What if I told you... You know we have been on and off for a long time and... Well, do you consider me," he took a deep breath. "Your boyfriend?"

"Ahh. Ummm. Well, we have only been back together for a little while. Like what? A couple of months? I mean, where are you going with this?"

"I know, but we have been together for years. Just not consecutively."

"Isn't it obvious? Or are you being that obtuse on purpose?"

I pulled my head back and looked at him. "Obtuse? Wow. That is an SAT word. I don't appreciate being called clueless, but I will give you an A+ for word usage." I sighed. "So, you want a label on what we have? Like a serious commitment?" I climbed off of his lap. "A label?"

"Jesus, Ches. I want you to be my girl, not my fiance. Yeah, I want you to be mine. I don't want to see other people. I don't want you to see other guys."

"Are you talking about Ryan? I have a feeling you are talking about Ryan."

"Well, what if I am? You left me and went back to him. You and I were on and off, and when we were off, you and Ryan were on."I saw the hurt in his eyes. It was killing me.

"Brian Harmon Margrave, are you, dare I say, jealous?"

"Yeah, fuck yes, Chesney! I am jealous. I am beyond jealous. I hate to see him look at you, and when you speak to him, I want to rip his head off. And I told you not to use my middle name."

I did it to get a rise out of him. "I'm sorry, Baby." I took him by the cheeks, squishing them together, making his lips into a fishy face. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I am no longer interested in Ryan." I released him, and l smiled.

"Really, Ches?"

"Yes, Babe. Really, really."

"So, you'll be my girl?"I wanted to say yes. I really did, but the thought of it scared the shit out of me. When Ryan and I got together, he always said I was "his girl." Ryan was very controlling. He expected me to do what he wanted when he wanted, and I was not to question him. By the end, his word was law.