
Inside the life of a billionaire teen

Give this book a try, don't judge it by the first chapter or the second one, it keeps on getting interesting chapter to chapter . Her existence was like a bone stuck in the neck . Nothing was good about her life, only bad memories filled with regret and anger . No one knew her pain apart from herself. Her life seemed good to viewers but only herself knew how messy it was. Heaven's only happiness was spending money like water , changing boyfriends like clothes, fighting and causing troubles.

ZoeTinnah · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
42 Chs

The drama Queen.

"One way of fighting your enemy is finding thier weakest point." muttered Heaven after listening to Mirror and Justin's conversation.

"Who is that beautiful but weird girl, is she new ?" The boy was talking with his friends as he looked and pointed in Heaven's direction.

"Wait a second, that girl looks familiar, Heaven Woods who was one of the most popular girls months back but what happened to her look at the way she's dressed, that's not her ways am sure she's up to something." said another.

"Wow it's her, I always crushed on her but how can that wierd girl be Heaven Woods?" asked the first boy.

"I heard that she was in an accident months back and his boyfriend at that time died so she's considered as a witch and a girl of mis fortunes and bad luck . All the guys swore not to date her. Am so lucky I will get her all to myself." said the other boy smiling.

"But she was a kind of girl who dated a new guy each week , spent money like water and abused others for no reason, I also witnessed her seducing Chen lie but she failed. She is a bitch." said the first boy .

"But that doesn't stop me from loving her." said the other boy .

As she entered the class, all eyes were on her, some were disgusting while others were looking in disbelief.

"What's wrong with me, they are looking at me as if I pooped my pants." she thought in her head when spotted an empty wooden desk.

"Ahhh...., that's Chen lie's." shouted a girl covering her mouth with one hand in shock .

Heaven placed her school bag on top of it and was about to sit when someone pulled the chair away and she landed straight on her butt.


"Ouch... !" said Heaven and looked up to see a male figure standing besides her with a pocker face and a smirk on his face.

"Take your bag along with you psycho, I don't want to see to see your face near me even for a single second." he said throwing her school bag on the floor.

Chen lie.

Another handsome boy in sunflower class, apart from Justin Gutter and Thor Cooper.

Tom Glutcher was one of them .

Seventeen years old.

Good at basketball and tennis.

He's not interested in girls because he thought dating was a waste of time and energy.

Many girls have chased him but end up being humiliated and Heaven herself is one of them .

"Hi, you .... watch your mouth and help me up or else ....." Said Heaven looking at him dead in eyes .

"Or else What?" Chen lie cut in .

"Am creating a scene." replied Heaven.

She was someone who was good at creating scenes and Chen Lie himself know what she was meaning.

She used to chase him before and ended being humiliated Infront of other kids but she wasn't that kind of person who got ashamed easily and one day she accused him of stealing money from her wallet .

"Are you coming or not?" asked Heaven with a smile on her face .

"Hum!! You all think you are going to step on me just because I don't remember anything from my past , don't even dream about it, am a fighter."

"Overseer are you okay ?" called Hazel coming towards her but was stopped by just a single cold glance.

"How can you push an innocent girl like me, I really didn't mean to step on your shoes, I have apologized many times but you didn't want to listen to me , i told you am sorry but you pushed me on the floor , look I have even sprained my ankle ( touching on her ankle with one hand),you heartless thug bullying a weak person." said Heaven as she cried out loud and fake tears attracting everyone's attention.

"Heaven Woods deserves a trophy of a drama queen." muttered Mirror who was watching in the window as she nodded her head in disbelief.

"Did she really push her for stepping on his shoe, how heartless!!! " commented a girl .

"That good for nothing jerk!" commented another .

"He's really a psycho who needs to be addimited to the hospital as soon as possible." commented the third one .

Shameful, Chen Lie bent down and helped her up . His eyes were red as he bit his lips. He couldn't believe that Heaven could stop so low just to humiliate him again like she did before and now everyone is taking him as a freak .

As soon as Chen Lie helped her up, she whispered " Wasn't I cool, how about we try to get along." and looked at him with a smile.

"Listen clearly you psycho, you are not getting away with it, not to mention Tom's family they are going to kill you before I do."

Heaven raised her eyes and looked at Chen Lie whose eyes were burning with anger .

"Is that so?" She asked.

Chen Lie nodded his head before uttering out something that sounded like bitches are "Bitches are hypocrite"

"Don't tell me that you are seducing me ?" said Heaven.

"What?" replied Chen Lie.

"If not that why are your hands wrapped around my waist."

" I assure you... are going in my hands." he whispered before unwrapping his hands off her waist.

Hearing that Heaven laughed her lungs out .

Do I look like someone who is afraid of death? asked Heaven in a cold voice and continued "If you want to frighten me off , get something worse than death , I even promised Marga not to cause trouble but look what you have done."

Sigh of relief.(Heaven)

Whenever that name Tom sounds into her ears it feels like he's watching her each and every move she makes and guilty runs to her mind but couldn't allow him to bully him in the name of Tom Glutcher.

Unbelievable bitch muttered Chen Lie before moving out.

"Wow, it was cool, you were born a fight." flattered Hazel .

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