

What happens when you are transported into a fantasy world? What happens when you become friends with the main characters ? What happens when you get the opportunity to change things in it ? Let us find out.

Ayush2605903 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

"Oh come on Scarlet. I promised him we will wait for him at the station." Light said while giving a very sheepish smile.

"Ugh. That guy. Did you not see what he did inside the railway ?" Scarlet said with a hmph.

"You asked for it, you know ? Like who tells a person on his face that he is a stalker ? Why don't you just give him a chance to become your friend?" Emilia said while eating her ice cream.

Scarlet didn't reply to this but started thinking about what Emilia just said.

"He doesn't deserve to be Scarlet's friend." Chrome replied to Emilia and narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you to decide who can be friends with Scarlet or not , eh ?" and with this Emilia looked in the other direction lost deep in her thoughts.

"Hey guys", a shout came from the distance.

All 4 looked in the direction and had their jaws dropped.

A person with the most designer jacket and glasses was coming in their direction.

If one would look closely, his jacket, shirt and pant all were from one of the most expensive clothes brand in the country.

Emilia, Chrome and Scarlet were super rich. Hence, they knew about the cost of clothes of that brand.

"What are you guys looking at ?", said Turner while looking at them.

"Turner ? Is this you ?" , Emilia asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Where did you get all this? What happened ?" This time it was Chrome who asked with his eyes all bulged out.


Hidden mission – shock Chrome to his core – Complete

points gained 100

points left - 300

Author's note – remember this face and relish it. You wont see this many times*

"Haha long story. Lets just say god gave me his blessing. Now come on we would miss our train."



"Today was fun."

Turner jumped on his bed and opened his phone.

"Now that I have money, it is time to move to the next phase of my plan and start buying poison and strengthen my body."

Turner opened the online auction of adventurers and started scrolling the different poisons available.

The online auction was a full proof site and all the purchases and sales were anonymously made. No one knew any information about the seller or the buyer.

All information about transactions were kept confidential.

Thus if one had money , it didn't matter who he/she was. They could buy anything. Weapons, Minerals, poisons, food ingredients, monster parts, Anything.

"Hmm… Though , I have a lot of money as of now but it is still too less to buy any poison above E grade. Wow this shows how much adventurers must be earning just by hunting monsters."

Yes, in the world the richest individuals were the most powerful adventurers.

Turner's eyes were burning with flames. "I'll also become one of the most powerful adventurers. Just you wait."

Well according to the system my talent of poison has the following effects:

Talent of poison-

- full immunity from all type of poisons

-the body's strength , speed, flexibility, dexterity, defence will increase when Host consumes different poisons. The more deadlier the poison, the more gain for the body. After drinking 5ml of any poison , host's body wont gain further from it .

-Host can absorb poison completely from anything just by touching it

(Linked to system – system will tell host when his body consumes any poison)

Yup my talent to memorize surely comes in handy at this time, eh ?

"So I have to order 5ml of every poison. Further it is better to drink poison once in a while. Drinking too much at one time is like giving an axe to a child. The axe may be very deadly but the child has to learn to wield it too. Similarly, the poison may increase all my stats but I have to take time to get adjusted to the increased stats too. Thus regular exercise and drinking poison once in a while will help me have full control and command over my body."


Yes I'll order the following as of now:

Rank F brown snake's venom

Rank F black scorpion's poison

Rank F silk spider's poison.

The address and time for delivery ? Let's just put Azura cafe in Evergrande city at 12:00 pm next Sunday."

"Perfect. Now it is time to move to my next phase of gaining strength."



The next day at school.

Ashley was in her staffroom while checking the class test of her students.

"Tss. This Turner is able to reproduce exactly what is in the book. This talent to memorize sure is broken."

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in."

There she say Turner coming in.

"Oh , Mr Turner. Speak of the devil and here he comes. I was just thinking about you."

"Haha Teacher I hope it was all good." Turner said while grinning.

"Let's cut the chit chat shall we ? Why have you come here Mr Turner ?"

"Teacher I want you to help me train."

Ashley peered into Turner's eyes to try to find what was Turner actually thinking.

"Mr Turner I'm a swordsmen. You chose gun. I don't think I can give you any weapon training."

"I know teacher. I don't need your help in weapon training , but in hand to hand combat."

"Hand to hand combat ?"

"To be precise , I want you to teach me how to dodge."

"Pardon ?" Ashley narrowed her eyes, trying to make sense of what Turner just said .

"See teacher. Since gun is my weapon it helps me become a long range fighter. But what if a monster or a person is very near to me ? Gun would allow me to shoot at my target even if it is very near to me thus helping me become both , a long range and a short range fighter. The only problem is that I would have to dodge the attacks of the monster or person near me while shooting at him. Hence I want you to teach me how to dodge." Turner said while shrugging his shoulders.

Ashley, one of the greatest adventurers of her time, though called as sadistic maniac now by her students also had a nickname in her adventuring days. She was called the "quicksword." As to why she got this name ? She was so quick in her strikes that it was near impossible for people or monsters to dodge it.

Infact her sword skills were just average. She didn't have the grace or finesse that the swordsmaster of her time had but her speed made them so deadly that people started calling her as quicksword.

Yes if I can learn how to dodge her attacks , I will gain the ability to dodge attack of any monster or person. Hence, in this only she can help me.