
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 29

The long metal spear acted as if it was a lightning rod, beckoning for the lightning—

"'Regulus Aurum!"

Faster than my command, the Lightning Lion moved at the speed of light.

Yukina had already released her spear, leaping in midair.

And then my Beast Vassal bit down on the shaft of the spear she had left behind.

The magical energy of the Beast Vassal transformed into lightning form poured into the devil's body. The way to defeat a mass of magical energy was to smash it with stronger magical energy.

This time, the overwhelming magical power of the Primogenitor's Beast Vassal instantly burned away and annihilated the armor that was protecting Vali from most attacks. Having lost his armor from his partner, the devil slowly collapsed onto the floor.

Meanwhile, a man looked at the scene and could only admit that he was dumbfounded, as he gazed upon the scene.

The annihilation of Vali's armor, with the ability to withstand quite a punch, meant that the fourth progenitor wasn't new blood as we all thought when the Church found him.

Before the man could move to rescue Vali, Yukina landed without a sound in front of Vali's badly injured body.

The distracted man was slow to react, but none the less he appeared in front of Vali. Both Yukina and I got confused when we saw a man appearing out of thin air in front of our enemy, but that didn't mean that we weren't prepared for any kind of attack that may come.

"Wait! I'm sorry for what my son did, but can you please spare him? The damage that he withstood should be more than enough of a punishment for him."

Looking at the father of that battle maniac, I could only sigh, since even though I don't know the man, my instincts yell at me to run as far away as possible from that man. Yukina also got slightly wounded by that guy when she attacked Vali and while she got just a few scratches on her body, I can't bring myself to continue fighting.

"Let's go home, Yukina, no point fighting a losing fight. We can't win against him, not to mention that we had already created more problems than we can even take care of."

Yukina looked at the man for a second before walking by my side. Before we left, she unsummoned her weapon, leaving the unconscious Vali bleeding behind his self-proclaimed father of his.

A few minutes later, an eerie silence came over the pair of father and son.

Vali did not move. Even if he regained consciousness when Akatsuki and his little girlfriend were here, he was already too injured to continue fighting, and even if it's annoying he rather accepts his defeat in a battle than die due to his idiocy. His defeat had been assured the moment that girl pierced him and his armor had disappeared.

Without a word, his father looked over the area. This particular street had taken severe damage from their battle. Even so, the houses were mostly intact and while the damage was severe it has mostly done to the outside.

"You know Vali, if I didn't intervene, Kojou and that little girl would have killed you. He may not have the strength to fight you one on one and win, but seeing as that girl is always with him, his chances of dying are significantly low. Well, until they meet someone that's stronger than them."

In the end, the man picked Vali and teleported away before any devils appear here and bother him with their diplomacy.

<Kojou Akatsuki POV>

When we arrived home, the first thing that I've done was to drink a cup of blood. I don't know why but since I've unlocked Regulus Aurum, I've got stronger. Not in the stupidly way of becoming a force to reckon, but strong enough to fight heads on with a middle-class stray devil and not fearing that it could one-shot me. Even though at first I hated my new life, now I can understand why some protagonists in those novels love to have a harem or even one true love. Glancing at Yukina, I unwittingly let out a small smile.

Yukina saw me smiling at her and did the same. Yet in an instant, like a flower blooming shyly in winter, her beautiful smile inevitably vanished from her lips.

They had won a victory. However, that didn't mean they hadn't achieved anything in the process.

A great many buildings have been damaged. And even now, the buildings are still there in the state we left them when I choose to retreat.

Even so, having seen her smiling face just now, made me a little satisfied. Just for that, I thought, that this battle was not in vain.

However, with her now seeming like a wounded fairy, he couldn't form any lewd feelings while looking her over; it was painful just looking at her all-too-frail and exhausted form.

'Well, can't be helped.' I thought then I turned toward Yukina.



"Sorry. Just for a sec…okay?"

Yukina gave a mystified look back as I walked closer, speaking those words as I strongly embraced her.

Yukina's lips let out a "what" in a small voice.

She seemed in quite a bit of confusion at my unanticipated behavior, but her body only stiffened a little bit; she didn't really try to resist. She awkwardly leaned toward me, entrusting the weight of her body to me.


Yukina seemed bewildered as her body quivered. She was so soft. So warm. She smelled faintly of sweat and blood. My entire body took it all in, seemingly coveting everything about her.

I understood the reason why Yukina was bewildered.

It wasn't an issue of what would happen to her right away from having a vampire drink her blood. It was said humans felt pleasure and ecstasy from being drunk from, but that was as simple as that.

The problem was if blood plasma from the vampire's own body flowed from his fangs as they still pierced, and into the other person's body. Those who received blood from vampires became "Blood Servants."

That didn't mean it was guaranteed to happen. That probably changed according to the phases of the moon, the condition of the human being's body, and one's ability to resist dark forces. However, if vampiric behavior was done over and over, eventually the other person would become one of the undead.

That meant living together as partners for the rest of one's eternal life.

"Senpai…you can't… We're not…ready for…"

Yukina tried to rebuke me, her voice frail and seemingly panicked by what was about to happen. But on contrary to what she was expecting to happen, I only embraced her, calming myself down as I didn't want to force her to become something that may endanger her life more than watching me and being my girlfriend.

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six chapter ahead ) or my other active one(The Son of a Legend and for the upcoming Zombie novel about a group of students trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse >

<Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun