
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 28

(A/N: I have read at least one or two people pointing out the fact that this ff follow the plot of both novels way too much for their liking, so... please tell me how would you like for me to make a ff without following the plot even a little ? I'm just curious. Since I can definitely do that by simply removing the MC from the supernatural world and making him a normal guy that study and gets a normal job.

Anyways, another chapter coming later today.)

My situation could be worse than right now, but while Serafall clearly found out about me and my inheritance, I doubt that she would try to do something that may put the devils against the whole vampire race as apparently, I'm a very important member of their society. Of course, that's true as long as I openly join any vampire faction.

"Tell me Serafall what do you want to achieve by quite openly approaching me? "

"Well, A-chan, I just want to be sure that my sweet So-tan isn't taken advantage of by some idiot. Now if that said guy happens to be an important name in the supernatural world, then I may approach him and at least make sure that the devils or at least The Sitri family are in good relations with that said individual."

"I see, then by all means please tell me what do you think about me."

"You are rather interesting from my point of view. While it's true that you are a pervert, who isn't one these days? And while you definitely act like one, your own desires are somewhat at fault. Before you freak out, I got permission from Chisato-san to investigate you. Unfortunately I can't tell you more than this."

"It's fine, not that I even tried to hide my past."

"As I was saying, I had my familiars stalk you a little and I've got to say that you have a lot of courage to two times my So-tan, but at the same time I also have to congratulate you for having a small harem, but be careful with whose heart do you play, A-chan. Not all girls love having their man shared between a few other women."

"I'll remember that, Sera-chan."

"And in the end, I've decided that whatever I may say, my little sister would undoubtedly do whatever her heart dictates so please, don't hurt her. I ask you this as her sister, not as Serafall the Devil King."

"Don't worry, Sera-chan, I plan to one day marry her, alongside my other two girlfriends. Of course, only if we remain together by that time since we all know that times can change a person or take its life and I don't plan to force a girl."

We continue to talk about small things and after an hour or so, I excused myself, leaving the two sisters all by themselves.

As I was walking towards my home, I felt someone approaching me rather fast and before he or she could touch me, I dodge to my left. In the same place landed a guy with silver hair looking as if I insulted him for dodging his attack.

The guy didn't even hesitate to lunge at me, hoping to catch me off guard. Thankfully, I fought before and I was expecting this kind of response from my attacker, so as soon as he was in my range, I punched the guy right in the face, sending him flying a few meters away from me.

Unsurprisingly he got up as if I just breeze him.

"I wasn't expecting this when I heard that the fourth got found out. I'm Vali Lucifer."

"Akatsuki Kojou, but I presume you already know that. Tell me, why did you attack me? I don't remember interacting with you and I always kill the stray devils that I hunt."

"It's not related to that it's more related to me wanting to fight someone as strong as you before Azazel finds out that I've attacked you."

Seeing that there was no chance in hell that I would just leave without a fight, I've decided to at least get as many advantages as possible against this battle maniac. Before he could even react to me, I've appeared in front of him grabbing his arm and throwing him as far away as possible.

Once again he got up grinning like a child finding a new toy which made me regret my decision to fight him, as it seems that he wouldn't stop until one of us gets down.

Vali continue to annoy me with small attacks that weren't meant to incapacitate an enemy, but more as a way of gauging my power and most likely formulating a good way of taking me down.

Hit after hit, I've endured his assault until I've managed to find a small opening in his barrage of punches. Twisting my body to his righties slipped right under his fists and with a very precise uppercut, I got him down. Unfortunately, that only made my situation even more dangerous than it was before because Vali start laughing.

"For the first time in a good while, I've managed to find a good sparring partner. Akatsuki Kojou, prepare you to face the White Dragon Emperor in his strongest form."


"You have no choice if you want to see your little girlfriend again!"

That made me stop thinking about myself and for the first since we start fighting, I let my inner desire free. My eyes turned red while my whole presence screamed danger to whoever was feeling it and while I wasn't the strongest being, I was strong enough to defeat this self-claimed emperor. I had enough of his bullshit reason for fighting me and while I didn't care if he attacked me, going after someone's important ones is a sin in itself, but what could you expect from a devil?

Raising my arm in the air, a massive magical formation appeared under me followed by electricity surrounding me, stopping the flying devil in his tracks.

"I, Akatsuki Kojou, the successor of the Kaleid Blood, now release your constraints. Come, Fifth Familiar, Regulus Aurum!"

The light, heat, and shock wave of the lightning were incomparable to that which had come before. This was the same Beast Vassal of the Fourth Primogenitor that appeared a few months ago when I tasted Yukina's blood for the first, thankfully that time, my aunt and Natsuki-chan were close by sealing the whole area before anyone could have seen the spectacle of light. Since then, I didn't dare to bring him back, at least until now.

But unlike before, the light did not burst indiscriminately in all directions; instead, its shape condensed, changing into that of a giant beast.

This was the Beast Vassal proper form. The true form of a Beast Vassal of the Fourth Primogenitor, completely within my grasp.

"C'mon, Beast Vassal Number Five, 'Regulus Aurum'—!"

What had appeared was the Lightning Lion—a mass of magical energy in the form of raging lightning, as huge as the main battle tank. Its entire body emanated a radiance that dazzled the eyes; its roar shook the air like thunder itself.

I had inherited twelve Beast Vassals from the previous Fourth Primogenitor when she bites me, but it needed some sort of key to unlocking all of them.

But, in the end, drinking Yukina's blood had only made this Beast Vassal of lightning recognize me as its lord.

"So this is your Vassal Beast—! It is reckless to use such power in a populated space such as this!"

One of the Lightning Lion's front paws swung downward, aimed at Vali.

The attack only scratched him. From that alone, Vali was thrown several meters back.

A lightning-generating shock wave scattered sparks all over his white scale armor; the lightning's high temperature melted a small part of its side where the paw hit him.

The attack's aftereffects were felt by most supernatural beings in the town, which made some of the strongest ones rush towards them.

The great electrical discharge burned a few walls all around them, but nothing too drastic or too life-threatening for the people that live in that area happened yet, but with the power of those two, who knows how long the barrier could remain intact?


The White Dragon Emperor finally called his partner power. Nothing existed that couldn't be divided by Albion's power.

Shrugging off an incoming attack from Vali, the Beast Vassal stood before his master, protecting him from a direct hit.

Partially disregarding my command to not attack just yet, Regulus Aurum went on the attack. The giant Beast Vassal's front paw turned into lightning and slammed down upon the armored foe.

Once again the enemy divided the power of its beast's attack, withstanding the strike.

The uncontrolled magical lightning discharged, raking the street and the walls, punching through and breaking apart the thick walls of some of the homes with relative ease.

"Shit…! No good?! So even my Beast Vassal can't break his form…!"

I groaned as fierce uneasiness assaulted me.

Even having taken a blow from Regulus Aurum, Vali was mostly undamaged. Even if the attack was repeated over and over, it would probably end with the same result. And the barrier probably couldn't endure further combat.

Just as Vali was about to go on the offensive, a spear graze his face, halting his attack. The familiar figure of my lovely girlfriend appears near me. Yukina was wearing her school uniform, most likely because she didn't reach our home and had to rush to my aid as soon as she felt my familiar's power.


Yukina gently approached as if to support me against the enemy that was trying to end me. Even her expression bore heavy signs of fatigue—naturally, having been running for god knows how long made her quite tired.

"Sorry, Himeragi. I might not be able to beat him…!"

My voice shook with anger as if directed at my own inadequacy and stupidity for falling into this kind of trap.

One move. Just one hit stronger, and I could have won the fight. And yet I could not win against the White Dragon Emperor, now not only did I would get injured but also Yukina, who rushed to my aid.

However, Yukina, looking up at her frustrated boyfriend, smiled vividly.

"No, Senpai. In this fight, victory is ours."

Before I could even respond, Yukina stepped in front of me, leaving no time for a rebuttal.

"—I, Maiden of the Lion, Sword Shaman of the High God, beseech thee."

She danced with the silver-colored spear, like a swordsman praying to the gods for victory. Or perhaps like a maiden to whom victory was foretold.

"O purifying light, O divine wolf of the snowdrift, by your steel divine, will strike down the devils before me!"

Alongside her solemn chant, the snowflake spear began to emit a shine.

That dim white light was a spiritual resonance wave that could rip apart any barrier. However, its form was different from Regulus. It was slender, sharp, like a shining, glittering fang—nothing that could resemble the lighting lion.


Having realized Yukina's objective, Vali heaved back his hand and threw a powerful blast of demonic energy at Yukina while she was defenseless. However, a sphere of lightning released by me stopped Vali as he did so. Protected by scale armor as he was, it was not a fatal blow. However, it interrupted his attack for an instant.

That instant was more than enough for Yukina, who dashed. Like a supple, pale white she-wolf, she danced in the sky without a sound.

"Snowdrift Wolf!"

The next moment, the silver-colored spear pierced Vali's defenses, deeply impaling the battle manic chest. That moment, I, finally understood the meaning of Yukina's words.

Even though the armor had been pierced, Yukina's spear had done some damage to Vali. However, the spear continued to go through the armored foe, who was trying to get up and get the spear from his chest.

The long metal spear acted as if it was a lightning rod, beckoning for the lightning, thus being the perfect mean of attack for me and my beast.

"'Regulus Aurum!"

Faster than my command, the Lightning Lion moved at the speed of light.

Yukina had already released her spear, leaping in midair.

And then my Beast Vassal bit down on the shaft of the spear she had left behind.

The magical energy of the Beast Vassal transformed into lightning form poured into the devil's body.

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six chapter ahead ) or my other active one(The Son of a Legend and for the upcoming Zombie novel about a group of students trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse >

<Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun