

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

CH 048

Momo and I were teleported to my house, where the lights were out. "I think the power is out. Forgot to pay the electric bills," I said with a goofy smile, trying to lighten the mood. But Momo wasn't amused. "I'll make something to eat. I remember seeing some canned beans the last time I was here," she said, clearly not in the mood for jokes. I nodded and headed to the generator in our storage room. It was a small red generator, enough to power an AC for the whole night if properly fueled.

With the generator up and running, I only turned on the necessary lights. Lighting up the whole house at night might draw attention from the neighbors, who might recognize me from TV. Momo made a bean chili, which was decent for a sixteen-year-old, but not the best chili I'd ever had. I ate the whole thing while trying to make small talk. "Momo, what do you think about going to your house tonight? Just you. I know you haven't seen your family in a while, and I don't think they'll blow the whistle on you," I said. She looked slightly surprised. "I'd like that, but I wouldn't love it. I don't want to leave you, especially not when you're clinically insane. I mean, who plots to kill the life-saving heroes?" She started yapping about the same thing before finally agreeing to visit her parents.

I was alone in my room, and it was midnight, meaning it was evening or night in India. I thought for a while and decided to call my parents. Just then, the phone rang. "Maybe it's AFO," I thought, knowing he'd be aware of my arrival.

"Hello, Nagisa residence," I answered, since I was at my parents' home. From the other side, I heard a coarse male voice. "Kaneki, come back. I—I stabbed. Come back, Kaneki. I think I stabbed. No, what am I saying? I'm the one who stabbed her." The voice sounded more like my father than AFO. I was confused. 'What does he mean by stabbed her? And it doesn't sound like AFO at all. I know his cool-sounding voice.'

"Father, is that you?" I asked.

"Yes, son, come back. We need you. I stabbed your mom," said my father. I wasn't in the mood for pranks, so I sharply replied, "Father, don't be a fool. You can't prank me. Now give the phone to mother. I want to talk with her." I was unaware of the gravity of the situation.

My father cried, "I have an idiot for a son. Come here, you dipshit, or I'll make you pay." Okay, now I knew for sure it wasn't a prank. I quickly teleported to the living room of my mansion. There wasn't anyone. "That's odd." I activated my mind stone when I heard a yell from the kitchen. I couldn't scan the basement, which was really odd. I ran to the kitchen as fast as possible to see my mother in my father's arms, bleeding. There was a short kitchen knife in her hip. The blood drained from my face. I caught my mother and slowly removed the knife. "What happened? Why is she like this?" I asked, completely panicked. "It's like I said. I stabbed your mother," he replied when my mother said, "It was someone else, honey. Don't worry," as if she were about to die. I was in full panic. I had only one good power that could save her: telekinesis. I used my mind stone and focused on the wounds to control the bleeding. After a few seconds, the bleeding stopped, and my mother's face started regaining some color.

I ran to the first aid kit in the storage cabin and started bandaging her up. I don't know why, but I was crying for the first time in my life. Even though I knew they were my fake parents, I was on the verge of exploding. I was left gasping for air after an hour of bandaging.

"Now tell me what happened," I said, looking at my father, but my mother took charge. "I will answer you, Kaneki. It all happened in a second," she said, looking uncomfortable.

"Did Dad stab you because he disagreed with my plan?" I asked, a small amount of killing intent spilling out, enough to make my father and mother sick. "Wait, Kaneki, stop whatever you're doing. It was an accident. He asked me something, and I gave the wrong answer," my mom said, suffocating from my killing intent. "What? He stabbed you because you gave the wrong answer? You think I'd buy that?" I was not in the mood to play games.

"No, it wasn't like that, Kaneki. Something possessed him. His eye color was red. I also saw red veins on his neck. I think someone used a quirk on him. He also shouted, 'How can you give the wrong answer?' It wasn't him. The question he asked was really complex. I purposely gave the wrong answer for fun, but it backfired."

'The newspaper guy is from the Black Squad, a special team of Indian defense.' These words from AFO's conversation echoed in my mind. "How can I be so stupid?" I said, my eyes widening. "I forgot that quirks exist in this world."

"Son, what are you saying? You mean I've awakened my quirk?" my father asked, still crying and hugging my mother. I stood up and slowly walked to the main door of the mansion. "What do you mean you didn't know quirks existed?" my mother asked, struggling to sit up straight.

"We have some visitors. I'll make them pay in blood," I said, opening the main door.

AN: thanks to John_Gordon for the 3 power stones. thanks for your support.


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