

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

CH 046


As the sun was setting on the beach, I noticed several black cars coming to a stop nearby as Momo and I were playing. "I think they're here," I said. Momo nodded, not knowing who was here but thinking someone important had arrived. I dusted off my clothes and walked from the beach to find Betty standing there, wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses.

The moment I approached her, she stiffened. "The president wants to talk with you. If you please enter the car, we can go to the nearby safe house," she said, trying to sound as cool as possible. I yawned and looked at her. "You know what? I don't think I'm in the mood to enter a cab to meet Mr. President. So, ask him to come here," I said, acting like an arrogant Chinese master

"The president has a lot of enemies outside; he can't come here. And also, you are the one who asked to talk with him, not him. It would be nice if you showed some respect to the president," Betty said in her usual tone. I acted like a thinker, with my hand on my chin. "No, I don't think I want the help of the 'President,'" I said, making air quotes. "In two months, the election is coming, and everyone knows that right now Trump is scrutinized for losing Cassie, the number one hero."

I waved at Momo. "Come, let's go. We don't have anything to do here." Betty quickly called someone. "Wait, the president agrees," she said with the phone on her right ear. I looked back and smiled. "See? That wasn't hard, was it?" That's right—I am a villain. I should act like one; if I don't, I will easily lose to AFO.

With that out of the way, I asked Momo to make some seating, which was quickly checked by the guards to make sure it wasn't rigged with the help of the dog squad and the special equipment they brought with them. I sat there and watched as Momo cooked a barbecue with corn and mushrooms.

After an hour of waiting—or should I say eating—a helicopter arrived as the sun laid low. The chopper landed near the beach, ruining the food we had made. "Long time no see," said Trump with a huge smile. I grinned. "You ruined the barbecue I made for you, Mr. President." He looked at the chopper and waved, after which the pilot took it away. "I'm sorry for the messy landing. Well, how have you been, the hero killer?" he said without a shred of fear in his voice, but it didn't last long because my next words froze him in place. "I'm planning to go for the president killer next time. Wanna be a volunteer?" He smiled weirdly as sweat was visible on his forehead.

"You know what? I'm sorry. It was my party people who said that we don't have any connection. It wasn't me, I swear. Ask Betty if you don't believe me," he said, biting his Adam's apple with his hands. "Where was your ass when all that happened? You sneakily stopped contacting me, didn't you? I know full well what kind of person you are, Mr. President," I said, shaking my head. He then quickly looked at Momo. "What's your name, little girl?" he asked with a goofy smile. I knew what he was doing—changing the subject. Momo was already stunned to see the president in real life at her beach bench. "Aye, Momo sir, Momo Yaoyorozu," she said, stuttering.

I fist-bumped myself. "So, President, let's talk business. I have the cure for your number one hero. What do you have for me?" He went silent. "I can apologize and rename you as a superhero. I can also talk with the Indian government to clear all the mess. It's the best deal you can get. You will become the number two, if not the number one hero of America, and you will lose all the bad reputation. I also have a group of media hackers who can change your torn reputation." I quickly clapped. Momo was on her heels. "Thank you so much, President. I thought he might go down the wrong path, which no matter how hard I try to picture, was really impossible in my head. We agree to what you say; please make him the hero he ought to be." I deadpanned at her. "Who needs to be the ass-kissing hero?" I said, which made Momo blush and really uncomfortable since I had been making her do rim jobs for me the past few days.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "What I mean is that I want your hackers. Get those juicy hackers to work for me," I said, rubbing my palms. "I don't understand. Why do you need hackers? Are you planning to manipulate the media? Because I can do that for you. I am not like my grandfather Donald Trump, who was transparent. I can help you get a good name," he said, looking a bit confused since he clearly remembered offering that. "Oh no, I think you are misunderstanding. I need your hackers to hack all the TV networks so that I can leave a message to the people of this world."

Trump was even more surprised. "What message are we talking about here? Are you going to apologize? If so, then you can talk in the next CNN broadcast with me," he said, probably thinking that I wanted my old life back. "Nah, my brother. I want the people to know that I am a true terrorist and I am coming for them, with an open message to All Might. The message will be: 'I am coming to kill you, All Might.'" I said, making both the president and Momo look tense.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?" he exclaimed, to which I just smiled.

 AN: a lot of people are reading but no one i mean no one is commenting . i only received one power stone from a user called CaballeroDel3000. thanks for the power stone i would really appreciate if you commented.