

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

CH 044

"Kaneki someone is knocking on the door, see if it's the newspaper boy." Said my father too afraid to go anywhere near the door. I walked to the door knowing that this was not the time for the paper boy to come. I cautiously opened the knowing full well who was on the other side of the door. I looked at the man who was wearing a black oxygen mask on his face. "hello All for One." I said and he smiled. "I am branded as a criminal and you're branded as a terrorist. What do you say if we join forces.".

"I never thought that someone like you would find my place," I said closing the door behind me. "you are the kind of person who leaves a lot of traces behind. Do you think the Indian government doesn't know about this place? The paper boy who comes here every day is from the black squad an elite military squad in India. I am sure that you know it." He said smiling sarcastically. I exhaled "That's enough, let's talk the rest in our storage cabin." I said and he shrugged "alright".

We both reached the wooden cabin a simple place made from pine wood which is abandoned in this place. I opened the door and walked in front of him, he looked surprised for a second before nodding "You aren't afraid of me. which is something hard to find these days with weak people.". I snorted "Tell me why are you here? You should know that I am not weak By any standards." exhaling a cloud of white smoke I replied. He smiled "Huh I want your assistance in taking care of a pest a roach if you will. In exchange for a seat as my right hand.". I laughed "A right-hand seat with you. I used to think that you only lost the ability to see but now I can be sure that you lost your mind as well." I kept laughing. all for one smiled "Perhaps you will be happy If you know what you will get as the right-hand person of me.". I stopped and looked at the idiot "Whatever you offer can be afforded by me so, leave and never come back." I said while giving him a stern look.

He shrugged "What about the whole of Japan? A whole country for yourself. All you have to do is make sure that you kill that roach." He said and sat on the only chair in the room. I looked at him, this man in front of me wants me to kill One for all, in exchange for the whole of Japan. "what makes you think that you will be able to take over the country? Just killing him doesn't guarantee that you will get the country. There are others like the number two Endeavour or the number three Hawks" I asked curiously it's been a month after the incident with the number one hero of India. If I can live as a hero why not try being a villain. "you are not the kind to be a hero Kaneki, everyone knows that you don't have favourites. You switched countries, just because they let you be the selected student in a school. I am saying the same thing, you can be at your worst behaviour with me. I don't mind villains, I love the non-loyal ones. What do you think? And I know that you can take care of them as well " he asked as if reading my mind, I breathed the cold air around me " I might need something more than that. I need information." I said.

He grinned "That's a good start, what information do you want, I can get you that in a day or two. Let's hear it what do you want?". For the past few months, I have been thinking about only one thing the time stone. That's right the time stone, I want the time stone to reverse the whole situation into a better one for my parents. I don't give a fuck about how people think about me but I care about my parents. For the past few months after I was branded as a terrorist my parents have been having nightmares, especially my father. To get the time stone I need the reality stone. I can just change the reality, a reality where the time stone is in my hands.

"I need information about the red ember stone at the Stark Academy especially I need to know more about the casket of the mummy which was retrieved with it," I said, which made AFO even more surprised. "I see, that's the stone from which I extracted the decay quirk. I have people In the Stark Academy who can get you the details. So when are you planning to come to Japan."

" soon enough. Make sure that your protégé doesn't become cannon fodder " I said, he stood up "Well my protégé and I will be waiting for you. Tomura might be a little brat sometimes, but don't worry. He won't come in your way". After that he walked out of the cabin. "this place is very cold, make sure you pack some sunscreen lotion before you come" he said and walked on the snow-covered path. Suddenly he vomited a silver liquid which surrounded him and teleported him.

I walked back to my house, "who was that Kaneki?" my mother asked, "a friend of mine. I will be going to Japan." I said, my mother smiled "Do you think they will help us? we are in a really fucked up situation. I don't think a small country like Japan can help us." She said. what she said was one hundred percent true, no one in Japan will help, and even All Might can't help us.

AN: i would really appreciate if you could spare some power stone and comment 😁.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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