

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

CH 029

after the meeting, I said bye to everyone and teleported back to the school.

The time was already night and the students were in their respective dorm rooms except one who was sitting in the cafeteria with her friend. "Momo and Lily, nice to meet you" I said looking at Lily who seemed to be consoling Momo for some reason. Momo's head peaked, looked up and charged towards I was a little startled. She hugged me close when Lily gave me a stink eye. "what happened here? Am I missing something?" I asked not knowing what was going on. I saw that her eyes were red. "why did switch off the call" asked Momo, I was confused, before remembering what happened. "I didn't switch it off, but broke it," I said. "I knew it, there is no way that you would ghost me," she said hugging me even tighter. so, is that it? She thought I was ghosting her . "is there something you want to say" I patted her head. Lily looked at us with disgust "I am gonna go now" she said and left.

"tell me what happened. " I said caressing her thick black hair. She sniffled "When I told you about the thing, you disconnected the call. So I thought you didn't want to take responsibility. Here is the thing even if you don't want to take responsibility I am ok with it." She said. "oh you mean the sex. Listen I was in the middle of something and you called me, I didn't know that you were calling for that sort of thing. My phone was in loudspeaker and I had no other choice." I replied wiping the tears off her cheeks. She looked really embarrassed "I am an idiot, I should have waited for you to come back." She said defeated. I nodded "You should have".

After some more chit-chat, she asked "Hey I have a question". I smiled "Ask me whatever you wanna know." I said. "we both had sex right, does that mean that we are couples? Also, I called my mother and told her that you are my new boyfriend is that alright?" she said as her red baggy eyes shine to the cafeteria light. "if you want me to your boyfriend then you must ask first, you can't just say it your mom and call it a day." I replied. She quickly nodded and bowed "Kaneki can I please be your girlfriend I will let you do anything with me. That's what couples do right.". poor Momo she always looks out for others. I caught her shoulder and raised her. "I accept as of today we are boyfriend and girlfriend." I kissed her right on her lips. She didn't resist but swept her through. I sucked her tongue and added my tongue to the mixture. We kept at it for 10 minutes before someone patted my back.

I looked behind it was a guy who seemed to be my age. the person had jet-black hair and clear white skin. "I am going to say this real quick, my father spied on you from his mobile and asked me to interfere. I am here to ensure you guys don't make kids in the cafeteria." He said, Momo went behind me and hid her face from the new guy. "and you are ?" I asked looking at the guy. "I am Tony, Tony Stark. Nice meeting you. You are Kaneki right, my senior Katie and my classmate George have told me a lot about you. You beat me in the cool guy game." Said Tony raising his hand. I looked at Momo "Go to your dorms" I said. She quickly obliged and walked to the dorm. "so, your father must be the dean of this college, Mr. Stark." I asked him. "yeah buddy, and I am your PA sort of, tomorrow we will be going to India for a tournament namely the International Quirk Challenge." he said in a bored tone. I shrugged "Whatever you say Tony let's win this together" I said extending. His eyes widened "I thought you would be cocky?" he commented shaking my hand. "you are not the first person to think that so, yeah" I replied . "my father isn't it" he said. I nodded. He just smiled "I have to go now nice meeting you Kaneki let's get along well." He said and drifted off.

I went to my dorm room and checked my email there was an email from my mother and one from Midoriya. at first, I opened Midoriya's email, "he is just inviting me to the sports festival tomorrow" I closed his email and went to his mother's email. "call me" was the whole email. I didn't want to waste my time so, I quickly called my mother even though it was late at night using the landline in my room. "hello" my mother's sweet voice played from the phone. "Mom it's me Kaneki, you just sent me an email saying 'Call me' Is everything alright" I asked. "no Kaneki dear. It's nothing important, just a few people came to our house." My mother said. I noticed that her words weren't controlled by anyone, but still in order to be safe. I grabbed my passport and teleported to my house.

When I arrived I was right next to my mother, she noticed me and dropped the phone and hugged me . "how are you, my son? Have you had your dinner?" she asked question after question. "Mom I am fine and yes I have. Now tell me, you sounded like you were afraid of something. " I asked, I also noticed that my father was in my room snoring "What is father doing in my room" I asked. my mother sighed "What can I say ? You become paranoid that you aren't here so, he started to stay in your room as a way to console himself. Leave him be I want to talk to you about something". I agreed "What did you mean by a few people came to our house." I started the conversation. "well the president of the Public Safety Commission and Nezu came to our house and asked a favour." She said resting her head on her palm. "what kind of favour mother. They didn't threaten you or something did they ." I asked. She shook her head "They just asked me for an appearance in the UA sports festival. They want you to participate in the test as a guest."

I can't believe that the sneaky mouse would play this kind of chess. He must have already known that I would be participating in the other challenge. "Mom, but I have been selected to participate In the International Quirk Challenge" I replied "No son, you have already dragged the whole of Japan down by saving the other hero a few days back. Most of my old clients have already moved away from me. Please participate in the festival. We belong to the Japan. We should be patriotic towards our country.". she said. I nodded "What if I said that I can attend both of them at the same time? Will it be alright?" I said. It took my mother a split second before nodding with a grin "Show them what we are made of."