

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

CH 021

Betty and I walked inside the castle. Huge statues of strange people were situated in our path making it unwelcoming and unsettling, I kept my mind stone active this whole time, to make sure that I wasn't Jump scared by one of them. Betty came close to me "I think we are being watched" she whispered. I bobbed my head in agreement "Stay alert".

After about 20 minutes of walking, we reached the heart of the castle. There we saw two people floating in the air, their eyes were discoloured. the first person was wearing clothes similar to mine making it obvious that she was the hero star and strip. Her face was rock solid and her hair was all tangled up floating in the air. She looked more like Katie but her hair was blond which is different from Katie's which is brunette or brown. The other person was wearing a pure blue suit with a red pattern on his back. He was black and looked firm. I looked at Betty "he is Bubble Man; he went missing with our Number one hero" she said focusing her lens on him.

I looked around and found a control panel. "It seems that someone has hooked both of them to a microsurgery module. If we even move them even slightly, they will die." I said in a grim tone. Betty didn't reply she was more focused on Star and Strip. "I will try to kill the power to the circuit, you have to stay here," I said and ran to the next room. This room contains the module for the command sequence so I now have to override this command module to abort the operation sequence.

I started my work by taping the touch screen which glowed blue to the touch. I started to work by rewiring the existing control system to a custom control system to make it easy for me to overwrite the command sequence. After that, I went ahead and started to remove all the locks placed by the owner. It went on for hours before finally, I was able to remove all the locks from the circuit. I walked to the original room and talked to Betty "I will say when to pull the lever. Remember to pull it at the exact time as I say. Not a second later or before." She nodded and with that, I went to the next room and placed my hands on the lever "Betty can you hear me" I shouted from that room which echoed across the chamber. "yes, I can hear you" she replied which also reverbed across the room. I then shouted "Hit the lever" pulling my lever in the process. For a few seconds nothing happened, and then suddenly the whole building rumbled "As I thought whoever created this was thorough enough to connect the surgery module to the building" I said. The rumbling of the building stopped after some time. I went back to the room. both the heroes were on the ground.

Betty took the liberty to shake star and stripe vigorously, "We need to get out of here." I said focused on the hero. Betty nodded but didn't respond. I looked at the number one hero who now opened her eyes "What happened ?" she asked, "you got caught in the opposite end of the portal, and we are here to rescue you" Betty said. Star and Stripe or Cassie for short slowly stood up "The madman, where is he?" she said catching her breath, I looked at Bubble Man. He was still unconscious, does she mean Bubble Man. "who is this madman you are speaking about mam" asked Betty. "Let's just focus on the thing up front shall we " I said showing them the Bubble Man.

The building rumbled once again, "This place is going to fall apart" said Cassie, "don't worry I can create a portal.".

"Not so fast" a deep and menacing voice vibrated across the room. I activated my mind stone but I didn't sense anyone. "look here" the sound said all three of us except Bubble Man looked at the console. There was a glitchy image of a person, he was black with red eyes and also had two sets of horns. The image kept glitching in and out revealing him, "the madman" said Star and Stripe in a pale tone. I can see her blood completely drained from her body. How can there be someone enough to plant fear in the mind of the strongest hero on earth?

"This is a pre-recorded video," said the glitchy person. "if you are here, that means you have one of those things called quirk or you have space singularity. If it's the former then you must be from the planet Earth, and you shouldn't be able to help your comrades. If it's the latter then I want you to know that I am coming for the space singularity. No matter where you hide or run. I will come and take what rightfully belongs to me." I just laughed "You piece of shit, did you think you could get the singularity that easily from me." I said.

 The person in the recorded video laughed "Let me guess you just trash-talked me. Well that doesn't matter, wait and watch I the Zoran am coming for the space stone. If you thought that you could overpower me, look at this" he paused and showed his right hand which had a purple stone embedded just like mine. He then smiled "I borrowed this from the Great One just for this task." The recording ended in a glitchy way. Both Betty and Cassie looked at me, but I just shrugged it off "Let's get off here, shall we". the castle started slowly breaking into pieces as huge chunks of stones fell from above. I grabbed Betty, Cassie and Bubble Man and teleported myself to the secret lab.

As the bluish grey smoke cleared we arrived at the lab. Timothy and Ethan quickly caught Bubble Man, while Katie hugged Cassie tightly. Betty walked to Katie and told her about the things that happened, Katie ran towards me "Thank you Kaneki, she is the only family I have" she said kissing my forehead.

AN: comment for my motivation. any comment is welcomed.