

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

CH 015

"Please form a perfect line, before leaving." Said the announcer on stage, I am glad the ceremony went smoothly. They just bragged about how awesome heroes who graduated from this school are and how we should add our names to the roster. I was mostly focused on other girls from other classes, In the end, I didn't know what was exactly done in the ceremony.

Our first class of the day was taken by a professor named Robert, who looked old and had a white beard. Even before the class started the students liked him, I don't know why but everyone keeps saying he is more of a practical person who teaches through experience and not through boring lectures. Our class consisted of only 12 members and the rumour has it that normally it would be only 10. I wonder why there are more people this time alone.

"good morning young and aspiring heroes. I hope you had a good night's sleep" he sounded dreamy and calm. I kinda liked his voice like the rest of the students . "our first lesson will be on the field, you see for the 15 years of your life you have been seeing quirk as a tool. I will teach you how to see it as a part of you. So, come aboard young miracles let's go to the field. Ho ho" he laughed and vanished.

I grinned, that guy has super speed. He didn't vanish out of thin air; he just ran that fast. Everyone looked confused by his disappearance, while some started to run. I went to the girl's section of our class and caught Yaoyorozu's hands "Let's get out of here" I said and teleported to the field. Momo didn't have the time to react but she adjusted herself accordingly.

"ho ho teleportation. hmm, I see. A good ability for rescue hero indeed." Said the class teacher smiling like a Santa. I looked at him and smiled "High-speed quirk, is not bad either. Don't you agree", his facial features turned to amusement. "is that a prediction" he said. I shook my head. "ho ho I see why they let you join this academy out of nowhere.". Momo was completely ignored I can see that she was hurt, but I can't do anything. 

Time passed and slowly my classmates started to show up. I can't guess the quirk of my classmates except one guy who was a rhino, everyone else looked extremely normal. they didn't have any body modifications or coloured skin. I hope that whatever our class teacher Robert has planned involves using quirk.

"Now that all twelve of you are here, let's start with a test," he said. "The first one will be a simple quirk test, you say your name and use your quirk. You can be flashy if you want to."

The first person to stand and showcase was the rhino "My name is Hada and my quirk is rhino strength. I can also rush like a rhino." He said and rushed to a nearby dummy, destroying the dummy to smithereens. Robert clapped his hands "That's a powerful quirk, if you know what you are doing."

The second person to stand up was a girl with short red hair, "my name is Lily and my quirk is Arsenal. I can create any weapon from any part of my body." Saying this she turned her right hand into a rocket launcher and launched a missile. It went blasting the dummy. Robert smiled "A handy one indeed"

The third person to stand up was a dude with spring hair, "my name is Maro and my quirk is Bone Manipulation, I can manipulate my bones as I wish" he just created a sword and swung it. "not a flashy one I see"

The fourth person was a girl with a cold face and long black hair, "my name is Annabeth and my ability is cosmic control." She didn't say anything else, she created a plasma beam to destroy more than 10 dummies in a row. Alright, she is the Captain Marvel of this universe. "that's a powerful, ability I dare say" Robert clapped his hands but I can say that Annabeth wasn't happy. She clicked her tongue and left the stage.

The fifth person to stand up was Momo "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, and my quirk is creation, I can create non-living things from my body" To impress everyone, Momo created a tank and dropped a bombshell in the centre of the field destroying most of the dummy. Robert mischievously smiled "Ho ho too flashy".

After that, robots came and replaced the dummies one by one. I saw everyone looking at her, mostly out of fear. Annabeth was shooting daggers with her eyes, while Lily the short-haired girl with the Arsenal quirk looked grim.

"is she your friend?" asked Annabeth, I looked around and had a finger pointed towards me "Are you talking to me?" she nodded. "well yes, why do you care?" I asked looking at the cold beauty. She smirked "I wanted a challenge and I thought you may be a challenge but now your friend is more of a challenge than you. I am glad that I joined this academy" she said in a flat tone moving from me. oh, so sad I haven't used a fraction of my power and she has already gauged my power. I hope that my power doesn't disappoint her.

"What was that?" asked Momo, "what was what?" I replied whistling. Momo didn't like our interaction, I can tell that she is not the jealous type but still, she is worried about me due to my past. "what was she saying to you." She pressed forward. I sighed "That's a secret between us, Momo." I said in a mocking tone, I was already mad with her for ignoring my stuff on the plane so, let this be a nice lesson that there are other girls in this world whom I am interested in.

"enough chit-chat, let's continue with the test," said Robert looking at our lover's quarrel.

A/N: tomorrow i wont be able to upload so here is something extra. please comment and write reviews.