
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 31

@MrCool_14. this chapter is for you.. thanks for the votes <3


The walk in the park was enjoyable. Finally she felt more refreshed , the depressing thoughts gone. Now only one thing remains, to ask permission to go hunt low level monsters. But first she needs to brave her heart and especially mind .

"Pfiu.." Just the thought of this makes her all anxious again.

It was nearing sunset, the sky stared to get dark. There were a lot of people on the streets, it was hard not to bump into them. Alida decided to ask her guard to bring the carriage over and the other one to go buy some sweets. They were reluctant at first but Alida assured them she is fine with Mary by her side.

Waiting by the roadside with Mary, she heard a sound coming from the alley. Taking a look behind her she saw a few siluets gathered together. Another sound like a whimper was heard and then another followed by a sound like something was hit.

Without much thought to it, she turns around and goes deeper inside. Approaching the siluets she could discern a few men were hitting something, more precise, someone. Four men , all dressed like thugs were circling a youth, a boy no more than 15-16 years old. They kept hitting him with their legs spewing all kinds of swear words.

A grip caught her heart when she realized what was going on. She was also surprised, not believing that some people were so foolish to do such a thing in the upper side of the capital. She wanted to turn back, but then a thought came in her mind. How can she have courage when she can't even help a helpless boy, not even trying a little bit. Thinking it would be safe if she threatens then with the patrolling guards, Alida takes a deep breath and shouts at them.

"Hey! What are you doing there ?" She tries her best to not let her voice shake and not show any fear .

The men turned around sharply inquiring about the said person but when they saw a helpless women , alone , all their worries went away. A smirk could be seen on their faces , their eyes going up and down Alida's body.

"Oh? What do we have here?" One of them, a bald man with a scar on his cheek, licked his lips already imagining what he could do to her .

"Didn't you hear me? What are you doing here? Leave him alone or else I'll call the guards!" Her legs were shaking and hands were clenched but fortunately her voice was steady.


The men all started laughing at her.

Another one took a step towards Alida. He had a head full of messy hair, with a dirty beard. His eyes never left Alida's body.

"What's a girl like you doing here eh? Did you come to have some fun?"

"Ahahaha." All started laughing at his words.

"Come....let me show you how to enjoy life.I promise I'll make you feel really good yeah?"

Before she knew it the man was in front of her. Surprised she backed away instantly but before she could take more than a step, the man caught her wrist, gripping it so tight that it hurt. Afraid by the sudden turn of events she tried to pry her hand from him and scream.

"Aaa...let go you ..you thug!"

The man kept laughing at her futile attempt but decided it was best to shut her up so to not attract unwanted attention. Bringing his other hand , he wanted to catch her face and put his hand over her mouth.

Seeing this, a fear more than the previous one caught her mind, she felt helpless and a fool for what she did and after anger rose in her heart. With a final shout she approached the man with her free hand , putting it on his abdomen.

"I said LET GO!"

Sparks started flying out of her hand, small lightnings crackled in her palm electrocuting the man with a high voltage. She poured more than half her mana in this attack. It was the only one that her mind remembered in this situation.

The ugly thug started to spasm at her touch, releasing her hand, he fell to the ground unconscious with foam at the mouth.

Silence ensues at this sight. The other three were stupefied seeing their comrade knocked out cold by such a weak looking girl. After the initial shock, anger came. They forgot about the boy they just beat up and came for Alida, their new target.

"You b*tch , I'll make you pay for what you did. "

Hearing the bald man's shout, Alida came from her shock too. She was still scared but tried her best to concentrate on what she should do next.

Seeing them approach her together, she summoned small lightnings from her right hand and threw it at the nearby man. He dodged to the side but was still grazed on his arm.

"Argh...you b*itch. I'll kill you."

Seeing all three of them lunge at her , panic set in. Backing away she lost her footing and ended on her butt on the ground with three huge men above her. Scared out of her wits , she yelped and closed her eyes preparing for pain.

'Thud' '




' Thud'

Surprised at the sounds she heard, she opened her eyes still fearful. In front of her was a broad back clad in a black coat, a head full of white hair was attached to it.

How could she not recognize who it was. She loved this hair and loved this back and definitely loved everything about the man that came with it.

Cain Moonlight stood in front of her. His straight, broad back turned to her. She couldn't see his face but the panic and fear were washed over by relief and joy. She felt just like a princess saved by her prince. Although it was a cliche moment but when it happens to you it hits different than when you read it in a book. There's definitely a much more bigger impact when you experience it first hand for the first time.

Cain turned to her, kneeling on one knee in front of her. Worry and anger could be seen in his eyes. His brows were furrowed that they almost touched.

Gripping her hands he asked " Are you okay?"

"Hmmm..I'm okay now. Thank you Cain."

Her hands were still shaking, he could feel it in his hands. He embraced her and lifted her up princess carry and strode out of the alley.

Her guards and her maid Mary were waiting for her with pale faces, fear in their eyes. She felt sorry for them. She knew it was her fault. After a few minutes of talking and calming Mary especially, while still in Cain's arms, Alida apologized for worrying them.

Cain still held Alida in his arms. He knew he should let her down, more so when she tried so many times to pry herself away from him, even pleading with him, but he couldn't let her go, his hands and mind were not in agreement. He didn't even say anything at all. He was worried and angry. He didn't want to thing what would happen to her if he didn't found her sooner. It was a good thing he decided to go out today and solve some business. When he was going home, he saw Alida's maid acting frantic and calling for Alida.

He stopped the carriage and asked what's wrong. That's how he found out she was missing. His heart beat like crazy in his chest, praying all the time for her to be safe. It was a good thing he decided to start his search from the last place Mary saw Alida. When he approached the alley, he heard a scream a bit familiar. Not wasting any time, he quicken his pace towards the dark alley. His heart stopped for a second when he saw Alida on the ground with three angry men near her. One of them had his hand out to catch her.

In a second he was in front of said man kicking him in the face then another kick in his abdomen and sent him flying. The other two had no time to react. With a punch to their faces he knocked both of them unconscious.