
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 27

"Would you do me the honor of having a dance with me my lady?"

Cain was standing before me with his hand stretched out and a small smile on his face.

I bashfully took his hand and we went towards the dance floor.

My heart was beating like crazy, I was anxious and excited at the same time. It's a good thing I decided to review all the dances Alida learned.

Cain put a hand on my back and the other held my hand up. Looking intently in my eyes he started moving first. I was a little surprised and my first step was on Cain's foot, but he pulled me closer to him and led the dance like nothing happened.

"Sorry " I whispered with my head down.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He whispered back.

"Alida...look at me."

Raising my head I looked at Cain but seeing him so close my face started to heat up. The next moment my eyes went to his chest .

"Chuckle.." I heard him chuckle and the next moment, the hand that was on my back was lifting my chin up. I could see the smile not only on his lips but in his eyes also.

"Look at me Alida. I want to see those lovely eyes."

"You .. it's not fair ." With a pout and red face I complained to Cain. I guess he was getting back at me for teasing him earlier.

"Haha ... my lovely Alida. It's a pity I can't kiss you right now . Urgh..."

Just as his words fell I missed a step and ended on his toe. By his reaction it clearly hurt.

"You...I'm sorry.... don't..don't tease me. What if someone hears us."

It was a good thing we were almost whispering but by this time even a tomato was paler than me. I was so embarrassed.

"Ahem...fine. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable but please have mercy on my toes."


The rest of the dance went well, no more teasing and definitely no more toe crushing. After the first dance was over instead of retreating, Cain held us in place and we danced another song and then a third one. Only after that did we leave the dance floor straight to the garden again. On our way some young men wanted to ask me to dance with them but before I could respond, Cain responded for me saying I was tired. I, of course,could only agree , in truth I was tired. I suspect this is what he was after with all those three dances simultaneously.



Right before we were out of the hall, i heard a thud and a girls yelp.The moment i wanted to stop and look at what happened, Cain dragged me away trough the door in the garden.

"Why didn't you let me look? I'm pretty sure someone fell right beside you."

" Must be your imagination."

"Wha... Seriously. What if she needs help?"

" There are plenty of people to help her ."

" But I'm the host, it's my duty to help. I can't just ignore her like that. It's rude."

"Of course you can. There are plenty to take care of the guests in your stead." Came his quick reply.

"Why do I suspect you did it intentionally, with those young men too ." I looked at him with an inquisitive look.

"Smirk...must be your imagination again." Cain just looked ahead, a smile on his lips, and a proud look in his eyes.

"Right..." I replied with skepticism . " I definitely have a great imagination. "


Cain just laughed lightly at this and kept holding my hand with a firm hold, maneuvering trough the people that were out in the garden and on to a spot just for the two of us.

The moment we sat down on a bench a little away from the guests we heard footsteps coming from our right . Jane and Julian were walking hand in hand with smiles plastered on their faces. Jane was acting all coy with a red face and her lips a little swollen.

The very next moment all four pair of eyes met with only Jane and Julian surprised at seeing us here.

Julian's eyes were on me , looking me up and down and at my and Cain's interlocked fingers.

A shiver went up my spine, Cain's hand squeezing mine. I turned my face to him and I saw him looking at Julian with a cold look in his eyes. I squeezed his hand back to get his attention and when he looked at me I smiled at him and whispered "It's fine Cain."

I guess he noticed Julian's eyes on me.

"That rude bastard." Trough gritted teeth and with evident anger in his voice Cain said just these words and in the next instant he took a deep breath and his stoic and indifferent face was on.

Jane and Julian had no choice but to approach us since we all saw each other.

"Hello sister.Mister Moonlight." Jane was the first to greet us with a smile.

What followed after was a series of greetings.

"Happy birthday and congratulations on your engagement Miss Burgess , Mister Edelman." Cain was being polite despite his displeasure with Julian.

"Thank you Mister Moonlight." Jane responded with a smile and a bashful face .

"What are you two doing here?" It was Julian who asked this.

"We were just taking a short break ." I responded this time.

"Yes. Alida was tired from all the standing and dancing ." Cain was following my lead .

"I see ..."

A moment of awkward silence followed after before Julian decided to break it.

"How are you liking the party so far Mister Moonlight? I hope our Alida is a great company."

The moment my name left Julian's mouth the air turned cold and Cain's body stiffened. I quickly squeezed his hand to snap him out of it but it didn't work so I leaned on his arm and grabbing his upper arm with my other arm and quickly responded in his stead.

"I'm sure Cain likes it thus far."

He turned to me and his eyes softened and putting his hand around my waist, pulled me closer to him .

"Yes. MY Alida is a very pleasant company for me. I can't imagine how it would have been without her ."

Needles to say, there where three faces that kept twitching uncontrollably. The emphasis on 'my' didn't go unnoticed by anyone.