
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26

After Cain took a place beside me, everyone's attention was on us. I started to fidget at the discomfort of being stared at by so many pair of eyes but Cain just smirked at all this and just focused on me, not making eye contact with anyone so they won't start a conversation with him.

Father was fuming while mother kept elbowing him with a smile on her face. Aryan didn't even bother with us , him being the only one focused on the guests.

Some more brazen of the guests called him a few times but Cain ignored everyone, pretending he didn't hear anything, whispering in my ear from time to time and making me laugh. After a few failed attempts , everyone understood his intentions and didn't bother with him at all.

The gifting was finally over. It took a little over an hour but the standing in place is over. My feet started to hurt so I was eyeing a place to sit. Cain saw me searching something and from my fidgeting realized what I wanted. He took my hand and without anyone realizing, dragged me to a corner where a table and two chairs were.

"Wait for me here. I'll go bring food for us."

"Hmm." With a nod and a smile at him I took a place on a chair and waited for him.

Not long after someone approached me. Lifting my head i saw a girl with pink hair and amber eyes looking at me with a scowl on her face. Bringing her hands under her breasts and with her head high she started talking to me.

"Hmph....And who might you be!"

"Excuse me?" I was baffled at this girls behavior towards me .

"Are you deaf? Who are you?" This time she asked the same but clearly angered.

"I think you should introduce yourself first miss, since you are the one that approached me."

"You think you're better than me huh?" With a disgusted look in her eyes and her nose up high she kept talking"Just because you managed to get his attention? What does a whore like you know? You're just a plaything to him. You'll never be Mistress Moonlight so how about you do us a favor and scram!"

'Ah...so that's what this is. ' I wasn't sure if I should be baffled at her stupidity or excited that a novel like drama is unfolding before me. Honestly I was both. Smiling at her I asked a question the first moment she stopped talking.

"I still don't know this miss's s name though?"

" I am Henrietta Lacks daughter of Marquis Lacks!"

I could see the proudness in her eyes. Faking amazement and lifting from my seat I decided it was my turn.

"Woooww...Miss Lacks. It's my first time meeting you. I'm Alida Burgess , first daughter of Duke Nicola Burgess. It's a pleasure to meet you."

At this point I could see the color drain from her face, clearly she realized her mistake but apparently like the small villain she was , her pride decided to bury her further.

"Ss..so what! You..you can't have him ..his mine."

"Ah? Have who?"

'Sigh ....' I felt pity for her. She was clearly suffering from the princess syndrome.

Cain Moonlight...who do you think I'm talking about? He likes me not you!" Pointing a trembling finger at me she lost all her calm, her voice starting to rise attracting peoples attention.

Taking a step forward, I caught her trembling finger and brought my hands to hold hers.

"Miss Lacks please calm down , people are looking at us. Let's take a seat and talk about it." I spoke to her gently not to agitate her further but just as she was calming down and prepared to agree to my suggestion a voice was heard .

"What's there to talk about. If I remember correctly, we refused all letters of proposals for a marriage from the Lacks family, not to mention I specifically told you miss that I have no intention of marrying you."

The moment Cain words fell, Henrietta's body stiffened, her hand in mine was sweating. Without turning to see Cain's face , she rushed towards the garden, a hurt look in her eyes and on the verge of crying.

"Sigh..poor girl."

Turning to him my eyes fell on two plates ,one filled with a variety of snacks and one with cakes. My face lit up like a Christmas tree. Cain chuckled at my behavior towards food.

We both sat down opposite each other with a small round table between us.

"Wow ... you sure picked all my favorites." And extended a hand toward a small sandwich and brought it to my lips.

"Haha...of course. I have to feed my woman to keep her happy."

"Pfft... that you do." And took another snack from the plate.

Looking at me go through a few snack without eating i heard him sigh.

"What is it? Did something happen?"

"Sigh...are you not going to ask?"

"Hmm ... ask about what?"

"About that girl from earlier."

Aah ..Lady Larks. Well ..I do feel pity for her but what can I do. There's only one of you and I don't share ." I said with a smirk.

"Sigh...i don't know if I should be happy or sad. My girlfriend is not even jealous." Cain said with a defeated look on his face.

"Why should I be jealous? I already knew there were a lot of broken hearts when the ladies would find out about us. My boyfriend is that popular and handsome."


"Hehe...I would kiss you but....alas. .it can't be helped."

" Don't tease me Alida." Said Cain with a dangerous tone . I on the other hand just laughed at this and teased him some more.

Not long after, it was time for the dance to start. Father and Jane had the first dance. It was a classical dance but it was a tradition that was held in every household wether a noble or a commoner. On a girls eighteenth birthday the first dance is a father-daughter dance, followed by a dance of the girl with a family member or a fiance if she has one. Jane danced with father first than with Julian.

"Would you do me the honor of having a dance with me my lady?"

Cain was standing before me with his hand stretched out and a small smile on his face.