
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 24

Seeing Cain enter the hall, Alida was left speechless. Her heart was about to burst out of her chest, she was in no better condition than any other girl present here.

She saw Cain coming towards her, their eyes met for a brief moment before he was interrupted by a lot of nobles ready to introduce their daughters to him.

Seeing this, Alida turned towards a table full with food, deciding this was a great opportunity to taste some of the delicacies.

Today Alida wore a deep lucious purple long gown, with a golden belt just below her breasts, her shoulders, down to her elbows and stopping just around the edge of the belt was covered by black lace, giving a more refined look to the dress. Her hair was in an elegant bun adorned with black and purple accessories. A short pair of purple earrings adorned her ears and a small necklace with a purple heart in the middle around her neck. From top to bottom, she was a sight to behold, attracting the gazes of those around her, admiring a beauty like that of a goddess.

Still with her back towards the crowd, Alida was unaware of Cain's presence. All of a sudden, a hot breath hit her left year and shoulder, followed by the most sexy voice she ever heard that sent shivers down her spine and tingles in all kinds of places, was heard.

" Hello Alida ."

Cain was on her left side, bent a little ,just enough to whisper in her ear. A small smile plastered on his face, his eyes warm and full of affection.

Taking a silent deep breath and composing herself,Alida turned her head to the left and smiled warmly towards Cain.

" Hello Cain."

Their eyes met and the world seemed to still for the pair of lovers, the stars were aligned and peace settled over the world, or more exactly, over these two fools that apparently forgot they are in a hall with more than hundreds of people eyeing their every move and trying to spy on their every word.

"You look very beautiful today." Seeing the set of jewelry that adorned her neck and ears, Cain felt happy that she liked his gift.

"Thank you. You look very dashing too. I almost forgot to blink when I saw you entering the hall." Alida returned the compliment, her hand covering her mouth with a giggle at the end.

"Ahem..." Cain's ears started to get red. This woman was up to no good again, always teasing him.

Extending his hand towards her like a true gentleman he spoke : " Shall we take a walk around the garden?"

Nodding her head in agreement and placing her hand in his , Cain and Alida left towards the garden leaving behind a group of people with their mouths agape , shock evident in their eyes. The nobles couldn't believe their eyes. The cold and unfeeling Cain Moonlight showing interest in a girl, and not only that, he actually smiled, a true smile not the kind that spelled death to his enemies, but a genuine, warm smile. This is something they have never seen before. It took the crowd several minutes to snap themselves from their daze and in the next second all kinds of talks about the two started to circulate.

In a corner of the hall, Nicola Burgess was gritting his teeth, displeased with Cain. He wanted to throw him out but knew that he couldn't. Not to mention his side stared to hurt from his lovely wife's elbow hitting him more than a few times.

In the garden.

Cain and Alida found a place empty of people to enjoy their alone time.

Seeing that no one was around them, Cain finally could relax, and in the next moment took Alida by the waist and turned her toward him.

"I missed you." Just these three words carried a force and passion in them that made Alida weak in the knees. Honestly, she was still surprised by this big and cold man being so open about his feelings towards her. This made her blush every time.

"I missed you too Cain. I'm glad you came."

"I wouldn't miss a chance to see you if I can do something about it."

Happy giggles could be heard from Alida's mouth , making Cain's ears and heart itchy, a big smile on his face.

Deciding it was enough , Alida started drawing small circles on his chest and biting her lips a little her demeanor turned from a happy one to a seductive one in seconds .

"So...how long are you going to stare at me?"

A low growl could be heard from Cain's mouth seeing Alida bit her lips, the itchy sensation in his chest intensifying with every circle of her fingers. He bent his head down and moving a hand from her small waist to her nape ,their lips finally touched in a long awaited kiss.

At first the kiss started slow, like tasting something sweet for the first time, savouring every inch of her lips and when that wasn't enough, Cain deepened the kiss, pressing his lips more onto hers, their breaths haggard but none wanted the kiss to end. Then a battle of the tongue stared, with Alida taking charge but soon she lost to Cain's dominance and let him do what he pleased.

"Mm.." a small moan escaped her lips igniting the fire in his heart even more and after a few seconds of pause, just enough to catch their breaths , another kiss followed not losing in passion and hunger to the one before.

While these two were in their own happy place, savouring each other's lips , Nicola Burgess was in a corner with Aryan by his side, a serious expression on his face.

"Go and find Alida, that bast... .it's Jane's turn to enter."

"Ah? Already? I don't think Jane is ready yet father." Perplexed at his father urging him to find Alida, Aryan looked confused.

"You...just go and bring her back. That thief is with her."


"Cain Moonlight...now go before I smack you." Looking fiercely at his son Nicola Burgess gave his son an important mission.

"Ah...i see. Right away." And strode in a hurry out of the hall and into the garden.

"Hmph" with an indignant look Nicola Burgess went to look for his wife. He had to go and defend his lovely wife from all the wolfs. ..ahem nobles.

Aryan stepped into the garden but halted his steps right after, deciding it was a good moment to take a breather.

In no way would he spoil Alida's chanches with Cain Moonlight. His mother would make him pay dearly if he intervened. It's not like he didn't want to but that he didn't dare to. His mother wanted grandchildren fast and since he didn't have any intention of marrying yet, someone had to take his place, plus, his mother was scary when angry and knew exactly how to punish him.


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