
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 25

In the garden.

After their long session of kissing, Cain and Alida were sitting on a bench, looking at the sky adorned with stars and enjoying a light conversation. One hand was over Alida's shoulders and another was fiddling with her fingers.

"You are quite popular among the nobles. Despite your cold attitude towards them,they keep shoving their daughters down your throat."

"Haha...are you jealous?"

"Hehe ... what should I do? Everybody wants to snatch my boyfriend. Should I just tie him to the bed and not let him out?"

"Pfft ..I don't mind but can I do the tying?"

"Cough..." With a red face Alida tried to hide her embarrassed face . She and Cain were joking to each other oblivious of her father's inner turmoils.

"Alida! Mister Cain! The main event is about to start."

Aryan's voice was heard across the garden.

They both looked back and saw Aryan's siluete looking left and right after them.Gettin up from the bench they approach him.

"Aryan. Here we are. Is it time already?"

Feigning a startled face and hiding his face in his fingers Aryan teased his sister.

"Ah...Sister.....Did I intrerupt something I shouldn't have?"

"What?" With a red face from embarrassment Alida looked angry at her brother's bad choice of words.

"How can you say something like that?"

Seeing her angry and red face both Cain and Aryan laughed.

"Hahahah....I was joking...haha."

"Hmph..." Stomping her feet she march forward not daring to look Cain in the eyes.

"Hehe.. .... it's fun to tease her ."

Looking at her departing back Aryan turned his face towards Cain.

"Take care of her Cain. That's my sister ...I don't want to see her hurt ."

"Don't worry Aryan, I'll make sure to make her happy."

"Hmm...if it's you , I can trust. If it was another man I would have long buried him in the Regiment's cemetery."

If Alida were to hear these two talk she would be dumbfounded at their way of addressing each other since she thought her brother and Cain were not close.

"When are you going back in the field?" Cain asked Aryan , changing the subject.

"Probably in two to three months. I still have some things to settle here. I should be finished right after Alida's birthday."

"Hmm...how many missions in 'that' place?"

"Sigh.." going his hand trough his hair , Aryan sighed heavily, a complicated light shone in his eyes .

"Two if were lucky, at most three. If not who knows how many of my people I'll lose again."

"Don't give up. Tell me if you need help." Cain put a hand in Aryan's shoulder in support.

"Thanks buddy. Let's go. It's starting soon ."


And just like that they left towards the Hall for the arrival of today's birthday girl and for the main announcement leaving in the air just some ambiguous words.

Truth be told, each major house has a special Regiment that battles monsters in an ancient Forest that stretches along the borders of the Kingdoms. The Burgess have the Purple Regiment while The Moonlight's have the white Regiment. These so called Regiments are composed of nights and mages specialized in combat, their role being the protection of the land and people from monsters that come out of a crack in the ground.

The Ancient Forest that was supposed to be the most beautiful place full of abundant mana and all kinds of species of animals and plants is now a forbidden zone. A 50 kilometers long and almost one kilometer wide crack is found in the forest, right in the most center part where all the Kingdoms of the continent unite.

Every Kingdom alongside Misstryne Empire has stationed their army around this crack, surrounding it completely on all sides so that no monster escapes their grasp. Thus, along the royal family, the archduke, dukes and marques houses and even the Church are obliged to form Regiments and send them regularly trough rotation on the battle field. This is something that most people don't know. Although it's not a secret it is also not widely spread for fear of panic and people's faith to dwindle.

But for now let's get back to the party.

Nicola Burgess made a small presentation before his daughter's great entrance alongside Julian.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for honoring us with your presence tonight. As you all know, today, my daughter Jane turns eighteen years old and we would like to celebrate this happy occasion with all of you. Without more delay please welcome tonight's main start : Jane Burgess."

As Jane's name was heared, loud applause and happy smiles were what welcomed Jane that was descending the stairs with Julian escorting her. Both looked like a perfect couple. Jane was in a princess dress, baby blue in color adorned with white stones that sparkled like stars in the light of the chandeliers, her hair falling in waves and a tiara on her head while Julian was wearing a dark blue suit with a white handkerchief in his breast pocket.

Both looked like a fairy tail prince and princess.

The momment they reached the bottom of the stairs Nicola invited them both on the stage. It was time for the big announcement.

"Happy birthday my dear Jane ." Father looked at her warmly and embraces her in front of everyone. As we were all on the stage as her family, we did the same.

Jane was beyond happy, her smile so big it could tear her mouth.

" Now. I know you all have heard but I would like to confirm everyone's guess and make an official announcement."

Julian's parents joined us on the stage. With the children (Jane and Julian) in the middle and the parents on each side of them( Aryan and Alida were to the side )father made the announcement.

" Today is the day we celebrate the engagement between Julian Edelman and Jane Burgess!"

Loud cheers and applause resounded in the hall. Everyone congratulating the happy couple.

What followed after was a long stream of presents.

Jane was in the middle of the hall receiving all her gifts while we were beside her showing our support and making small talk with everyone that came and presented their presents. When it was Cain's turn, he had one of his men hand over a wrapped gift box and simply wishing her happy birthday. Jane was a blushing mess in front of Cain. I couldn't help myself and rolled my eyes at this. This man is a heartbreaker. But after all this short momment, instead of occupying a place in the hall , Cain came towards me and places himself on my right side, between me and Aryan, not saying any more .