
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

Now this stone I couldn't even scratch, not to mention leave a hole in it, but apparently all I had to do was touch the stone with my finger, and discharge lightning at the tip of my finger and into the stone. As I was doing exactly this, a light blue circle manifested around my finger, the circle was just a few millimeters away where my finger touched the stone. Every time the mana input rose , another circle would appear a lot further away from the first one. Currently, my total mana could light three circles with the forth one barely visible in patches. It was a pitiful amount but it was way better this way than my first attempt with the stone.

Another week passed, and one fine morning, right as I finished with my training, a letter came from me.

It had the insignia of the Moonlight Family. The sigil of the Moonlight Family was a white crescent moon on a black background in the shape of a hexagon, in the center of the moon was a triangle and at each of it's ends a sickle like blade.

At the sight of the envelope my heart started to beat faster. Of course I haven't forgotten about our lunch meeting, actually I was kind of looking forward to it. There wasn't a day I didn't expect the invitation to come and just when I was losing hope and thought that maybe he forgot about me or changed his mind, the wait was finally over.

Picking the envelope from the tray, I quickly went to my room.

When I saw that I was alone, i opened the envelope and read it

' Dear Lady Alida

It would be my utmost honor if you could join me tomorrow for lunch at xxx.


Cain Moonlight '

Well....it was quite bland honestly but it should suffice.

I quickly wrote a reply back and sent it , since the messenger from the Moonlight' s was still waiting in the lounge.

' I guess I have plans for tomorrow....what should I wear?'

Looking trough the wardrobe I decided to go for a simple and innocent look. I quickly found a cream long dress, with a v neckline, long transparent sleeves and a belt around my waistline adorned with beautiful gems in white, cream and gold colors. I paired the dress with a simple necklace that only had a small heart with a white gemstone in it and the earnings in the same design, and a pair of white low heel shoes with a bow in front. I was thinking of asking Flora to make my hair in a half up bun and the rest of it to flow down my back and a natural makeup. This face it's to beautiful, I see no reason to hide the beauty under to much makeup.

Now that I had plans for tomorrow I was more than a little excited

On the same day, at the dinner table,all the family was gathered.

Aryan was the first to speak.

"Alida, I heard you received a letter today. Who was it from?"

'Ayy...look at this busy body of a brother I have.'

" Just a lunch invitation. Nothing much." And I shrugged it of as something unimportant.

Father , mother and Jane all raised their heads at this news and we're staring at me expecting me to continue.

" What? I have friends too you know." I made a pout and faked a sad look.

"Ehehe.... of course, of course. I didn't mean anything bad about it." Aryan scratched his head and replied embarrassed.

"Well... Make sure to have lots of fun dear." Father said and gave me a smile.

" Of course father. " Seeing me not replying anymore and not answering their curiosity, everyone went back to their meal.

After dinner I started my meditation time. I extended my time from one hour to almost two hours but only at night and in the morning since I didn't have that much free time in the day.

Night went and day came, after my usual routine I was ready to go on my date...ahem lunch.

Marry, Flora and Gina helped me with dressing up , my hair and makeup. And this time I decided to take Gina with me. The good thing was I only had two escorts today, the bad thing was that Darius, father's personal night , was there. I guess I can't keep it a secret from father . Not like it's a big deal but I didn't want anyone to misunderstand..at least no yet.

'Sigh...lets leave a good impression.'

"Hello Darius." I smiled a little at him and greeted him first, then the second knight.

"Ggood day Lady Alida."

I could clearly see he did not expect me to greet him much remember his name.

" Shall we go?"

"Yes miss."

And with that we set off toward my meeting with Cain Moonlight.

It didn't take long to arrive at the said restaurant. It was not a big restaurant but it was elegant and gave quite a homey feeling, just perfect.

While Alida was yet to arrive, Cain Moonlight was already in the private room , dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and a cream handkerchief in his breast pocket. He was sweating a little, excited about the date..ahem lunch meeting.

He made sure to work overtime just to make time for today and see Lady Alida.

Taking deep breaths to calm himself, he remembered what his butler told him.

" Young master Cain, don't worry, I'm sure the lady with like you just as you are." The butler was sweating and huffing, exhausted because his young master literally tried every suit and shirt in his wardrobe. He and the maids and servants were all anxious, ' what if he doesn't like it and we have to redo all of it again?' is what they all were thinking.

" Hmm ..all right . I can't delay it anymore or else I'll be late."

'Phew..' The grace from heaven finally arrived.

" Just make sure to smile my Lord." the butler advised.

"Smile?" Cain looked at his butler, confused about his words.

"Yes. What if you scare the lady?"

' I prayed for years for you to find a girl you like. i can't let you ruin everything with that cold and unfeeling face of yours ' is want the butler was thinking but of course he wouldn't say it aloud.

"Am I that scary?"

" Ah? Of course not young master" the butler quickly flailed his hands , afraid he said something inappropriate.

" It..it's just that girls are sensible to these things so she might have a bad first impression."

" Hmmm.. alright." Cain nodded to his butler and prepared to leave. He wasted to much time on pointless talks.

Sorry for the late update, I found a good novel and got too engrossed in reading it. hehe

tanykacreators' thoughts