
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 18

Cain Moonlight was waiting for Alida Burgess in the private room of the restaurant.

The long 20 minutes wait was finally over when one of the servers opened the door for Alida to enter.

The moment their eyes met ,they both felt their hearts skip a beat and their breathing stop. If it wasn't for them being aware of the server in the room , they probably would have stared at each other longer.

"Lady Alida." Cain was the first to break the silence. He quickly rose from his seat and offered to help Alida like a true gentleman.

The server was upset at this since he wanted to do this for the beautiful and polite lady but of course he wouldn't dare show it on his face no less say it since he was a professional.

" Mister Cain. " Alida nodded at him with a small smile on her lips and thanked him for the gesture.

After they each ordered what they wanted to eat and drink,the server left to arrange their meal.

After he left, a long awkward silence followed for these two future lovebirds.

After a long debate in her mind and after sneaking a lot of glances at Cain, Alida decided to break the ice or else they might just eat and go home without talking to each other.

Cain was tongue tied ,his butler's words kept ringing in his head , not knowing what to say anymore, so the possibility of them eating in silence and not talking was quite high, fortunately for him Alida broke the silence.

"How have you been Mister Cain?" Cringing in my mind I decided to go with this since my mind was blank and couldn't muster something else.

"Ahem.." Cain was berating himself now since he should have started the conversation since he was the one to invite Alida out today.If his father knew about his eloquent son embarrassing himself in front of a woman ,he probably would have laughed at him for days.Good thing he wasn't here, or so he thought.

Actually, Sonata Moonlight was in the room beside them , giving his all to spy on his son, who finally was interested in a woman. Him and his ancestors could rest in piece knowing their lineage would not die in his hands, but at this moment he was berating in his mind his stupid son for not taking the lead in the conversation. He could see all his hopes slip trough his fingers because of his son's stupidity.

In their private room, the conversation between Alida and Cain finally started moving.

" I apologize for the late invitation, Lady Alida. I was quite busy these days."

" Hmmm...it's alright. I understand. Mister Cain shouldn't apologize for this."

"It might be presumptions of me since we barely met but i would be honored if Lady Alida could call me Cain."

" Ah...Mist...cough ..Cain . " I must admit this caught me off gard. I can feel my ears burning.

" Than please call me Alida.* I said with a shy voice. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are red at the way my face is burning. But the next thing made my brain short circuit.

"Hmmm...Alida. Such a beautiful name." Cain smiled at me , I mean , don't get me wrong , his voice is divine and it made me feel all sorts of things when he said my name but that smile made my soul fly out of my chest.

I was staring at Cain with my eyes wide, not moving a muscle, observing his every move, especially that smile that made my heart explode like a molted lava and those beautiful red eyes that were getting bigger and bigger. ' Eh? Bigger?' And then I felt Cain's hand on my shoulder , a worried look in his eyes.

" Alida...are you alright?"

"Ah? Did something happen?" I was so confused..did I miss something?

"You weren't responding just stood frozen in place. Is everything alright? Are you not feeling well? Should I call a doctor?"

My face was boiling at this point. I couldn't believe the embarrassing situation I was in.

" Why is your face so red? There's definitely something wrong! " He was about to call one of his men but i quickly but a hand on his arm and stopped him. It's enough i made a fool of myself in front of one person, no need to add more.

" It's alright Mist ...Cain. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong "

I tried to shrug it off as nothing much but to my misfortune he didn't let it go.

"Are you sure? Why was your face so red ? "

"Ah...well .. it's...uhmm..." I was scratching lightly one of my cheeks, tilting my head a little and with a grin I was brainstorming a way to get myself out of this situation.

"I can't tell you." Ultimately i decided on this.

" What? Why not? If you're not feeling well you should have ..."

" Mister Cain" ...sigh...I said his name a little more forceful. 'This man...well....if I am embarrassed he should be to ..better to be blunt about it.'

"I wasn't expecting Cain's smile to be such a sharp weapon, I got distracted by a beautiful smile. " I said to him while smiling with my face and eyes and in the next second i saw his eyes grow a bit and his ears turning red. He was definitely stunned...not expecting me to be so direct about it.

' It's your fault mister, you made me do it ."

" Pfft...I didn't know Mister Cain could be so cute." Better add fuel to the fire while I stil can. A bit of teasing doesn't hurt .

Cain blushed at my words but quickly composed himself, coughing in his hand to hide his embarrassment.

"I see Lady Alida likes to tease. Maybe I should smile more , it's not every day you see a living tomato."

"Hmph..." I pouted and crossed my arms under my breasts. It seems I lost this round .

A knock was heard and the server entered with our food.

I thought we would eat in silence but to my surprise, the conversation felt more natural than at the beginning. Cain asked me about my favorite dessert, suggesting we eat at a new bakery that opened near the main street. Apparently they had arranged a small garden in the back with a lot of flowers around the tables. Honestly it was a great idea since it was sunny outside.

We had some small talks , mostly Cain was asking me about my favorite food, colors , activities and so on.

After eating , Cain suggested we take his carriage there since it was a good 20 minutes drive from our restaurant to the bakery.

In the carriage.

"Such a beautiful horse . What breed is it?"

" You like horses Alida?"

"I do. Although it's been a while since I could ride one. It's been barely a few months since I left the Academy. I' ve been busy improving my mana and such."

" Hmm...then how about a visit to our stables next time?"

I was pleasantly surprised at the mention of another meeting.

"Of course...it would be my pleasure."