
Chapter Two hundred and twelve.

"Wh-what?" Elijah stammered. "The fuck? Didn't Alexis tell you not to?!"

He met Elijah's eyes through the rearview mirror. "Yes, but my primary concern is Madam and that means going against her orders."

"But he won't be able to do anything. We have to get back before they hid her or even like-like.." in hysterics she aggressively tugged on her hair. "I don't know they could take her away from!"

"And the boss would help with that." Liam gently chimed in. "He could make sure that everything is just as it is supposed to be."

Elijah witnessed the exchange happening and how immediately Alexis was being easily taken advantage of by the man.

"Alexis ..maybe.."

"No no," she cut him off. "Angelo's is really powerful. Maybe he can help."

He could. Angelo was powerful and she had seen the glimpses of it time and again. So if anyone could protect her daughter and bring her back to Alexis then it was Angelo.

It Had to be Angelo.