
Infatuation of Darkness

*Dark Romance* "Search the name, Angelo de Alassandro." He said. Now she was doubtful why would she have to search his name? She did it and the search was normal; it was like searching for any other business man. But a few caught her attention. 'Angelo de Alassandro linked with the underworld. 'De Alassandro associated with the recent gun fire.' 'Another body found inside a dumpster, to be linked with the de Alassandro group.' The links did not stop. They more she scrolled down the more she read and the more gut twisting they got. She did not know how to react with the situation especially when the man who was supposedly linked with them was sitting right next to her. She was reading them with so much attention that she did not notice Angelo standing behind her. He was enjoying her reactions and her curiosity to read more. He bent down to her ear causing her breath to be hitched. He leisurely stroked her face and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Do you think that can be rumours?" Calmly he spoke in her ear. "They could be," She spoke diplomatically. He chuckled, "well, they are not." He confirmed. (I don't stand for abuse but I need to show it for the development of my characters.)

Inara_Me · Urban
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315 Chs

Chapter Two hundred and sixty-two

She had a book in her hand, what was its name? She did not even bother to know. For the past five or six hours, she had the book in her lab opened at a random page.

No one had bothered to come to her, for food or any necessities. She had concluded that being kidnapped at Angelo's house was better.

She sighed and moved to the window, gazing out of it. they had cleverly posted a man just below the window so that she knew that even though the window was small and would never say to her there was still a man standing there watching her.

she had never noticed or observed things as much as she has started to do when she entered this life. These men like to make subtle threats.

A sound came from outside and immediately turned towards the door. They had unlocked it.

But should she go out? Staying inside seemed like a better option and safe too.