
Chapter Forty-five.

Her feet ached. Like period cramps ache, it was that bad and as it turned out, Vera Wang's store did not have the dress that she wanted so they all had to go to another one. Ralph Lauren to be exact, as Isobel chose.

And there is was. Her perfect, satin silk, full coverage, beautiful church wedding dress. All of them had tears in their eyes looking at it, especially Alexis. She never thought that she could ever get over her fears and get married in a beautiful dress, nope, two beautiful dresses that she paid did for. Yes, Alexis ended up paying for her dresses and accepting the situation that she was dealing with. Plus, it was the least she could do, after all, Angelo was paying for every wedding expense. And to be fair, she did go all out, Alexis had liquidated one of her many fixed deposits.