
Indomitable Soldier [Dropped]

In a world of wizard nations, clans, and spirit animal powers, and suffering from two wizardry wars. A young boy named Yoann Bokio becomes a soldier to protect the weak as a promise to his blind older brother named Toii Bokio after watching him burn to death in an orphanage. Unfortunately, he was born with below-average spell slots, born into no clan, and didn't activate his spirit animal at a later age, and once he did his spirit animal "Human - Indomitable Will" has no combative or supportive ability but he doesn't give up on being a soldier of peace and being trained by his adoptive mother, Riyama Tetsushōri. (Inspired by Naruto, The Raid: Redemption, D&D, etc.)

Yung_Sage · Aktion
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3 Chs

(PROLOGUE): “Necromancer.”

As the aggressive winds hurl through the trees in the blissful, gloomy night. A tall, skinny cloaked man with two different colored eyes, his right eye has a white eye and a silver star-shaped pupil and his left is black with a red star-shaped pupil, leaving a glowing trail on each while casually dancing his way to a military fortress of Fort Dawnspike before he comes to a stop and puts his hands on his hips. "I sense some little ones in 'ere. Let's see if what I am looking for is in 'ere," he says in a grating, throaty voice, he sounds as if he is laughing yet choking on a grape at the same time as he speaks. The man claps his hands together and producing a white, sparkling aura around his hands as he slowly makes a mischievous smile on his face before he then extends his left arm engulfed by white electricity, pointing his six-fingered hand in the direction of the military base, saying, "Nifasin."

His entire arm glows and releases a destructive wave of light, obliterating the entire base.

Most of the Delta-Ranked soldiers resting were either found dead, knocked unconscious, or lying there bleeding to their imminent death. Some managed to survive but in terrible conditions or were stuck under rubble.

While the soldiers are busy grabbing their rifles they find on the ground, some panicking and screaming in pain and agony upon waking up unexpectedly, or tending the wounds and seeing their comrades bleeding nearly almost everywhere in the body while having burnt marks, some even missing body parts. The man instead worries about his half-burnt arm but it slowly heals itself at a fast pace as he sighs, "Huh, a little weaker than I expected? Guess I didn't master this spell yet," he says before he squints his eyes and looks at the soldiers, snickering at the chaos but he seems rather focused as if he is searching for something.

One soldier, Jaisin, who is struggling to breathe has the left side of his face burnt and his right leg bleeding profusely which is causing him to limp, and seems to be on the verge of tears. The man begins goofily humming and continues to search for something as Jaisin starts clenching his fist, bulges a vein on his hard, and grits his teeth. He thought of how the friends he trained with, complaining about lunch every day, getting into competition on who can do the most reps in workouts, and how they were together every night with each, were now gone in an instant, everyone he knew was either injured, dead, or close to it.

No, he couldn't let this man get away with killing his colleagues laughing away. Jaisin grabs onto his hair and shouts at the top of his lungs before clapping his hands together, "You… You that reek of shit… You – You did this didn't you… WHO ARE YOU," he yells before another soldier grabs him by the shoulder and points at the man, stopping the angered soldier from continuing his attack, swaying his head and pointing to his eyes.

The man continued looking, frowning and sighing. "Some of you guys have some willpower… But it's nearly not enough to satisfy me, unfortunately. Shocking, no soldier I've encountered is 'The Will' I am searching for. It's just mediocre brutes fighting for the government. So odd," he pouts. His voice brought the soldiers nearby to cringe and even cover their ears.

The man rolls his eyes and turns around. "Rude. Alright. I'll leave you all alone today. There will be no fighting today. I walked over here for weeks but all of this was a waste of time it seems," he sighs. "Let bygones be bygones and forget this all happened, alright? Alrighty, nice talking to ya." The man starts waving his hand goodbye while skipping off, going back to his humming.

A few soldiers grow pale-faced and wide-eyed, and some are even barely able to stand due to their bodies shaking as their heart rates grow faster, nearly hearing their heartbeat through the rapid ringing inside their ears.

"He… Walks off like that?"

"Nevermind that… Those white and red eyes he has… T-Those… Those are God's Eye and Devil's Eye… Those eyes historians love to talk about…"

"But how? I thought those went extinct generations ago…"

"I – I thought it was a bullshit myth… What the hell is going on…"

As the soldiers continued to talk, some thought they just can't leave this man unpunished but some realized they aren't in the best shape to even take down this man, let alone a man who demolished an entire building with a spell they had never seen before, as if it was alien to them. Not to mention, those ancient eyes he wields, in legend, two eyes that decreased in the population born with them each year until it was extinct, and some even believed it a myth. Said that the God and Devil eye process separate abilities where "God's Eye" is related to magic and "Devil's Eye" fits better in close combat. With this, nearly every soldier froze as they watched the man walking further away, some even running away. Some coped and didn't believe these magical eyes even existed as they decided to stay and get ready to fight the man.

As the silent chaos spurred, Jaisin still had his hands together and started to growl at the man walking away and telling them to forget this all happened, causing him to tense up his arms. Despite being injured, he pushes the other soldier's hand off and forms a circle around himself to prepare a spell. He shouts, "You don't get to walk away, you shithead." Some decided to join in while some decided to run away or stay instead. The winds grew faster and stronger, leaving trees to have to pluck off their leaves and the grass to be ripped off the ground as debris floated around them while some grabbed their rifles and aimed at the man. "You have some nerves… You monster, COME BACK HERE," he screamed at the man, catching his attention.

The man turned around and chuckled at them, causing them to get even angrier. "Now, are you sure you want to do that? You might regret it," he says with a smile. "I am going to give you all a chance to –"

Before he can utter a word, rapid gunfire and spell-casting strike the man down. Filling the air with violent spells and bullets raining down on the man, while his laughter can be heard through the assault; afterward, the man is lying on the ground with his head completely blown off his body, missing the lower part of his body, and is igniting in flames. The soldiers stood there exhausted, some passed out on the ground while others rested and sat on the floor. Mourning over the deaths of their fallen comrades unexpectedly. "We — We shouldn't waste time… We need to inform the Conshaō about this incident now or else their deaths will be in vain," he said to the others. They nod back in agreement.

"HIS HAND," one of the guys screamed out the top of his lungs as he pointed to the man's body, casually raising his hand and snapping his fingers to engulf his finger in a red smoking aura before he made a finger gun and shot it at one of the soldiers holding a rifle. Before they can comprehend what is happening, the soldier who got shot by the red smoke starts to reload his rifle, moving like a puppet before he raises his rifle with one hand and points it at Jaisin who fired the first shot at the man. Aimlessly, gunning him down.

Jaisin drops to the ground, lying lifeless face digged on the soil as the shooter begins to turn his direction to another soldier and reload his gun before they all start running at him and pinning him down. The soldiers cuss at the shooter, thinking this is a betrayal or some type of spell they've never seen before. Whatever it is, they turn him over to see his eyeballs are completely white with many veins in them and his mouth is open.

As they are trying to make sense of the situation, the man who they thought to be dead, rises from the soil, putting himself out of the fire and growing a newly built lower body as if he was never scratched. Though headless, he still manages to mock them but putting his hands on his hips before flesh bubbles sprout off his neck, regenerating his head back as the man seems to be yawning before swaying his head, sighing at the soldiers like a disappointed father scolding his kids.

"Is he… Immortal?"

"Two-thirds immortal but yes. I suppose you're right," he said to the soldier as dusted off his clothes. "It's funny, I could've sworn I told each and every-one-of-you that you'll regret it but what do you do? Interrupt me and get dust on my clothes? Rude," he scoffs. He snaps his finger, instantly having the shooter who was under his hypnosis snap out of it.

Horrified, the soldiers stare at the man as the man raises a single eyebrow and chuckles to himself. He said, "What? You guys look like you've seen a ghost. Oh, was it my spell? Ever heard of a spell called 'Cinto'? Control in the common language? I guess not, it must be a forbidden spell nowadays huh."

The soldiers attempt to grab their rifles and do their spells but the man claps his hands together to release black smoke off his hand that travels around every dead soldier around before having them zombified. The zombies stand from the ground and approach the soldiers, some want to shoot the zombies but can't bring themselves to shoot their friends, some even try running away but due to their exhaustion and injuries, the zombies easily encircled them.

"I don't know. Me personally? I suggest shooting 'em or running," the man snorts.

"W-w-What is this? Is – Is this necromancy? Who are you?"

"Another forbidden trick I know, 'Nycro' and me? So nice to ask, I am Zakagai… Zakagai the Immortal-ish Necromancer," he says, having his arms spread out before rolling his lips into his mouth and swaying his head, putting a finger under his chin. "Immortal-ish Necromancer… That sounded way cooler in my head… Eh, forget it. You're all going to die so not like It'll matter," he snorts while shrugging before Zakagai points to the soldiers with a sinister smile on his face.

"Eat 'em… EAT EM'," he yells out as the zombies run at them. Sounds of ripping flesh, broken bones, and screams of agony can be heard through the night, traumatizing for a normal person but for Zakagai, this was music to his ears. Zakagai is even waving his arms around as if he was an orchestra conductor with his eyes closed, his smile growing bigger and bigger each second before he starts humming to himself.

Thank you for reading the prologue! I hope you enjoy the story throughout and please, give me your opinion and feedback! Reviews are everything, again, thank you!

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