
Indomitable Soldier [Dropped]

In a world of wizard nations, clans, and spirit animal powers, and suffering from two wizardry wars. A young boy named Yoann Bokio becomes a soldier to protect the weak as a promise to his blind older brother named Toii Bokio after watching him burn to death in an orphanage. Unfortunately, he was born with below-average spell slots, born into no clan, and didn't activate his spirit animal at a later age, and once he did his spirit animal "Human - Indomitable Will" has no combative or supportive ability but he doesn't give up on being a soldier of peace and being trained by his adoptive mother, Riyama Tetsushōri. (Inspired by Naruto, The Raid: Redemption, D&D, etc.)

Yung_Sage · Action
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3 Chs

Military Ranks / Danger Threat Missions

Coyote Missions: Lowest Ranked Missions. (Bandits, small criminals, protection of a civilian, etc.)

Wolf Missions: Normal Ranked Missions. (Rescue, Mafia Bosses, protection of a wealthy figure, etc.)

Bear Missions: Higher Ranked Missions. (Kill low ranked terrorist, high ranked Mafia Bosses, depend rich figure, station in fortress, etc.)

Demon Missions: Exceptional Ranked Missions. (Depend important political figure, guard the Conshaō, stationed high guarded Fortress, taking out spies,.etc.

Dragon Missions: The Highest Ranked Missions. (Typically war orhigh leveled terrorist.)


Sigma Missions: Only for SLS. (Assassination, spying, espionage, kidnapping political figures, etc.)


Omega Rank

This is the bottom Military Rank for Firukawa. These are where the trainees, scouts, and cannon fodder are stationed at.

Omega 3rd Rank: Trainees or Cannon Fodder. (Coyote)

Omega 2nd Rank: Scouts or Rookies. (Coyote - Wolf)

Omega 1st Rank: Amateurs. (Coyote - Wolf)

Delta Rank

This is the middle rank for Firukawa. Most soldiers promoted here stay at this rank for the rest of their lives and it's commonly to be here. Usually the normal foot soldiers and infantry spell casters.

Delta 2nd Rank: Foot-Soldiers. (Wolf) [Demon = If war with another nation]

Delta 1st Rank: Pro's Soldiers and experienced fighters/spellcasters. (Wolf - Bear) [Demon = If war with another nation]

Beta Rank

It's uncommon but not super rare for a soldier to be promoted to this rank. These are special units making sure the Foot-Soldiers of lower ranks get in line and help serve to train them.

Beta 3rd Rank: Trains the Omega Ranks / Helps with straighten their respective teams. (Bear - Demon)

Beta 2nd Rank: Trains and look over the Delta 1st Rank. (Bear - Demon)

Beta 1st Rank: Looks over the lower Beta Ranks to make sure they are doing their jobs and helps Alpha Ranks with strategies and plans. (Bear - Dragon)

Alpha Rank

They are the Major Sergeant Generals. The head of their armies and have the highest respect of any other rankings.

Alpha Rank: Head of the Army. (Dragon)


Sigma Lone Shinobis (SLS)

This is an operation to assassinate, spy, or commit espionage of other nations. Not super known, these Shinobis are meant to dismiss anything in life and live for their nation, take down threats they are sent to take down.

Sigma Shinobis: The assassins or spies.

Sigma Lead: The leader of the SLS that follows the Conshaō and gives the Shinobis their missions.


The Conshaō

The leader of Firukawa and leads the nation for greatness. They are really just kings or queens though they must have the word of the civilians to perform certain actions. Though sometimes, they can keep actions a secret.