
Incarnation of blood

Randerz, a 9-year-old boy lost his mom to the cruelty of the Amphoras. He wanted to seek revenge when his father died mysteriously. The Amphora kingdom was very cruel in their methods, to obtain a powerful Zanet for their successor they captured and killed a horrendous amount of people. After his parents' death, his family...the Zanderz family took him in, this Zanderz family operated underground due to their ancestor's help they were able to build an underground country. But the energy of the ancestor's remains was depleting after the usage for thousands of years. However their military power was somewhat inferior to Amphoras, so the resurfacing was obstructed.

Rahulallfine · Aktion
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9 Chs

Ch 5 - Bitter But Sweet

As both of them entered the hut, it was nothing new to Randerz, a house with a single room. Quapaz spread his hand towards the ground, and his zanet expanded and reached his palm, Randerz started to float and the floor opened, both of them drifted down a tunnel that was pitch black, Randerz noticed a bright light at the exit of the tunnel which was right below their feet. Randerz was amazed, he saw a huge town his eyes couldn't see the end, even though it was underground it was not dark in the slightest, it was pure amusement to him. he saw a group who looked like the royal guards and got scared but they were friendly.

when Randerz was looking around thinking how is this possible, Quapaz called Randerz, he followed Quapaz which led to another tunnel that also seemed to dive in deeper, but this time they didn't drift into it by floating, across the wall of the tunnel was a spiral track and there were multiple of them.

they took a mine shaft to go down, what further amazed Randerz was there was not only one town but multiple towns with each different environment.

at the last they came across 17 different floors, the top five had a unique environment of their own, and the next 11 had the same human-like environment, the last one in which they arrived gave goosebumps to Randerz. He felt the breeze of the ocean, it was unreal, and the water itself was glowing, both of them again started to float and drift towards an island init, Randerz felt great to be on solid ground cause all the floating gave him seasickness without sea. They ventured through to the island until they reached a castle. It was much bigger than the king's castle. They moved in as the giant gate opened, " welcome, uncle" said the girl with brown eyes and black hair, she was wearing a funeral custom dress," My name is Mai, and you must be Randerz " said Mai. " How do you know my name " asked Randerz, she said, " You are Randerz, of course we had to know, and you are my cousin ". " We will talk about this later it's getting late for the funeral, Mai show him his room, and get him dressed or do babysitting things ". Mai took Randerz to his room, which was so big it could fit in 25 of his home, Mai told him to wait and went out, Randerz was just looking around, and there he found a framed picture on his desk when he saw, he was shocked because it was a picture of his dad with another woman. " what..but..." he whispered to himself, Mai stood at the door and watched him with grimace in her eyes. " you should get a bath and wear this " said Mai with dull voice. " yes but why should I wear this, why is there a photo of my dad with another lady here and why did you say I'm your cousin? are you.. my family " said Randerz with tears in his eyes. " I will explain everything but first take a bath " said Mai. " I already took it, answer my questions please," said Randerz, " then why do you smell so bad, ohh my dad took care of you right hahaha, come I will bath you, my little brother," said Mai with bittersweet in her tone. she took him to the bathroom, sat him at the small stool and poured a bucket full of ice cold water at his head and laughed, she soaped him and cleaned him with a brush as she started to answer his questions, " Randerz...we are family, those people who you think you father's friends are his siblings, I'm Alfab's daughter ". " Mai," said Randerz looking for words, " hmmm " rhymed Mai, Randerz proceeded with " Alfab is dead ". " What how!!" asked Mai with a confused face, Randerz explained," King and his soldiers killed him ".

" Only the king and the soldiers no other people," asked Mai, " Yes " Sighed Randerz as tears fell from his eyes. " hahaha hahaha look at you cry, you think just the king and his soldiers can kill my dad," asked Mai with a smirk in her face, " What do you mean " asked Randerz, " Later you will realise how much stronger we are than the king, most Probably Alfab will be on his way hear eating a corn. " nobody taught you how to bath " asked Mai funnily as she was drying his head with a towel, " The woman in the photo is " as she was about to say it they heard " hurry up Mai it's getting late ".

Tears started to flow from Randerz's eyes, " coming Dad" said Mai. Randerz sprinted towards the door and opened it, he went and hugged him as tight as he could, he was trying to get his word out but all the crying didn't let him.

Alfab held his hand on Randerz's head and said "Yo boy get dressed up hahaha it's getting late for your father's funeral".