
Incarnation of blood

Randerz, a 9-year-old boy lost his mom to the cruelty of the Amphoras. He wanted to seek revenge when his father died mysteriously. The Amphora kingdom was very cruel in their methods, to obtain a powerful Zanet for their successor they captured and killed a horrendous amount of people. After his parents' death, his family...the Zanderz family took him in, this Zanderz family operated underground due to their ancestor's help they were able to build an underground country. But the energy of the ancestor's remains was depleting after the usage for thousands of years. However their military power was somewhat inferior to Amphoras, so the resurfacing was obstructed.

Rahulallfine · Aktion
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9 Chs

Ch 4 - The Guardian

One year later,

Randerz sat quietly in the corner of the small room, his eyes fixed on the door. He had been waiting for Alfab for hours, but the old man had yet to return. Randerz didn't mind waiting, though. Alfab was the only one who seemed to understand him, and he was glad to have someone to talk to. As he sat there, lost in thought, Randerz heard footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw Alfab standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on Randerz.

"Are you ready, boy?" Alfab asked.

Randerz nodded and stood up, grabbing his bag. He had been living with Alfab, and he had grown accustomed to the old man's ways. Alfab had taken him under his wing, and Randerz felt like he finally had a family. As they walked through the streets, Randerz noticed that Alfab kept looking over his shoulder as if he was being followed. Randerz didn't ask any questions, though. He trusted Alfab and knew that he would keep him safe. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the sound of horses' hooves echoed through the streets. Randerz looked up and saw Amphora VII, the king of the nation, riding towards them with a group of soldiers.

"Alfab!" the king called out. "I have come for the boy."

Alfab stepped in front of Randerz, drawing his sword.

"You will not take him," Alfab said, his voice steady and unwavering.

The king laughed. "You are no match for me, old man. Move aside, and I will spare your life''

''ok young 'boy' '', said Alfab.

Alfab stood his ground.

"I will not let you harm him," he said. The king drew his sword. The soldiers behind him followed suit. Alfab lunged forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight. The soldiers moved in to surround him, but he was too quick for them. He parried their blows and slashed back, cutting through their armour. Randerz watched in awe as Alfab fought off the soldiers. He had never seen anything like it before. Alfab was a true warrior, a master of the sword. But as the battle raged on, Randerz saw something that made his blood run cold. One of the soldiers had managed to slip past Alfab's defences, and he was heading straight for him.

"Alfab!" Randerz screamed. Alfab turned just in time to see the soldier raising his sword. He lunged forward, knocking Randerz out of the way. The soldier's sword is struck, burying itself deep in Alfab's chest. Randerz watched in horror as Alfab's blood spilling out onto the street. The soldiers closed in, and Randerz knew that he was next. But then he felt a strong hand grab him by the arm, pulling him away from the soldiers. "Come with me, boy," a familiar voice said. Randerz looked up and saw that it was Alfab's friend, Quapaz. He had been hiding in the shadows. Randerz stood with Quapaz, tears streaming down his face. He had lost his only family, but he knew that he had to keep moving. As they stood some distance away from the soldiers, The two of them shot up into the air, leaving the king and his soldiers far below.

As they soared through the sky, Randerz felt a mix of emotions. He was amazed by Quapaz's powers, but he was also confused and scared.

"Where are we going?" Randerz asked.

"We're going to a place where you'll be safe," Quapaz replied.

Randerz looked down and saw that they were flying over the ocean. He was amazed by the beauty of the world from above.

As they flew, Quapaz told Randerz about a place where he could start anew, a place where he would be safe from the king's grasp.

Randerz listened intently, his heart heavy with grief for leaving his old man's life behind. But he knew that he had to keep moving, for the sake of his safety.

After what seemed like hours, they landed on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Quapaz led Randerz to a small hut, where they would live for the time being.

He couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. He had left everything behind, and he was alone with Quapaz in a strange new world.

Little did he know that the journey was far from over, and that danger lurked around every corner.

A few moments ago,

After the soldier struck his sword into Alfab,

the king suddenly started to charge towards Alfab.

The king sneered and drew his sword, charging towards Alfab. Alfab parried the king's blows with ease, and before the king knew it, Alfab had broken his sword with a single slash.

"You should not die yet," Alfab said, his voice calm but menacing.

Suddenly, Alfab flew away in the air as Quapaz.

A few moments later Alfab stopped at a corn stall to snack some corn while traveling.