
Chapter 1: Meeting Him

Alexandria didn't know what to think of the rain as it beat against her window irritating her in the process. She turn on her back and look up at the ceiling from her spot on the floor not wanting to think about her fiance's death 2 years ago.

She sit up and breathe in deeply remembering his smile as he used to hold her in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. He could make her laugh with just a look and it would always scare and amuse her.

Her phone starts to ring and she sigh, get up off the floor and walk over to the house phone in darkness...she knows this place like the back of her hand so it wasn't hard for her to find her way across the room to the phone. That's all she's been doing for the past two years - walking around in darkness not wanting to see what her fiance left behind.

She pick up the phone and answer it boredly.

Alexandria: "Hello?"

She roll her eyes knowing exactly who it is. Any time her mother (Sarah) calls.....she stay silent thinking her voice will cause Alexandria to break down.

Alexandria: "Mom - it's fine....I'm okay"

Sarah: "Darling, what are you doing up so early?"

Alexandria: "You called me mom and I can't sleep"

Sarah: "He still haunts your dreams?"

Alexandria: "Rain is falling where I am and you know I don't do well with that"

Sarah: "If only I was close enough to hug you"

Alexandria: (sigh) "I have work early tomorrow morning mom - I'll call you when I get free time or something"

Sarah: "Okay my sweet child...I love you"

Alexandria put down the phone and stare out into space.

'I love you' was the last thing her fiance told her before he died right in her arms...she walk back to her spot on the floor and curl up in a ball waiting for this night to end and the rain to stop.

'Bring me peace and not broken memories' she thinks...directing that one sentence to the rain.

The Next Day - At Work

Alexandria high five the little children and genuinely smile as they walk out of the classroom. They are her bundle of joy every day that she sees their cute and chubby little faces.

She didn't like the term 'friends' when it comes on to people working or living where she is. Her only best friend lives in New York city as a single mom taking care of her two little nugglets.

Alexandria pack up her things, wish the other teachers farewells and walk out of the school...she was just about to cross the school's driveway with a very blank mind when someone spin her around and pull her to them.

She gasp and turn her head to the side to see a black Mercedes speed pass and a wave of dust trailing behind it.

Alexandria breathe out deeply and step out of the person's tight but warm grip successfully with a lot of work. She look up at the person and gulp.

His eyes are the most magnetic blue eyes she's ever seen in her whole entire life. He's shirtless and his eight pack is on full display.....His v-line disappear where his pants is buckled up. She's never seen such a perfect face like he was the first in line to be hand made by GOD. His lips look so luscious and she couldn't stop her eyes from staring at his bulging muscles as he cross his arms and look at her the same way she's looking at him.

Alexandria: "What is your name?"

Unfamiliar man: "I'm Vincenzo but you can call me Vince" (he says then smirk)

Holy mother of telephones - (she thinks)

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