
Chapter 2: The After Feeling

It wasn't that she knew him and that's why she behaved like that. It's the fact that this man is drop dead gorgeous and the name just goes along with everything.

Alexandria: "What are you doing in an elementary school.....shirtless?" (she ask eyeing him greedily)

Vincenzo: "I'm the gardener"

Alexandria: "Well um thanks for the little saving"

He smile at her and she nearly faint right then and there.

Alexandria: "Um...have a n-nice day, I'll see you around"

She nervously laugh then walk away feeling her heart beating out of her chest. She's never felt this way about anyone after her fiance until now. Alexandria wanted to look back but she was scared she'd feel something for him that is very dangerous.

At Home - In The Night

Alexandria sit on the bed in complete darkness with the phone at her ears.

(Sally) is her own best friend whom she can stick by and pour her heart to. She would just listen then cheer up Alexandria with a few dashing comments.

Sally: "Hello?"

Alexandria: "Hey.....how are you?"

Sally: "I'm stressed the heck out - being a single mom is one hell of a damn stress"

Alexandria: "I'll keep that in mind, I have something to tell you"

Sally: "Spit that shit out" (she says enthusiastically)

That's what Alexandria likes about Sally....even if she's busy she still wants to hear how Alexandria's day went.

Alexandria: (breathe in deeply) "I met someone at my school today"

Sally: "Oh my damn God, is he hot? Is he drool worthy? Don't tell me it's a parent"

Alexandria: "He's a gardener at my school, yes he's hot and yes he's drool worthy but I don't know if he's a parent"

Sally: "Either way (she says and breathe in deeply) Maybe you can find some sort of love...?"

Alexandria heart skip a beat at that word and she narrow her eyes at nothing in particular.

Alexandria: "I have to go to bed, tell those munchkins hi for me" (she says then hang up)

Love - she thinks

What is love?

With that thought on her mind. She fall asleep.

The Next Day

Alexandria brush her hair to the right and look at herself in the mirror. She's in a plaid skirt, matched with a black sweatshirt paired with knee high boots. She put on a little makeup and smile feeling very accomplished.

She take up her car eyes, put on her sunglasses then set for the road.

------------A few minutes later

Alexandria step out of her car and look around. Not much vehicles are in the parking lot and she's grateful for that. Another car pull up beside her and she gape not so subtly. It's a shiny, clean red honda civic that takes the space right beside her.

The passenger door open to reveal one of her kindest and most brilliant but shy student (Mandy) who beam upon seeing her.

Mandy: (smile) "Miss Clarke!!!!!"

Alexandria: "Hey Mandy.....ready for school?"

Mandy: "Yes - I'm ready for school even though no one in class likes me except for you" (she says and pout)

Vincenzo: "Who the hell cares about them topolino?"

Alexandria tense hearing his sultry and smooth voice. She stand and look over the hood of the car to see him leaned against it watching them with a dashing smile.

Mandy: (look between them and smile) "Daddy, I'm going to go in now"

Vincenzo: "Alright topolino....be careful and if those kids try anything just know I'll be here (he says)

Mandy: "Yes daddy"

She then walk off leaving Alexandria and her father.

Vincenzo: "How are you?"

Alexandria: "I'm fine...thanks to you for yesterday again"

Vincenzo: "It was my pleasure"

Alexandria: "I have to go inside but I'll see you.....around"

She smile at him then walk off in the direction of the front doors of the school. The smile was stuck to her face the whole day until her boss visited her in the classroom at the end of school.

Here goes nothing - she thinks looking at his sadistic smile

Alexandria: "Principal MacBurry....how are you?"

MacBurry: "I'm fine - thanks for asking Alexandria"

He started walking towards her and she step back for each step he took forward.

Alexandria: "Is there something in particular I can help you with?"

Her back hit the chalkboard and she breathe in deeply as he stop right infront of her and place his hands on either sides of her head.

MacBurry: "I've been watching you for awhile now Alexandria (he says and place a hand on her face) I think you can take a good something now right?"

Vincenzo: "No she can't (he says then pull the principal back and slam him against a bench) You shouldn't go around putting your hands on young women"

Alexandria watch with a gaping mouth as Vincenzo close his hand into a fist and start punching the principal repeatedly. She couldn't let him kill him.

Alexandria: "Vincenzo stop! Vince!"

An idea then pop into her mind and she do it immediately.

Alexandria: "Mandy!" (she shouts)

She breathe out in relief when Vincenzo stiffen up and drop the principal's body. He turn and look at Alexandria and around the room and breathe in deeply realizing that Mandy isn't actually there.

Vincenzo: "I'm sorry you had to see that" (he says)

Alexandria: "We need to call the police" (she says and gulp seeing the principal's bloodied face)