
In Twilight as Lion king

a Young man dies and gets reincarnated into the world of Twilight with some powers, how will he change the course of the Twilight world? -------------------------------------------- Arthur note: My grammar is a little bad but working on it. (using Grammarly for now) I don't own twilight or any of the characters, only my OCs. Give me feedback and support if you like the story

jacke_m1 · Filme
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22 Chs



I will be publishing the old version of this Fanfic (if you guys remember it)

it's under the name "Beast family in the multiverse."

it will also start the same, but I am not focusing on Twilight as it will be multiverse but with my own style.

I expand the part about the "ANCIENT FOREST" (if you remember it) and it somehow looks like an original work.

finally, as much I love writing fiction, I honestly feel lacking in some département, so if you have any tips, I am all ears.

lastly, question:

Leaving aside the bad Grammer and spelling, how do you find the stories of my fanfictions?

and that is all I want to tell you guys thanks for the support, See Yaa Later.