
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Anime und Comics
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354 Chs


Wanda was lost. Not dead, but with her receiver broken, her forcefield'battery being likely dead and her being exhausted....

I didn't want to admit it, but it was only a matter of time.

I sighed, more out of frustration than sadness.

Why? Simple.

She wasn't going to really die either way. Her clone body was more like a magical VR puppet as opposed to my clone possession. It didn't even have her actual soul in it, just a buffed out imprint of it. She would wake up safe and sound in the ship upon death. The most she stood to lose was her sanity to the immense boredom of staying on the ship alone for the next year or two while my true body slept in cryosleep.

Maybe I should locate my true body and bring the ship in?


I shook my head.

Too dangerous. Can't risk being insta-killed.

I need to do this with the clone body I am using.

Sure it's only as strong as Captain America with the magical capacity of a post-Dormammu Dr. Strange, but it was still leagues more powerful than most people here.

Only demigods, niffins, cacodemons and fairies posed me an actual threat. And gods, but that goes without saying. Nothing my forcefield couldn't stop for a moment to give me time to escape.

But with Wanda gone, I needed backup.

Quentin's contract I planned to use for retrieving a certain item for my artificial god project. The same was true for Alice Quinn.

So that left Eliot, who wouldn't condone killing and Margo, who would fuck me out of a contract.

Or Julia and Kady, who I had other plans for.

No. I need to bring in another assistant.

Someone loyal, smart and true.

I looked at the world logs on the computer and pulled up a world it had discovered earlier.

And a character within it.

Yeah, she will do.

Yue. Or as she was called earlier, Aletia Avatarl, Queen of Vampires, from Arifureta.

Unflinchingly loyal and caring. Ruthless to her enemies. No moral quandaries. A genius at all types of magic with an immense magical capacity. And most importantly, cute and smol. Despite being 323 years old she had the appearance of a twelve year d due to her special atavistic trait, "Regeneration". She could survive any injury so long as a single drop of her blood remained and she had the mana in her to fuel the regeneration.

The perfect lab ra- I mean assistant. Lab assistant.

Gotta keep that cold rationality in check.

I can't be running experiments on my assistant, now can I?

Not if I want to keep her loyalty.

I nodded.

Alright. Let's do this.

This weekend's plans are set.

First, I'll clone myself, get that Traveler bonus and then with a third clone, head into Arifureta for some resource hunting.

I checked the time and went to sleep for the day.

I'll worry about the weekend when it us the weekend.


The rest of the days sped by in the blink of an eye with studies and lab work, as I attended classes, from Thursday, which had a surprise quiz and Saturday which was just tedious, with me making two clones in my room.

And then came Sunday. The golden day, with lot's for me to do!

I had a whole itinerary today.

First stop, Fillory.

I got ready, decked out in my new gear and pulled out the button with a bright smile on my face.

Now that the Beast didn't have his future sight, I had no reason to keep the mercenaries alive.

Well, other than them being character growth catalysts for the protagonists and future wetwork contractors for me.

So I don't need to worry about stealth now.

I picked up a lifeless clone body, dressed in shorts and a shirt, hefting it onto my shoulders and pressed on the button.

Instantly, the world went dark and I was thrown through a pitch black ether, like being squeezed into a bouncy castle, until at some point, water emerged in my vicinity. Or rather, I emerged from the pitch black, bottomless pool of the Earth fountain, startling the mercenaries guarding it.

They took a step back, preparing their battle spells as I threw the lifeless clone onto the fountain sill.

The battle magic clashed against my forcefield, as they wordlessly cast at full power, not even deigning to ask me any questions.

Guess the Beast changed his policy huh?

At least they have no effect on me, vis-a-vis the forcefield.

"The spells aren't even reaching him!" One mercenary noted, retreating.

Another mercenary threw a slicing spell as he realized it too. They weren't completely dumb it seems.

Leisurely, I cast a drying spell on myself and the clone, while they ran, realizing the danger.

Oh no. You're not getting away scot free.

I smiled before pulling out my laser pistol, blowing the mercenaries heads through.

"Headshot." I cried out happily, and with another spell, turned them to ash.

I picked up the clone again and flew up, straight to the Fillory fountain, splashing through it before any of the mercenaries could react.

Instantly, I appeared in the Darkling Woods, before the Grrat Cock, interrupting his tea time.

He put down a book he was reading and gestured at the ornate rug spread open on the forest floor inviting me over.

I nodded and placed the clone on the rug before taking a seat as the Great Cock poured me a cup of tea.

We sat in silence for a moment while I drank the tea. it was pretty good. Lemony and rich.

"Ah~" I intoned in appreciation, "That's some good stuff."

"Of course!" He fluttered his feathers proudly, "It's my choice after all!"

I nodded.

He did have good taste.

I picked up a cake from the dessert plate he had put and took a bite.

Immediately a sweet and soft flavour spread through my mouth.

"Okay these have to be magic right?" I asked.

"Yes. Magically enhanced." He replied.

"Must be nice, being able to do this on the fly."

"It's not all peaches, child of earth... " He said, a deep sadness and resignation in his voice, "We are trapped. Slaves to our nature, created for sport and restricted from anything else."

Ah, shot. I hit a sore spot huh?

It was understandable. His life....was basically the same as a drone bee or worker ant.

He was probably limited to the Darkling Woods too, jailed in a small portion of a wondrous world, tied to one small insignificant spot.

If I was in his place I would feel the same.

"Don't give me that pitiful look, child of Earth. Trapped as I may be, I'm still not someone deserving of your pity." He smiled gently, handing me another cake.

He reminded me of my grandfather in that way. He used to buy me small candies when we went on walks in the neighborhood park.

"It's Jay. Jay Walker. My name that is. Don't call me child of Earth." I said, taking a bit out of the cake.

"If you insist, Jay Walker. Say isn't that a crime on Earth?"

"Yes. Incidentally, it is." I replied, "Though there is scant any relation between the two."

"I see." He nodded, before finishing his tea.

Putting his teacup down, he unfurled hus feathers in all their majesty, and spread his arms open in an inviting gesture.

"Tell me then, Jay Walker. What is your wish?"

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Not going to make me hunt you?"

"And have you burn my feathers again? No. I would rather not. Besides, I just got this one made from the royal tailor." He answered, pointing at his sash.

I look at it and sure enough, it looked new and very well embroidered.

I nodded in appreciation.

"It looks good on you."

I laughed, pulling out a stack of papers and handed it to him.

"My wish," I told him, "is that you do everything written on those papers, wothout altering them in any way shape or form except perusing through the pages."

"Careful as always, aren't you?" He grinned, slapping the thick stack of papers before he began to go through them.

It was another test I wanted to try. To see if it would work.

Honestly this was a much easier veraion of asking for more wishes which I'm unsure why more people didn't try.

Just write down a bunch of wishes on a paper and ask them all as part of one single wish by asking the wish granter to fulfill everything written on the page.

In this case, I even included a few ludicrous demands, like a universal translater for languages known and unknown, existent and non-existent, and bag of holding that works even without magic and has infinite capacity and of course, a god killing weapon.

To my surprise, he realised this too.

"I assume this is another test of my aptitude? Like last time?" He chuckled, "Such an intelligent child you are!"

"Thank you. Now can I get those things?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head, "Unfortunately not."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why? Can't do it?"

"Some of them, yes. But others, not so much. On the other hand, it also violates the one wish per hunt rule." He pointed out.

"No exceptions. No tricks. No backhanded dealings. After all, if everyone could wish for anything anytime, Fillory would collapse. It's also why, usually we are very difficult to hunt. You are an exception among exceptions to have caught a questing beast not once but twice. Moreover, the same one at that! Most people don't even catch a glimpse of our kind in their lives."

"I see. So no cheating. You'll only grant one true wish, yes?" I confirmed.

"Indeed. We used to grant more, even these..." He shook the stack of papers his hand, "Until a chikd of earth like you used this same trick and destroyed Fillory."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. In another time, in another space." He said with a distant gaze, before returning to the point, "So tell me what is your wish?"

"My wish is simple." I pointed at the lifeless clone body, "Make it so that the clone body there becomes a Traveler, as defined by our previous conversation, once it gains a soul."

"Via your soul, perhaps?" He asked and I nodded.

"Then should I attune it to your soul's attribution?"

"If you can, please."

He agreed and snapped his fingers, causing the clone body to glow with a light of indescribable color before it settled back down to the same pallid comatose state as ever.

"There you go. It is done." He announced and disappeared.

I looked down at the clone and scanned it.

No abnormalities.

Good. Now, let's get back to the dorm so I can put this back in the tank and get to Arifureta to pick up my new assistant and the Ancient Magic : Creation.

I picked up the body and touched the button, and disappeared again. Back to Earth.


The regular chapter for yesterday as promised.

Sorry for the delay. With this we are caught up to all the promised chapters.

Now then, I'm off to write the pat-reon extra chapters. See you tonight mi amigos!

Thanks for reading and bye~

Donate your powerstones.

Let's get to top ten baby!