
In the world of ONE PIECE with Gamer system

MC transmigrate in the world of one piece with system. He has OP gamer system which he use to become strong. MC is stupid at first but like to get stronger and then fight so not a lot of drama. cover pic is not mine and is from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fangelox27%2Fart%2FNico-Robin-One-piece-921537453&psig=AOvVaw3vdGmPziMHdzeccljB5egk&ust=1678692699164000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjhxqFwoTCMDS2eHv1f0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF if creator want massage me i will remove it.

KLNovel · Anime und Comics
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Into the world and system

When john open his eyes he was in he forest (how does he knows it was forest? obviously there were trees everywhere.)

DING SYSTEM INITIALISATION 0%....10%.... 50%....100%... system installation complete.

"Host welcome to GODLY GAMER SYSTEM. I am your system design to help you but don't expect too much from me."

John was surprised hearing the neutral voice of the system and somewhat its tone feels similar to that dark god.

" Ok system make me op. Give me cheat. hurry up. come on my golden finger." he shouted making himself looks like a idiot.

System was like 'what type of idiot I got as godly system' but neverless it said " As the godly system'you get to choose from one of the following choice. As it will determine your future please think carefully before choosing. The choice can't be altered or be refunded. Good luck host."

When he saw the options he was mad with excitement.