

An unexpected death but was granted the chance to go to another world. come see how he plans to take on this new world with his powers.

hamarmuky · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs


After changing back to their uniforms Sora went to the nurse's office to check on Midoriya. After checking on Midoriya he then walks back to class. The afternoon classes were not as interesting. when Midoriya came back, he was swarmed by others as they praised him for his performance and asked about his injury.

Afterward, Midoriya noticed that Bakugo was missing and decided to follow him. Sora naturally saw all of this he then wanted to follow but he was blocked by someone

"Mei Sora" a voice calls him

"Yes?" he answers looking at the person in front of him it was Todoroki Shoto

"You might have defeated me today but I promise I will surpass you".

The whole class became silent as they heard what he said

Raising his eye brown Sora smiles at him, then walks away saying "I will wait for you then"

The battle had shown Todoroki he wasn't as strong as he thought as he was easily defeated without getting a chance to react

Outside the school, Sora sees that Midoriya has just finished talking to All might.

''Izuku what were you talking about with All might''

"Huh!! Sora? ...No...Noting much he just wanted to asks about my health... yes my health" he said in a panicked voice

"Okay... anyway let's go"

With that, the second day ends. Meanwhile, somewhere unknown, a mysterious person reads a newspaper about All Might becoming a teacher. The mysterious person then poses a question; what would happen if the "Symbol of Peace" got snuffed out by villains.




The next day Sora woke up and got ready for school. On his way there he was thinking about the USJ attack that was going to happen soon.

'I have trained a lot but I am not sure I can handle the Nomu as he has almost the same strength as all might at his 100%' Sora thought

As he reached the school gate, he was a bit shocked as it was filled with reporters. He could see some students being asked questions.

"This is a pain," Sora said as he frowned walking forward.

he actives his haki making the reporters not be able to come close to him. The reporter makes way for him as he walks past them.

"What was that?" A reporter finally spoke look at the back of the student that passed. The feeling they got when he was pass was like that of a king that they couldn't go against.

"That was really scary "

Not bothering about the commotion at the gate. He walks to his class.

"Morning Sora" Mina came to greet him as he entered

"Morning Mina"

"Did you see the number of reporters at the gate?"

"Yeah, they were a real pain"

"I know right? they all charged at me the moment I came asking about All Might"

The two of them continued to chat as the other student came

"All right settle down" Aizawa said as he came in., he talks about the battles yesterday

"Todoroki you were too confident in yourself that you didn't consider your opponent's strengths and did everything by yourself." He said to Todoroki

"As for you Sora you did a good job"

Sora nodded his head in response

"Alright, Today we're going to choose a class rep," he said after he was done with the battles.

"Really! I want to be the class rep"

The whole class became noises as a lot of them want

"Shut up!! you extras I'm going to be class rep" Bakugo shouted

"Like anybody would allow you to become one," Sora said in a mocking tone

"Huh what you?" said as he looked at Sora who was putting his head on the table

"I think we should settle this by voting," Iida said

The whole class agreed to it stopping the noise

"You guy can do whatever you want just choose just choose one by the end of the homeroom," Aizawa said as he zipped himself in his sleeping bag.

After making a vote Momo was chosen as the class rep as Sora voted for her while the vice was also him

"Huh!" Sora was surprised by this as he didn't expect them to vote for him.

During lunch, Sora sat together with Midoriya and the others.

"So, Sora why do you want to be a hero?" Midoriya asks

'Why do I want to be a hero?' Sora though

He had never really thought of it till now as he just thought that it was a natural thing to do after he came to this world. But thinking about it again he could have chosen to become a villain if he wanted to.

"Hmmm just because I can" Sora finally answered after thing for a bit, "I don't really need a reason to help somebody if I can."

Just as they were about to say something


A loud alarm went off [this is a code red alarm please all students should evacuate to the shelter]

"What a code red Alarm?"

"That means someone has broken into the school"

After hearing that the students went into a panic as they rushed out of the cafeteria.

"I think we should go too" The people at Sora table also stood up

"I don't think it is as serious as it sounds," Sora said while sitting down with no intention to move from the table

"Huh! What do you mean?" Iida asked

Sora just points at the window showing the gate as the reporter rushed in.

"It's the reporters!!" Midoriya said

"We have to tell everyone to calm down," Iida said

Sora just nodded as he stood up from his seat. Truth be told Sora himself forgot about this event that was happening as it has been a long time since he came, he was bound to forget some things at this point

"Alright, that's enough," Sora said unleashes his conquerors haki make everybody stop in their tracks. He didn't make it strong enough to make them faint.

"It was just the media what are all of you so panicked about," Sora said in a loud voice that was heard by everyone "aren't you guys supposed to be heroes is this how you're going to react to situations if you are out in the field saving lives"

Nobody could look at Sora as they were feeling embarrassed

"Now help the ones who have been injured the teacher should be able to handle the reporters"

Hearing what Sora said they started to help the ones who were trampled on during the panic thus ending the chaos.