"Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!" As the thunderous explosions caused by the falling rubber ducks spread havoc across the battlefield, one man stood unperturbed.
The flashes, screams, and violence were all ignored by him, even several direct hits failed to break him from his stupor.
"Whitebeard, how could you leave us like this? We wanted you to become King of the Pirates…" A voice leaden with melancholy whispered into the void.
"Die pirate!" A Marine charged at the man with his saber drawn. In response, the depressed man didn't even raise his head, with the flick of a finger, a fire white hot collided with the Marine. Turning him into ash, not even his bones remained.
"Pop's. No, Dad! Why would you leave us like this! Why would you leave me?!" The man hunched over, almost like he'd barf at the thought of today's loss.
As another swarm of Marine's closed in on his position, he yelled to the sky. In response to his rage, a fiery inferno spread from his body, encompassing all within a hundred yard radius. The only evidence that those hundreds of Marine's existed were their shadows etched onto the ground.
With a bitter laugh, the man ran his fingers through his hair. He had come to a realization. "This is all the Marine's fault. Them and that bastard Teach. They're all guilty of harming my family. I'll kill them! Every single last one of them!" Standing tall, an inferno swirled in his eyes, and his fists burned with an intense white hot glow. The surrounding Marine's gulped in fear at the sight of him.
"K-k-kill F-Fire Fist Ace!" A Marine Officer commanded. Fear caused his tongue to stumble over his command, and he felt an indescribable pressure pushing down on his spine when he looked at Ace.
At his command, not a soul charged forward. "I-I said charge! Attack! Mutineers will be shot!" The Officer shouted. Still, no men charged forward to meet the threat. He finally looked left and right, only to see Marine's collapsed as far as the eye could see.
"Conqueror's Ha-" was as far as the Officer got before he too joined the unconscious enlisted men on the ground.
An indistinguishable black-red lightning flickered about Ace's body. With every breath of his, the air would crackle, as if a great power was ready to be released from a crumbling dam. Every gaze, whether pirate or Marine was drawn to this bizarre sight.
"It can't be." Fleet Admiral Sengoku's mouth formed a grim line when he looked upon Ace. An image of Gol D. Roger in his younger years superimposed itself over Ace.
"What a fearsome aura." Marco picked himself up from the gravel. His body had been battered by both Garp and Sengoku, and began to stitch itself closed. Ace's show of Conqueror's Haki granted him all the time he needed to heal.
Similar exclamations of surprise and shock spread amongst the New World Captains, and Marine Officers.
"Woah, what's this pressure?" an Impel Down escapee fell to his knees, barely maintaining his consciousness.
Standing solemnly to the former inmate's side, the fishman, Jinbei weathered the storm of pressure. Flashes of Gol D. Rogers past exploits and courage ran through his mind. "That's Conqueror's Haki. Seeing him now, it's like the return of the king."
"Return of the king…" Buggy rubbed his chin, a contemplative look in his eye as his confiscated Marine Den Den Mushi broadcasted the event to the world.
Breathing heavily, Ace struggled to maintain a clear head. Each breath came out ragged, both from rage, and the immense power of authority circulating around and throughout his body. The image of Whitebeard's final moments kept replaying in his mind on rewind. It was a torture he could no longer bare. Someone had to take responsibility! Approaching him was a barrel-chested Marine, one of the faceless many that had taunted and cheered the death of his father. He would be the first to pay the price of vengeance.
With an incoherent scream, Ace flew toward the Marine, faster than he'd ever moved before. His current speed, power and ferocity were several tiers higher compared to when he fought Blackbeard.
A white-hot fist, covered in the black lighting of Haki collided with a large fist. Blocking his strike! A black fury overcame Ace at being denied his due. A hundred lightning fast strikes flew toward the Marine, but all were dodged or blocked.
Growling at his failure, Ace continued with his assault. It sounded as if someone was trying to call out to him, but he ignored it. This was his fight, his redemption before Pops!
His style had always been one of overwhelming fire power, he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. There wasn't a single problem he couldn't solve with his fists! Although his loss against Teach wasn't without its lessons. With a burst of agility, Ace moved to collide, fist to fist. At the last moment, Ace turned his body into elemental fire, and aimed a fiery explosion at his opponent's eyes. With an eruption of speed, his formless body reformed behind the Marine. Using both hands, Ace fired wave after wave of flames pointblank into the back of his opponent.
"AAAAAAACCCCEEEEE!" A ear drum shattering yell finally broke Ace from his berserker like fugue. Accompanying the scream was a familiar feeling. A burst of power, one which most normal people could only whisper about in legends once again graced the battlefield. This feeling…it was without a doubt, Conqueror's Haki, the Haki of King's!
Looking about, Ace spotted Luffy, an austere aura emanating from his body. Black lightning hadn't appeared, showing he had yet to physically manifest the Haki, like Ace had.
'Why is Luffy here!? Moreover, why is he showing Conqueror's Haki now? His life isn't in peril is it?' Stunned, Ace looked around, finding similar looks of shock on both Marine and pirate faces. Interesting enough, very few of the faces were turned Luffy's way. They were looking in Ace's direction with a mixture of fear, and admiration. Now that clarity had returned, and reason was beginning to reassert itself in Ace's mind. Just what was going on to cause such a reaction from Luffy, the pirates and the Marine's?
Moments after the exploding rubber duck fiasco, an invisible storm of mental energy washed over me. The wave even caused the sky to darken, and minute cracks to appear in the air. Causing my knees to tremble. The shadows, containing the will of at least a dozen pirates within me wailed in fear. If I hadn't had their collective will backing me up, I think I would be one of the countless hundreds on the ground, with foam frothing at the mouth. This is…the Conqueror's Haki?!
A glance in Doflamingo's direction, and I can physically feel the killing intent radiating from his body. Bloodlust and animosity are the closest words I can use to describe the feeling I'm getting from him. I can't tell if he's angry, or hungrily sizing Ace up for a deathmatch between 'King's.'
During my daze, a new challenger approached me. Oh no, please don't let it be...him! Cold sweat drooped down my back at his appearance. This was an enemy I absolutely did not want to engage with. Just thinking about him made my spine tingle. He had a large purple afro, a pimp crown, lipstick, eyeliner, he wore a pearl necklace, fishnet leggings, a fishnet cape, and to top it all of, he had a completely exposed chest while wearing some sort of reverse unitard.
"Oh God! Why do all these creeps have such weird pasts with Moria!" I mentally prepared myself for what was to come next.
"Oh Moria-kun, it's been so long! Why don't I change you into a woman, you'd be so beautiful! Buru~" Impel Down escapee, and infamous Revolutionary Army Emporio Ivankov made his entrance. Posing like some fortnight meme dancer.
"Nope!" I grimaced, and prepared myself to get the hell out of here.
This one opponent was so terrifying, I immediately sent out Doppleman, and switched places with my shadow. I teleported closer to the chaos going on in the center. The fighting may be thicker over here, but there's no way I was going to fight that thing in my current state. People say running is the mark of a coward, I say it's a valid strat to run and fight another day. Only the bravest idiot could safely say that they hold no fear fighting that opponent.
Calming my heart, I prepared to fight someone like Jinbei, a New World Captain, or maybe one of the Whitebeard Pirate's surviving Commanders. Because of course, why wouldn't the universe throw another curveball at me? Little did I suspect, the world did throw me a curveball, just not how I expected.
"Mori! Get out of the way! I'm here to rescue Ace, I don't care if you're a Shichibukai, or my Grandpa! No one will stop me! Ace! Gear Third!" With an exclamation, Monkey D. Luffy charged at me. During his run, his fist enlarged to the size of a double decker bus.
I sighed, and smiled in relief. Fighting Luffy now shouldn't be outside of my capabilities. I may be wounded, and can't perform my technique where I meld with the shadows of others, but this is the Haki less Luffy pre-time skip. As long as I don't underestimate him, and just focus on stalling him, I should be okay. Another person in my shoes might kill Luffy, but as a fan of One Piece, I couldn't bring myself to kill the guy. Not only from a personal standpoint, but from a strategic standpoint, it'd be sheer idiocy to kill him now. He introduces so much chaos onto the world, the coming years will be like another golden age for pirates. Not to mention, he could make a useful ally/pawn in the future.
As his fist came ever closer, I decided to take a page out of the original Moria's repertoire. I swapped with Doppleman right as his fist was about to collide with my body. As Doppleman broke apart under the impact, I transformed the shadow into needles. They stabbed into Luffy's arm, and deflated it back to normal.
"Ki shi shi shi, I truly admire your resolve Straw Hat. But you'll find many opponents stronger than myself in the New World! You need at least a decade more of training before you can match up against the likes of us, the New World Captains!" With a demonic grin, I goaded Luffy to be more reckless, and at the same time hoped my words would inspire him to train harder.
"Gear Second!" Steam poured out of his mouth and back as he powered up. Wasting no words on me, Luffy's body began to glow bright pinks, and a slight sheen of sweat coated him like a second skin.
"Gomu-Gomu no Bazooka!" Sling-shotting himself with the intent to pass me by, Luffy was a blur to most normal Marine's and pirates. To my eye, and more importantly, my newly emerging sixth sense, his movement was no faster to me than an Olympic runner in my past life. Olympic runners were fast, no doubt, but still easily trackable with your eyes. Luffy was similarly trackable to me.
With a gesture of mine, I manifested a solid block of shadows, with an additional gesture spikes pointed outward. In an attempt to intercept him on his flight to pass me by, I also sent numerous javelins and sabers his way from my position. The shadows I could generate weren't particularly tough, especially the further I generated them from my body. As with one round of gomu gomu no gatling, Luffy rapid fire punched his way through the block. However, heh heh, my shadows were incredibly fast, and sharp. Luffy's hands bled from dozens of cuts, and he had a jagged cut on his arm. He dodged most of the sabers and javelins sent towards his back, but a couple found their mark.
Rushing towards Ace's fight, Luffy never lost his determination, and ignored the damage I had done to him. That's one thing I'll always admire about the guy, the will to never give up. Looking at Ace's fight, it's probably for the best Luffy fights someone like me who doesn't have the intention to kill him. As I was preparing to launch another attack at the guy, my sixth sense was blaring at me to dodge!
A quick swap with Doppleman, and my heart was beating out of control. That was close! Who could've given me such a strong sense of danger?! I felt a strong icy gaze being directed in my direction. To call this look glacial would be an understatement.
Standing where I had been a moment ago, a long jade like leg was held aloft. What's this, leg's flying out of nowhere sure are common occurrence's in this world! First Kizaru, and now the owner of this leg! That Chinese style dress, long black hair, and snake earrings. Without a doubt, this is the snake princess, Boa Hancock.
"Moria! One such as you has no right to lay a finger on my man!" Hancock arched her back, and looked down upon me so much, she looked at the sky. Fury at me clear in her face, she clenched her teeth. To the side, her pet snake snickered at me from the side.
That was close! One hit from her, and a piece of me would've been turned to stone! I wonder, if I broke off a part of me turned to stone, could I heal that part by absorbing the shadows of others? This brings me back to the thought that I could maybe heal missing limbs?
Lost in thought, I completely ignored Hancock's statements, and her further monologue. I knew that with the threat to Luffy gone, she would most likely stop attacking me.
"He, he's the one who will be my future h-husband! We'll be the perfect couple, and have many beautiful babies!" Boa Hancock, Pirate Empress, feared mass murderer, and Shichibukai embraced herself and blushed like a school girl who just discovered love.
After some time had passed, I decided to actively pay attention to my surroundings again. "Hm? Is she still talking to herself?" I rubbed my chin inspecting her up close. She's not bad looking, but she's kind of insane and viciously hates all men. I don't see her appeal. It's crazy to think that hundreds of normal people in this world would gladly throw their lives away just to be acknowledged by her. Hell, they'd be satisfied with licking her boots! Thirsty men and women sure can do some crazy things once they get their blood pumping!
"In short, her looks are all she's got going for herself. And she's not all that attractive." Concluding my observation, I looked to see if I could make my way to the sidelines once again.
"You take that back!" A Marine enlisted man rushed at me with his saber.
"Yeah! Hancock-sama is most beautiful woman in all the Blue's!" A pirate charged me with her mace.
At my muttered statement, pandemonium broke out around me. A gang of at least a dozen Marine's and pirates had joined forces, and ran at me with a zeal that had me shook. Who knew the love of one person would move bitter enemies like them to band together in the middle of a war?!
I wasn't concerned by their combat potential, and sent a multitude of beasts formed from shadow their way. As my hoard of shadow beasts engaged the enemy, they tore throats, crushed limbs, and swarmed all over. But still, these men and women, kept coming at me, despite their injuries.
"Is this the power of love?" This is another thing I'll have to make sure not to underestimate while I'm in this world. Emotions can be a powerful stimulant, making even the weakest person a warrior. All it takes is for one person to gain courage from a hopeless situation to turn things around. The toys revolting in Dressrosa is a perfect example of what could happen to me if I don't keep up my vigilance even against weaker opponents.
"Sadly for you guys, you're still just average when it comes to new world standards." With a smirk, I crossed my arms, and watched as all but one of them died from my beasts. As the final enemy who was beaten and bloody got close enough to swipe at me, I summoned a javelin of shadow behind him, and pierced his heart.
"Ki shi shi shi, there's only so much the power of love can do after all." I mocked the now deceased Marine who lay at my feat.
"You'd better take that back." A small whisper barely reached my ears.
"Hmn?" Looking down, I saw Boa Hancock slowly approaching me with shadowed eyes.
"I said, you'd better take that back. Gecko Moria." Stopping just a few feet from me, Hancock glared at me with utter disdain.
"Ki shi shi, don't you have something better to do? Like taking care of your boyfriend over there?" I nodded my head in the direction of Luffy. A wide grin adorned my face as I teased her.
"Hmph, this isn't over between the two of us Moria. I know that with your devil fruit, you enslave thousands on that island of yours. I've heard you've left the Florian Triangle, with nowhere to hide, there'll be a reckoning between us someday soon." Finished with her piece, Hancock turned around, and went to support Luffy.
"Ki shi shi shi!...Oh? Looks like Luffy may really need her help, because this is?! Damnit, I'm tired of saying it, but this is, the Conqueror's Haki!" I braced myself once again, as a strong wave of energy passed me by. I was proud of myself, as my knees didn't even shake this time. Admittedly this wave of force was much weaker than the one Ace released.
"AAAAAAACCCCEEEEE!" Luffy's unmistakable voice called out in anger, disbelief, and is that betrayal I hear?
The fighting got quiet all of the sudden again. Is it because of Luffy, or…no? Most of the people are ignoring Luffy, and looking at Ace, what happened here? Jumping into the sky, I once again formed a surfboard like shadow, and surfed the skies to take a better look.
"Huh, no wonder Luffy unlocked his Conqueror's Haki."
Down below, in a pile of rubble was a badly burned Vice-Admiral Garp. I could see the gentle raising and lowering of his chest, indicating he was still alive, but he clearly wasn't getting up anytime soon. I assume he allowed himself to be defeated. Much like how he couldn't bring himself to fight Luffy, it looks like he went easy on Ace as well. To the other spectators however, they probably assume Ace defeated Garp, the Hero of the Marine's.
"Ki shi shi, how ironic!" Garp is the man who single handily fought evenly with Gol D. Roger. He's a living legend, and was 'defeated' by Gol D. Rogers biological son. I couldn't wait to see what kind of waves this would stir up with the World Government.
Across Marineford, across the entire world, shock was the name of the game. So many heavy hitters had died today, and now, the legend who defeated Gol D. Roger was knocked unconscious by Portgas D. Ace!
Until that silence was broken by one opportunistic clown. "All hail Portgas D. Ace, the Pirate King! Fire Fist! FIRE FIST! FIRE FIST!" Buggy chanted, pumping his fist up and down, putting extra emphasis on fist when he punched out. Soon after, the inmates who followed him from Impel Down began to chant along.
With the cacophony of calls, many more pirates began to chant a mixture of fire fist, and pirate king.
The faces of the high-ranking Marines were black and shadowed out! They had failed to execute Fire Fist Ace, Admiral Akainu died, and Vice Admiral Garp was grievously injured laying in a pile of rubble. Looking to Sengoku, they all sought an answer. What do we do? Just as some of the more Absolute Justice oriented Marine's were going to make the decision for him, Portgas D. Ace exploded into the air, silencing the crowd.
"Whitebeard Pirate's, withdraw! This war is over Sengoku! Allow us to withdraw peacefully, or I'll make sure you lose ten Marine's for every pirate life!" Ace hovered in midair with the a presence not to dissimilar from Whitebeard's. His Conqueror's Haki spread with every word he said. Like a buff from a rpg, his mere presence perked up the morale and fighting power of his side, while lowering and weakening the fighting spirit of the Marine's.
Vice Admiral Doberman wanted nothing more than to rush headfirst into danger, and slice that brat Fire Fist in half, but he was a Marine. And a Marine always obeyed the chain of command, which was why in this instance he, along with every other Marine who believed in Absolute Justice waited on Sengoku's decision with baited breath.
With a solemn look, Sengoku took stock of the situation. His trained eyes of more than a thousand battlefields spotted his strengths and weaknesses in but an instant. His Marine's still outnumbered the pirate forces. Tens of thousands of Marines still stood ready to fight, but suffered from a critical loss of morale. His Vice Admirals were all alive, but the same could be said for all of the New World Captains, bar some of Whitebeard's officers. Akainu was dead, not to mention two of his strongest fighters, Garp, and Aokiji might as well be out of commission.
The Shichibukai couldn't be trusted, they might even turn on the Marines if the battle is in a deadlock. Meanwhile, the pirates had less than one thousand fighters capable of fighting, but their morale was high. He was positive he and Kizaru could kill Fire Fist, and Marco the Phoenix, but it's likely most enlisted man, and many Officers below Vice Admiral would die along with the likely destruction of the island. Thousands had perished because of the clash between Akainu and Whitebeard already. More than half of the Marines were wounded or dead, whereas only one fifth of the original pirate force was still standing. The worst part of it all was, would it be worth it to sacrifice all that he had built up for the last two decades to eliminate the spawn of Roger? Today was a tragedy for the Marines.
In less than a minute, Sengoku had come to his decision.
AN: What should Sengoku do, fight them as they retreat, or let them retreat peacefully?
I know Garp never actually defeated Gol D. Roger, but as far as the public is aware, Garp captured and imprisoned him.
Ace was always one of my less favorite characters in OP. I want to make him into a badass level Yonko level threat. I wrote him pretty angsty, because that's how I see him as a character. Maybe he'll change now that his crew is mostly dead. He kinda reminds me of Anakin Skywalker from revenge of the sith. Also, watched Joker 2019. Great movie.