
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 11

I had a good first day yesterday. The 4 of us hung out for a while as they showed me around the place. It was nice to finally hang out with people and sort of 'officially' start the life that I have always wanted.

Until now I had been completely focused on managing my coven, running and keeping my secret from the hunters, and to build my business empire to fund all my plans.

But today, I just enjoyed a peaceful afternoon with them and returned to the Mansion. I then proceeded to just chill at home.


The next day was basically a repeat for the morning and I took the same car as yesterday and left for school.

I was still getting attention in school for being extremely rich. But what I didn't know is that everyone also gives me attention because I am extremely handsome.

I had never been one to acknowledge it, but I am one of the better looking ones in school. I am currently 1.75m tall ( 5.74 Ft), and I am packed with muscles. Even though without even realizing it I wear baggy clothing like hoodies to try to cover my body, but my muscles were still visible.

There was no body fat which is visible, and I have natural blond hair which is wavy. I let my hair slightly grow out so the hair would drop down to slightly below my eyebrows, but I would always style the hair to the side to make it look neat.

My skin is slightly tanned, and my eyes are bright-blue coloured, like Derek's during his Beta Werewolf transformation.

And there was just something about the way I carried myself, probably due to living in a high-class society for so long, I had the demeanor of a kind and wise king.

All these pilled together just started to make me be the center of attention all the time.

The rest of the day proceeded normally, until Lacrosse try-outs. I was currently in the locker room, which looked really shabby, then I remembered, the coach, Bobby Finstock once complained that even though they din't have equipment which is as good as the other schools, they still win their matches.

I low-key respect Bobby Finstock. Not in the sense of being a coach and 'not giving hope' to the players. It's in the sense that in my past life, when I was down for all the struggles life used to give me, his jokes cheered me up.

One that can come off from the top of my head is when Scott was severely injured on the bus due to the Alpha pack, and Stiles wanted the coach to stop the bus, but the coach kept blowing the whistle at Stiles.


I took out my phone and made a text to James to help the coach out a little.

About 15 minutes later, we all changed and the coach came to the locker room. While he entered, he was smiling like a child who was given his favorite toy.

He calmed down after we all gathered and shouted," WHO HERE IS EARL MOORE!"

I, who was behind everyone, raised my hand. Like in a movie, everybody turned around and made a path for me.

'Ahhh, it's a cliché protagonist moment!' I shouted in my mind.

Flinstock walked up to me and hugged me.

'WHAT, WHAT THE SHIT IS HE DOING,' I thought as I broke free from his hug.

"Ughm, I wanted to thank you for your generous donation to the lacrosse team. Your helper (James) just brought us top-quality Lacrosse sticks and gear. The principal told me I can use more of the money to buy more equipment later." He tried to explain himself.


"Now that that's out of the way, today is freshman tryouts and I need to test all of your basics. What are you waiting for? ASSES ON THE FIELD! ASSES ON THE FIELD!" He shouted.

We all immediately made our way to the field, where we started to go for a run according to Flinstocks' instructions.

I was limiting myself to a normally humans standards, but even so, everyone here was ridiculously slow. To be fair for them, I could run faster than 10m/s without breaking a sweat.

I made sure to barely get first place, but the problem was I couldn't act tired as I wasn't even sweating! Like, how can I act tired without sweating?

I now wanted to take revenge on Jackson for insulting the sport I love, so I walked up to him and said," So this is all Lacrosse players can do? This is disappointing."

By the way, I wasn't scared of Jackson accusing me of doping. Why? Because I have never shown him what I am capable off, so he doesn't have anything to base his accusation off of.

In cannon, he accused Scott of doping because Scott became a prodigy at Lacrosse out of nowhere.

Jackson got angry, but he was too tried to say anything. During the run he was trying to keep up with me but he wasn't able to. Whenever he almost reached me, I would speed up slightly.

'What type of monster is this guy!' Jackson thought.

"LINE UP, MOVE IT," Flinstock shouted at everyone.

I quickly went up to help Scott, the severe asthmatic who for some reason wants to play a super aggressive game with his condition, and to help the SUPER weak Stiles.

"Th..Thanks," Scott said while panting.

We then started shooting practice.

I was the last person to go up and was able to see everyone play so far.

I used my skills to allow me to replay all their techniques thousands of times and walked up to the ball while being eerily calm.

'Is he going to kill someone?' The audience thought.

I then took the ball while still replaying all the proper shots in my mind.

I was up first and I wanted to make a goor impression on coach.

There were 2 defenders in front of me, and than a goalie behind them.

I ran straight at the defenders, and faked a shot from the left.

One of the defenders fell for the trick and jumped to the left while I spun around him.

I then just pushed the other defender down.

I was going to shoot, but the first defender who fell for my fake jumped at me from the back.

How did I know even though he was behind me? Probably because my senses are always active.

I jumped into the air and somersaulted in the air, and shot the ball into the net.

To be completely fair I barely had any time to aim, and I'm pretty sure tackling from the back is a foul, so the ball would easily get caught by the goalie.

Then, right before the ball was caught I used my telekinesis and made sure the ball curved and I got my point.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, " the crowd erupted into cheers.



We were all currently in the locker room changing after try outs.

"Dude that was awesome, how come you never told me you could play?" Stiles asked.

"I have never played before." I replied.

"Yeah right with moves like that." Scott said jokingly.

"HAHAHAHAHA. LOOK AT HER PEEING." A random guy in the locker room laughed.

"HAHAHAHA," another guy laughed.

When I heard their words, I somehow immediately knew what was going on.

It was about Erica. They never did specify when it happened to her, but she did mention how someone recorded her seizure, it apparently was today.

I honestly felt bad for Erica. She didn't have control over her disease, yet people did such horrible things to her.

I walked up to the 2 guys, ignoring Stiles and Scott who were calling out to me.

I wanted to beat the living shit out of scum like these, but I didn't.

I immediately used my manipulation skill and asked," Who was the one who uploaded this video."

The 2 jokers then proceeded to tell me all the information which I asked them about. I also was able to find out about the guy who uploaded the video.

Erica was apparently in the hospital right now, so I walked out of the locker room and went to a corner of the school.

I then proceeded to create 2 clones and walked back to the locker room and let the clones do their thing.

"Hey, you guys want to go to my place today?" I asked the pair.


(Clone 1 POV)

I am currently rushing to the address which the original asked me to go to.

My job was to 'help' this guy to the correct path of society, or force him to do so.

I soon found the house he lived in and jumped into the house via the window.

I mean, running at 20 times that of a human has its perks.

"WHO ARE YOU." He shouted.

I honestly didn't bother with scum like him, I used telekinesis to sap all the air near his mouth away so he wouldn't be able to breathe.

I then proceeded to raise him up into the air.

"AGHH... WHAT ARE YOU DOING." He barely asked as he kept both his hands on his throat struggling to breath.

"I am your worst nightmare." I said as I broke one of his arms.

Tears and snot was coming out of his face as he struggled to breath and scream.

I waved my hands slightly and he came closer to my face.

Once we were face to face, I used my manipulation skill and said," You are going to apologise to Erica tomorrow while kneeling in front of her, and then you will transfer away from this entire county."

After doing my part I left the house. I was honestly scared that if I had stayed any longer I would have killed him.

'Now I need to go to the mansion and tell James to wipe out what happened from online.' I thought as I ran at full speed.


(Clone 2 POV)

Right now, I am in front of a conscious Erica. I had already explained to her about the existence of the supernatural and her chance of being able to become normal.

The reason I did so is because I knew she would take the opportunity to become normal, and if she did say she wouldn't take it, I could wipe her memory out.

"So Erica, you can chose, you can become a Normal- Vampire, and you won't exactly have to live a blood filled life, or you can become a Pure-Vampire and have strength beyond your imaginations, at the cost of taking a few lives."

Erica honestly didn't contemplate a lot as she said," I want to be a Pure-Vampire. I have seen and felt how it's like to be powerless. If I have any chance to become stronger and not be picked on, I will take it."

I smiled at her answer, and signalled for James to enter.

James entered with nearly 10 Huge bags of blood from the Mansions private storage.

"This might hurt, but don't worry, I will be here with you ever step of the way," I said to her.

She weakly nodded as I bit her neck.
