
In One Piece with power from Overwatch

Raj suddenly woke up and saw he was in One Piece. Let us enjoy his journey... Pls its only for fun don't take it seriously. Pls give comment if there is any flaws as I am new writer I am trying my best.

Ultimate1234 · Anime und Comics
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Meeting Zoro

We walked with Koby to Marine Base. But suddenly I saw Luffy climbing over the wall and saw zoro tied. Then I saw a little girl climbing and going to zoro and then I saw helmeppo coming and stepping on the food. But luffy went to him amd asked him to join but he refused as only two days were remaining of his punishment. But then he ate the food which the girl bought him to it.

Then we went to restaurant of the little girl. Luffy asked, "Is zoro really evil." The little girl Rika said , " No he is a very good guy but helmeppo bought a dangerous dog zoro only knocked it out. " Suddenly I saw helmeppo entering and saying, "That pirate hunter he is going to be executed today ha ha ha snd he is thinking I will live him." I couldnt stop myself and punched him. Helmmeppo fell to ground and started cursing me. And then he ran away from the restaurant. I Luffy and Koby immediately ran to the place. Luffy saw him and said, "They are going to kill you today. So join my nakama." Zoro asked,"How many people do you have?" Luffy said," three me , raj and you." Zoro was stunned. But luffy said, " I am going to find one piece so i need only the best people. " But zoro said " My swords are taken by the Navy I need those." Immediately I saw Luffy jump off to the top of marine ford. I immediately turned on my dial of the overwatch and turned myself to soldier . Turning me into soldier 76 I told him this is the power of devil fruit also like luffy is a rubberman. Then we became ready for the fight as we saw marines rushing towards us. Zoro was injured so I used my biotic field and I saw him healing. He was suprised and wanted to ask me.