
In One Piece with a Gift from God

An ordinary person dies and is reincarnated into one piece with a few extra gifts from god.

Shadow_Caster · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


—Carter POV—

Me and the others ran through the cages of the auction house. We found a few animals and freed them as a distraction. Unfortunately one of the guards spotted us.

"Hey! Stop them! We have escaped Inventory!" he called to the other guards while fending off a Humandrill wielding a hammer. 'Shit, shit shit!' I thought as I saw a group of guards rushed to block our path to the docks. There were at least ten guards, even with our devil fruit there was no way we could beat them all and come out unscathed. Turning to the others I called to  retreat into one of the auction houses.

"Get back here you little shits!" one of the guards called from behind us.

Once we reached the house I made a hard decision. "Scatter!" I exclaimed. Me and Yuta dove to the right while Tari and Michel to the left. Five on two Isnt good but it gives us a better chance of hiding. Diving onto some crates, Yuta and I held our breath hoping we had lost them. To our relief we heard the guards boots run past us.

"That was way too close." Yuta said.


"Carter, what are we going to do? Those guards are searching for us and there are so many. How will we get out of here?" she said with tears in her eyes. All I could do was give her a hug. "I don't fully know, but I promised you all we would get off this island, and we will." I said, trying to convince myself as well.

Looking around I realize we are in a room containing crates and chests most likely a treasure room. "Yuta open as many crates as you can! Try and find a weapon." I say as I run to find something to start praying for the tops off the crates. Finding two pry bars by the entrance, I toss one to Yuta and start working. I opened about five crates but all I found were guns with no ammo. I was beginning to lose hope, but then I felt it. A pull towards a certain treasure chest. It was small but very ornate. It has old mahogany carved with many spirals all around it. Putting my pry bar between the lock and the wood and pushed as hard as i could. Unfortunately it didn't budge.

"Yuta come and help me with this." I called her and she came running. As soon as she laid eyes on the box it looked like she also felt a pull towards it but by the look in her eyes hers was even stronger than mine. Then we pushed on the lock until it finally popped off the chest. We quickly opened the lid and the contents inside amazed me. Sitting inside the old chest were two fruits covered in swirling formations. Two freaking devil fruit. I was beginning to think that the damn god that brought me to this world was messing with me but now having found not one, but three devil fruit in the same day? I was probably the luckiest man in the world.

Looking back into the chest the two fruits looked almost like mirror images of each other. One fruit was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen and shimmered in the light, the other was shaped like a cloud and was the palest shade of blue you could ever create without turning it white. Turning to Yuta I saw her gazing at the cloud like fruit like it was calling to her.

"Yuta, eat the fruit." I told her. She snapped out of whatever daydream she was in and looked at me like I was crazy. "Yuta we have two devil fruits here and as far as I see it we need a way out of here, so if one of them could help, you should eat it."

She hesitated for a moment more but then grasped the cloud fruit in her hands and took a massive bite. Then her body began to convulse, acting quickly I slapped my hand over her mouth to stop her from spitting out the fruit. "Trust me Yuta I know how bad it tastes, but once you swallow the taste will fade," I tried to reassure her. After she finally got the bite down she dropped to the floor. "Pleh! That was absolutely disgusting!" she shouted at me.

"Never mind that, do you feel any different-Woah!" I tried to rest my hand on her shoulder but as soon as I made contact with her body I just fell straight through her. Looking back up at her I could see the part of her I fell through transforming from a white mist back into her flesh and blood. She looked at me completely horrified. "C-c-Carter! What was that!? What happened!?" she asked scared out of her mind of her new power.

Me on the other hand, I was overjoyed and it showed on my face making Yuta even more confused. "Yuta! This is perfect. Your devil fruit is a logia type! No one can hurt or even touch you if you don't want them too anymore!" i informed her ecstatically

She looked at me, the look of fear now replaced by one of wonder. "R-really?" "yes! Now come on, we have to find the others!" I said as I grabbed the black fruit, making sure you didn't see me put it into my inventory. I then picked up the two pry bars and combined them into a sort of staff. 'Well not the best weapon but it's better than nothing,'

I quickly led Yuta down a few lines of cages. That's when I heard a commotion and a freezing chill came over us. "Take that you buncha bastards!" the unmistakable voice of Tari echoed from the direction of the cold air. Yuta and I made our way over and found our two friends. The entire room was covered in a thin layer of ice. four of the five guards that had been chasing them were now statues, having been invaded in ice. The final guard could be seen dead on the ground with Yuta's knife in his eye.

The moment Michel spotted us he ran over and attempted to tackle Yuta and I into a hug. He barreled into me and went straight through Yuta much to his and Tari's surprise. "Yuta what he heck was that!?" Tari demanded.

I let out a chuckle. "When we were hiding we found two devil fruits. They were probably going to auction them off here." I informed them as I pulled out the black fruit. I held it out to Michael. He looked at it apprehensively at first, but after a moment of gazing upon it he took the fruit and took a bite. He immediately wretched but to our collective surprise managed to keep the fruit down. "Bleh! That is disgusting." He appeared to be fine.

We all looked at him, waiting for a change. "Well, how do you feel?" I asked, curious about this new fruit. He looked at his hands and closed them after a moment they turned pitch black and a black liquid began to drip from his hands. 'W-what is that stuff?" Yuta asked.

I reached out to the puddle and touched the liquid. 'What is this?' I held the sticky black substance up to my face. I smelled it and I immediately new what it was.

"It's oil." I said to the others. The oil had a strange composition of smells including sweet and sour but the most prominent smell was that of gasoline. "This will be very useful" I told michel. We began to formulate a new escape plan however before we could come up with anything we heard a massive boom.

The sounds of fighting and weapons clashing filled the air around us. Tari quickly grabbed her dagger and we ran to see what the commotion was.

Now usually any respectable, pirate loving One Piece fan would be both absolutely terrified and absolutely amazed to see the massive ship belonging to the marines. At that moment I was just grateful beyond words.

"That's a marine ship, we're saved!" Yuta cried out in relief. "Not just any marine ship." I said in wonder. The ship was massive and had three masts. I was most mesmerized by the letters on the sail 'H.Q.3' and the figurehead, a dog biting a bone. "That's Vice Admiral Garp's ship."

As if on cue a massive figure jumped off the ship towards a group of pirates and slave traders. "Take this slaver scum!" he shouted as he reeled his fist back and threw a punch as he approached the crowd. The moment his fist was fully extended the pirates and the ground beneath them were decimated. The punch was so powerful that the sheer air pressure from it made us take cover in fear of being blown away.

When we peeked over the boxes we had used for cover it was as if the auction house was never there. "Bwahahaha! Little brats thought they could get away with treating people like property! Well I showed them! Bwahahaha!" the hero of the marines laughed.

Me and the others were shocked and in awe. A few moments later a marine found us and brought us over to Garp. he looked us up and down for a moment. 'probably using observation haki'

"You brats alright? You didn't get caught up in my punch just now did you?" he asked, seeing our bloodied and disheveled appearance. "N-no vice admiral sir." I answered.  "T-thank you for saving us."

"Bah! It was no problem! I'm a marine protecting the innocent is what I do!" the very eccentric vice admiral declared. Then they looked back at us. "Now then, let's get you brats home." he said as he began to lead us up the ramp to his ship.

The system let out a ding.

[notice: task completed. Rewards granted: +5.0 attribute points, +1 tier 1 item box]

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Age: 14

Constitution: 7.6

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 5.1

Haki: None

Free attribute points: 6.0

Items in inventory: Ancient Giant Blood, Free Spin weapon token, Teir 1 item box

Additional skills:  Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill~]