
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

You have to be kidding me!

[3rd P.O.V.]

'He is the newly proclaimed Supreme God. And his name is Mujin Park.' Widening his eyes at the name, Sun was, to say the least, shocked.

He squinted his eyes implying for Yeoui to continue explaining. 'He defeated Satan:666 and Jin Mori with relative ease. Though Jin's power was sealed away in the Holy Grail, he found another reincarnation of sorts '

He had no clue what Yeoui meant other than Satan's defeat. Directly after the fight in the Webtoon was finished, he stopped reading.

But just that sentence sent his mind into a frenzy. If all that was stated by Yeoui and backed up with a blue glow from Kinto Un was true.

That meant Mujin Park became stronger than a Supreme God? He was part of the Six, and didn't he hate Gods?

"How? There could never be an easy way to gain power even higher than that of Jin?' He knew first-hand how strong he was?"

So for there to be someone stronger than him from his verse made this timeline even more fucked up.

'He became the Supreme God, also remember Jin's power was sealed away so he couldn't fight at his full capacity for a long time.'

Even with that in mind he still had no chance against Jin, yet he had to fight someone stronger than him.

'*Sigh*my lazy life went down the drain just like that. It seems I have to create my own Martial Arts as well.

Jin and the other Hwagwa Monkeys could be in some kind of illusion, they might even be clones.'

The trio floated slowly as the predicament of the world was at stake. Sun wasn't taking this as seriously due to the lack of evidence.

And his nonchalant personality from his previous life. He died without fear of dying. Overall he held little to no connection with this world either.

Only five people he cared about, six if he stretched it out a bit. And one of them if given enough time could become stronger than anyone.

Plot armour was also a thing, and his little brother had so much that he became a God. One of the strongest may I add.

'Though, it would be cool to wipe out all the stars in the entirety of the Universe with just a kick.'

Scratching his chin he began to daydream, only for Yeoui to hit him in the face, spinning his body out of his lap.


'Oy, not only would you die but everyone in this world as well. Your family and friends, even if you only have a small amount of them cherish them with everything you have!'

Shouting, Yeoui remembered the time his former master lost his grandfather.

Which saddened him to a dangerous extent, he even lost control of his God powers.

He knew Sun had a different power of sorts. One that held a literal devil hostage so he didn't want him to make reckless decisions.

One of these would be to downplay Mujin Park's power, even if he seemed to know he didn't want another scenario similar to Ragnarok to come to pass.

"You wouldn't understand yet, but even if I were to die this planet's safety is almost assured. Though I wouldn't be taking chances."


Cracking his neck he stood up from his sitting position, picked Yeoui off his lap and straightened his back.

"Since you gave me such precious information, I'll give you a quick rundown of the world's superpowers and organizations that rule it."

Those were the words Yeoui wanted to hear. His previous assessment of the Sun's power was completely off the mark, he wanted to know this world's system.

"It's ruled by three groups, four if you add their leader into the equation." Scratching his chin, he got ready to info dumb the two.

"First is what we are now, Pirates. The freest group to ever sail the seas. Once you have the power to protect yourself you are practically free to do whatever you want."

Shaking, Yeoui transferred all the information to Kinto Un. Who was beginning to slowly get back on track towards the closest island he could find.

"If I remember correctly, Jin's grandfather was called a God as he was able to destroy cities and Countries with ease?"

With a somewhat uneasy feeling, he shook, accepting his claim to be true, he nodded slowly.

Picking the Bo Staff up he began twirling Yeoui a couple of times due to habit, it didn't annoy him though.

"There are multiple people on this planet, who could scale to him if they just had time. One of them at this very moment is in his last years of life."

When the message was sent over to Kinto Un his body surged with electric currents, destroying the last piece of clothes.

Yeoui and Sun deadpanned at the scene, losing his last piece of clothing wasn't new to him. His training already had him naked for prolonged periods.

Chilling in lakes and using attacks that cause shockwaves, destroying his clothes in the process.

He had a set in the 'Other World' which were extremely resistant but, he was only able to use them in that world.

"Thanks for that, *deadpans* anyways, as I was saying. The old man stands at a height that makes me look like a dwarf."

The curiosity that was held deep within Yeoui was overflowing as he wanted to know the man who his master said was equivalent to a God.

"I mentioned I gained my powers in an unconventional way to other Monkey Kings before. That is Devil Fruits, this man also has one which places as one of the strongest in existence."

Almost smacking him in the head, he was creating more suspense in their already tense atmosphere, a smile formed on his face.

"His name is Whitebeard, the funny thing is he doesn't even have a fucking beard. He's so strong nobody questions him, not even his equal!"

Kinto Un sparked once again hearing he had equals, and Yeoui couldn't help but agree with his question.

'Kinto Un is asking how strong he would be if given enough time?' Searching his head, this time he contemplated.

"His fruit allows him to send a shockwave through any medium. The sea, air, even the earth itself was no man's land if you fought him.'

"With a Devil Fruit awakening, he might gain the ability to shatter space, maybe time as well. They say awakening but it's more or less an evolution instead."

'So he's able to send shockwaves through anything, once he is conscious about it such as the sea. If it were to 'Evolve' he has a chance to crack space, maybe time?'

Surprised by the intelligence Yeoui responded with, he noted it down in his head. He saw no reason as to why Whitebeard couldn't shatter space and time with a Devil Fruit awakening.

He was using it for such a long time, he's most probably due for an awakening. There was just no one to stimulate it. And his last stand at Marineford was only focused on saving Ace.

"He's also put into the category of a Yonko. Four Emperors that rule part of the New World, one of the most dangerous places to exist."

Giving the two a moment to understand his final words to the kids back at Foosha Village. 'You told those kids, who you consider your brothers to go to a place such as that.

"Yes, I did. It's where all the action is, why wouldn't they go there. Especially with the powerful foes, they would fight, strengthening themselves in the process."

He disagreed with Sun's reason though. Even if they became stronger fighting people like this 'Whitebeard' was suicide.

"Don't worry there are only like, five people who were ever Whitebeard's level. Now there are six to seven that are close to his peak, but not in his prime yet"

Yeoui was once again confused, in his world the difference between power was mostly due to Martial Arts or Borrowed Powers that break the system.

People that we're close to his strength might not even stand a chance against him, at all. He needed clarification on the matter.

'Can they fight him on equal ground, or would he just overpower them. If so, then how are they close-in power or strength?'

"They can stand on equal ground, actually the other Emperors, we're also his crewmates. Two out of the four, and the last one was a sworn enemy from another Pirate Crew."

"They all have Devil Fruits as well, other than one. His name is Akagami Shanks, he wields the strongest Conqueror's Haki among them. At this point, he hasn't been appointed the title as one, but he will be in the coming future."

There was so much information and details to take in they would have to talk for hours upon hours to get an in-depth understanding.

Looking downwards, Sun saw a town near the sea, one of many that were part of the Organ Islands.

A collective group of islands making up something similar, like Canalave City from Pokemon.

"I'll explain more once I get something to eat, drop us off at the port Kinto Un." Yeoui replayed the message and they flew downwards towards the town's port.


They were all nonchalant and chill on the outside, but their inner selves were in a state of survival. Their main focus was to become strong.

They were tight on time, even with the help of multiple subordinates Dan Mori the reincarnation or Jin Mori's cover didn't stand a chance.

He was their best bet if they wanted to beat a Supreme God, but now that it was confirmed Mujin Park was conspiring behind the scenes they needed a change of plans.

Yeoui had some information about Jin's former martial arts but most were already ingrained into Sun's bones.

The [Heavenly Style] and [Renewal Taekwondo] were already mastered. He didn't have recoilless yet but he knew the concept, now he had put it into effect.

[Hallyang Style] was mastered as well, all thought to him was the incomplete set. He still had to create his own though.

Compared to Yeoui's original world it only lacked technological and Martial Arts advancements, everything else it had at least a little of.

Using all the resources the world had to offer was their only option for the time being.


Landing at the port, the surrounding shipwrights looked at the weird display. Widening other eyes, they almost popped out of their head at alarming rates.

It wasn't due to his appearance, they didn't care if he was naked or his junk was as massive as a dump truck.

What they cared about were their livelihood and their survival. The person who stood in front of them was the most wanted pirate in the Blues afterall.....