
Chapter 35 - Visiting The ID Maker

Once she had located the man, she decided to go to him right away— there was no point in wasting time, so she quickly made her way over to him.

He was about an hour away from where she was, and since it was already late evening, he wasn't attending college classes but instead doing his side hustle, making fake IDs to sell.

He mainly sold them to underage kids trying to use them to sneak into places they shouldn't be, buy things they shouldn't buy, or the such— but he also sold them to criminals.

From observing him for a while, she couldn't exactly tell how he did it, but he seemed pretty skilled in making IDs that worked— well enough.

She quickly made her way over to him, using the alleyways and side streets she ran to test her enhanced speed, moving much faster than any average human could.

Usually, it would take a human an hour to cover the distance she had covered in 20 minutes— that was simply how much faster she was than a normal person.

And she planned to keep improving that.

Regardless she had reached the man that was selling fake IDs, his apartment that was.

He lived in a shared apartment building— himself only having a small room that could barely fit himself, let alone multiple people in it. The average college student's living station, one could say.

Using her thermal vision and enhanced eyes, she could see that he was the only one in his room, so she climbed up the side of the building and went in through the window with ease.

She didn't mind him seeing her face— he needed to anyways to make the ID— plus, this wasn't her natural form, so she could easily give up this form if anything went wrong.

Forcing his window open and entering his room, she startled the man, causing him to stand up and grab the closest thing he could to use as a weapon— a lamp.

"Who are you!"

He said in a loud and threatening voice.

At least he tried to make it sound threatening, but to her, it just sounded panicked.

Now that she could see him closely, she realized he looked pretty young, around 20 or 21 at most. He wasn't some handsome guy or anything, but he wasn't ugly; average would be the best way to describe him.

He had short and messy brown hair, and his skin was slightly brown as well, so it matched pretty well. He wore black glasses that were now messy on his face because of his panicked stand-up.

His clothing was an old, tattered grey shirt and dirty sweatpants with multiple stains on them— which she would only hope was from food or snacks.

"Don't panic— I'm not here to hurt you."

'If you listen, that is.'

Was something she left out, and it was better left unsaid.

His panic was understandable; she had just climbed into his window that was on the fourth floor.

"I hear you make fake IDs; I'm just here to get one made. I need it as soon as possible, that's why I entered the way I did. I apologize for surprising you."

She held her hands up slightly to show she wasn't armed with anything— and tried to be as pleasant as possible so that she wouldn't come off as threatening.

She didn't want him running away or making noise.

Plus, who would think a short and unarmed girl could be dangerous? Well, they would be wrong, but that's beside the point.

"Where did you hear that?"

Replied the man as he lowered his guard, seeing that she didn't have any weapons, but he didn't drop his lamp just yet.

She could notice his eyes glancing her over a few times, examining her body for weapons or anything that might be dangerous to him. He seemed used to dealing with criminals— maybe this wasn't the first time he was held up?

"That's the word on the street, is it not? I'm trying to get the best fake ID I can, and I heard you're the best around. Can you help me with it? I'll naturally pay."

She couldn't give away how she actually got this information, so she just made a story up, adding in the best at it because it might fuel his ego enough that he would drop his guard entirely and give in.

As for paying, she did plan to pay for it. She didn't intend to kill the man after he made it cause he could come in handy in the future— and it wasn't good to kill everyone she came across just because she could.

She planned to get the money from robbing some criminals around the streets— she wasn't below doing that if it benefitted her.

"Maybe, that depends on how much you're willing to pay for 'the best.'"

He said as he slowly lowered the lamp and placed it down— yet his eyes never moved away from her in case she suddenly made a move.

"I can pay any price you call as long as you make something that can be used to fool most verification systems, and I mean banks as well."

She replied— only for the man to raise an eyebrow at her request.

He was used to making fake IDs. However, the ones he usually made for criminals didn't go beyond being used to trick cops or the like. Rarely would he work with something so big.

"I can do that, but it'll cost you a lot."

He said that as he got into his business mode, he liked money.